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181 Cards in this Set

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Origin of the Tensor Veli Palatini
Scaphoid fossa of the pterygoid process and spine of the sphenoid bone
Insertion of the Tensor Veli Palatini
Palatine aponeurosis at the posterior edge of the horizontal plate of the palatine bone
Action of the Tensor Veli Palatini
bilateral contraction tightens the anterior part of the soft palate to that side
Innervation of the Tensor Veli Palatini
mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
Blood supply of the Tensor Veli Palatini
Middle meningeal artery, a branch of the maxillary artery
Origin of the Levator Veli Palatini
Inferior surface of the temporal bone, anterior to the carotid canal, inferior surface of the pharyngotympanic tube
Insertion of the Levator Veli Palatini
Superior surface of the palatine aponeurosis
Action of the Levator Veli Palatini
Elevates posterior soft palate to close nasopharynx, helps to narrow pharynx
Innervation of the Levator Veli Palatini
Vagus nerve
Blood supply of the Levator Veli Palatini
Ascending palatine artery, a branch of the facial
Origin of the Palatopharyngeus
Superior surface of the palatine aponeurosis, posterior edge of the horizontal plate and mucosa of the lateral portion of the pharynx
Insertion of the Palatopharyngeus
Lateral and posterior walls of the pharynx, posterior margin of the thyroid cartilage
Action of the Palatopharyngeus
Elevates the pharynx, moves it medially and anteriorly, narrows the passageway
Innervation of the Palatopharyngeus
Vagus nerve
Blood supply of the Palatopharyngeus
ascending palatine artery, a branch of the facial
Origin of the Palatoglossus
Inferior surface of the palatine aponeurosis
Insertion of the Palatoglossus
lateral aspect and dorsal surface of the tongue
Action of the Palatoglossus
elevates the back of the tongue and narrows the oral cavity/phaynx junction
Innervation of the Palatoglossus
Vagus nerve
Blood supply of the Palatoglossus
ascending palatine artery, a branch of the facial
Origin of the Musculus Uvulae
posterior spine of the palatine bone, dorsal surface of the aponeurosis
Insertion of the Musculus Uvulae
Tunica mucosa of the uvula
Action of the Musculus Uvulae
elevates and shortens the uvula to assist with nasopharynx closure
Innervation of the Musculus Uvulae
Vagus nerve
Blood supply of the Musculus Uvulae
Ascending branch of the palatine artery, a branch of the facial artery
Intrinsic muscles of the tongue and their actions
Superior longitudinal: shortens and turns tip & edges up
Inferior longitudinal: shortens and turns tip & edges down
Transverse fibers: narrow & elongate
Vertical fibers: flatten & broaden
Origin of the Styloglossus
Styloid process
Insertion of the Styloglossus
side of the tongue
Action of the Styloglossus
retracts and elevates the tongue
Innervation of the Styloglossus
Hypoglossal nerve
Blood supply of the Styloglossus
Lingual artery
Origin of the Genioglossus
Genial tubercles
Insertion of the Genioglossus
body of the tongue
Action of the Genioglossus
Protrudes the tongue
Innervation of the Genioglossus
Hypoglossal nerve
Blood supply of the Genioglossus
Lingual artery
Origin of the Hyoglossus
body and greater horn of the hyoid bone
Insertion of the Hyoglossus
Side of the tongue
Action of the Hyoglossus
Depresses the tongue, makes the dorsum convex
Innervation of the Hyoglossus
Hypoglossal nerve
Bood supply of the Hyoglossus
Lingual artery
Origin of the Palatoglossus
Side of the soft palate
Insertion of the Palatoglossus
Side of the tongue
Action of the Palatoglossus
Elevates the tongue
Innervation of the Palatoglossus
Vagus nerve
Blood supply of the Palatoglossus
Ascending palatine artery, a branch of the facial
Origin of the Medial Pterygoid
Medial aspect of lateral pterygoid plate (deep head), tuberosity of the maxilla (superficial head)
Insertion of the Medial Pterygoid
Greater wing of the sphenoid (superior head), lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate (inferior head)
