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69 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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origin of epicraneus frontalis
epicranial aponeurosis
insertion of epicraneus frontalis
skin of eyebrows and root of nose
action of epicraneus frontalis
raises the eyebrows
origin of orbicularis oculi
frontal and maxillary bones & ligaments around orbit
insertion of orbicularis oculi
tissue of eyelid
action of orbicularis oculi
closes eye, blinking and squinting
origin of orbicularis oris
indirectly from maxilla and mandible fibers, blends with fibers of other muscles
insertion of orbicularis oris
encircles mouth, inserts into muscle and skin at angles of mouth
action of orbicularis oris
closes lips, kissing & whistling
origin of levator labii superioris
zygomatic bone and infraorbital margin of maxilla
insertion of levator labii superioris
skin and muscle of upper lip
action of levator labii superioris
opens lips
origin of zygomaticus minor
zygomatic bone
insertion of zygomaticus minor
skin and muscle at corner of mouth
action of zygomaticus minor
raises lateral corners of mouth upward (smiling)
origin of zygomaticus major
zygomatic bone
insertion of zygomaticus major
skin and muscle at corner of mouth
action of zygomaticus major
raises lateral corners of mouth upward (smiling)
origin of the buccinator
molar region of maxilla and mandible
insertion of the buccinator
orbicularis oris
action of the buccinator
compresses cheek (whistling & sucking)
origin of the mentalis
mandible below incisors
insertion of the mentalis
skin of chin
action of the mentalis
wrinkles chin
origin of depressor labii inferioris
body of mandible lateral to its midline
insertion of depressor labii inferioris
skin and muscle of lower lip
action of depressor labii inferioris
draws lower lip inferiorly (pouting)
origin of depressor anguli oris
body of mandible below incisors
insertion of depressor anguli oris
skin and muscle at angle of mouth below insertion of zygomaticus
action of depressor anguli oris
draws corners of mouth down and laterally
origin of the platysma
fascia of chest (over pectoral muscles and deltoid)
insertion of the platysma
lower margin of mandible, and skin & muscle at corner of mouth
action of the platysma
tenses skin of neck (as during shaving)
origin of temporalis
temporal fossa
insertion of temporalis
coronoid process of mandible
action of temporalis
closes jaw
origin of masseter
zygomatic arch and zygomatic bone
insertion of masseter
angle and ramus of mandible
action of masseter
prime mover of jaw closure
origin of lateral pterygoid
greater wing and lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
insertion of lateral pterygoid
condylar process of mandible and capsule of temporomandibular joint
action of lateral pterygoid
provides forward siding and grinding movements of lower teeth
origin of medial pterygoid
medial surface of plate of sphenoid bone, maxilla, and palatine bone
insertion of medial pterygoid
medial surface of mandible near its angle
action of medial pterygoid
protrudes the mandible, grinding movements
origin of sternocleidomastoid
manubrium of sternum & medial portion of clavicle
insertion of sternocleidomastoid
mastoid process of temporal bone & superior nuchal line of occipital bone
action of sternocleidomastoid
flexes and laterally rotates the head
origin of deltoid
insertion of trapezius, clavicle, acromion
insertion of deltoid
deltoid tuberosity of humerus
action of deltoid
arm abduction
origin of pectoralis major
sternal end of clavicle, sternum
insertion of pectoralis major
greater tubercle of humerus
action of pectoralis major
arm flexion, rotates arm medially, adducts arm
origin of trapezius
occipital bone, all thoracic vertebrae
insertion of trapezius
along acromion & spine of scapula
action of trapezius
stabilizes, raises, retracts, and rotates scapula
origin of latissimus dorsi
lower 6 thoracic vertebrae, lower 3-4 ribs
insertion of latissimus dorsi
teres major into floor of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
action of latissimus dorsi
arm extension, arm adductor
origin of biceps brachii
coracoid process, lip of glenoid cavity
insertion of biceps brachii
by tendon into radial tuberosity
action of biceps brachii
flexes elbow joint and supinates forearm
origin of triceps brachii
tubercle of scapula, posterior shaft of humerus
insertion of triceps brachii
common tendon into olecranon of ulna
action of triceps brachii
forearm extension
origin of brachialis
front of distal humerus, insertion of deltoid muscle
insertion of brachialis
coronoid process of ulna and capsule of elbow joint
action of brachialis
major forearm flexor