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17 Cards in this Set

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Gluteus Maximus
O: Ilium, Sacrum, Coccyx

I: Gluteal Tuberosity of Femur

A: Major Extensor of Thigh
Gluteus Medius
O: Upper, Lateral Ilium

I: Greater Trochanter of Femur

A: Abducts and Medially Rotates Thigh
O: Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

I: Medial, Proximal Tibia

A: Flexes, Abducts, and Laterally Rotates Thigh; Flexes Knee
Rectus Femoris
O: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine

I: Patella

A: Extends Knee and Flexes Thigh at Hip
Vastus Lateralis
O: Greater Trochanter, LInea Aspera

I: Patella

A: Extends and Stabilizes Knee
Vastus Medialis
O: Linea Aspera

I: Patella

A: Extends Knee
Vastus Intermedialis
O: Anterior, Lateral Surface of Femur

I: Patella

A: Extends Knee
Biceps Femoris
O: Ischial Tuberosity, Linea Aspera

I: Proximal Fibula, Lateral Condyle of Tibia

A: Extends Thigh and Flexes Knee
O: Ischial Tuberosity

I: Medial, Proximal Tibia

A: Extends Thigh and Flexes Knee
O: Ischial Tuberosity

I: Medial Condyle of Tibia, Lateral Condyle of Femur

A: Extends Thigh and Flexes Knee
O: Pubis

I: Medial, Proximal Tibia

A: Adducts Thigh, Flexes, and Medially Rotates Leg
Adductor Longus
O: Near Pubic Symphysis

I: Linea Aspera

A: Adducts, Flexes, and Medially Rotates Thigh
Adductor Magnus
O: Ischial Tuberosity

I: Linea Aspera

A: Adducts and Medially Rotates and Flexes Thigh
Tibialis Anterior
O: Lateral Condyle of Tibia

I: Metatarsal 1 and Cuneiforms

A: Prime Mover of Dorsiflexion
Extensor Digitorum Longus
O: Lateral Condyle of Tibia, Proximal Fibula

I: Middle and Distal Phalanges of Toes

A: Prime Mover of Toe Extension
O: Medial and Lateral Condyles of Femur

I: Calcaneus

A: Plantar Flexes Foot
O: Proximal Tibia and Fibula

I: Calcaneus

A: Plantar Flexes Foot