Action of the Medial Pterygoid
Depression of the mandible, protrudes mandible
Innervation of the Medial Pterygoid
Mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
Blood supply of the Medial Pterygoid
Pterygoid branch of maxillary artery
Origin of the Masseter
Zygomatic arch
Insertion of the Masseter
Lateral surface and angle of the mandible
Action of the Masseter
Elevates the mandible
Innervation of the Masseter
mandibular branch of the trigeminal
Blood supply of the Masseter
Masseteric artery
Origin of the Temporalis
floor of the temporal fossa
Insertion of the Temporalis
Coronoid process of the anterior border of the ramus
Action of the Temporalis
Elevates and retracts the mandible
Innervation of the Temporalis
Mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
Blood supply of the Temporalis
Deep temporal artery
Origin of the Mylohyoid
Mylohyoid line on the interior surface of the mandible
Insertion of the Mylohyoid
Body of the hyoid bone
Action of the Mylohyoid
Raises the oral cavity and tongue, evelvates the hyoid, depresses the mandible
Innervation of the Mylohyoid
Mylohyoid nerve, inferior alveolar branch of Mandibular branch of trigeminal
Blood supply of the Mylohyoid
Mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar artery
Origin of the Geniohyoid
Genial tubercles
Insertion of the Geniohyoid
Hyoid bone
Action of the Geniohyoid
Elevates the tongue and hyoid
Innervation of the Geniohyoid
C1 via the hypoglossal nerve
Blood supply of the Geniohyoid
Sublingual artery, a branch of the lingual
Origin of the Stylohyoid
Styloid process of the temporal bone
Insertion of the Stylohyoid
Hyoid bone
Action of the Stylohyoid
Draws hyoid up and back
Innervation of the Stylohyoid
Facial nerve
Blood supply of the Stylohyoid
Superior thyroid artery and the suprahyoid branch of the lingual artery
Origin of the Digastric
Body of the mandible (anterior belly), mastoid process of the temporal bone (posterior belly)
Insertion of the Digastric
Intermediate tendon is held to hyoid by fascial swing
Action of the Digastric
Elevates hyoid or depresses the mandible if the hyoid is secured
Innervation of the Digastric
Nerve to mylohyoid (anterior belly)
Facial nerve (posterior belly)
Blood supply of the Digastric
Submental branch of facial artery (anterior belly)
Occipital artery (posterior belly)
Origin of the Sternocleidomastoid
Lateral surface of the mastoid process of the temporal bone
Insertion of the Sternocleidomastoid
Anterior surface of the manubrium of the sternum and the superior surface of the medial third of the clavicle
Action of the Sternocleidomastoid
Laterally flexes the neck
Innervation of the Sternocleidomastoid
Acessory nerve (motor) C2 & C3 (pain & proprioception)
Blood supply of the Sternocleidomastoid
Occipital and superior thyroid arteries
Origin of the Buccinator
Pterygomandibular raphe, parts of the maxilla and mandible opposite molars
Insertion of the Buccinator
Obicularum oris, muscle of the mouth
Action of the Buccinator
Compresses the cheek
Innervation of the Buccinator
Buccal branch of the facial nerve
Blood supply of the Buccinator
Buccal artery
Origin of the Superior Constrictor
Pterygomandibular raphe, mylohyoid line of the mandible
Insertion of the Superior Constrictor
Posterior median raphe and pharyngeal tubercle on the base of the occipital bone
Action of the Superior Constrictor
Constricts pharynx
Innervation of the Superior Constrictor
Vagus, pharyngeal plexus
Blood supply of the Superior Constrictor
Ascending pharngeal artery and tonsillar branch of facial artery
Origin of the Middle Constrictor
Hyoid bone, stylohyoid ligament
Insertion of the Middle Constrictor
Posterior median raphe
Action of the Middle Constrictor
Constricts pharynx
Innervation of the Middle Constrictor
Vagus, pharyngeal plexus
Blood supply of the Middle Constrictor
Pharyngeal branches of the ascending pharyngeal artery and lingual artery
Origin of the Inferior Constrictor
Thyroid lamina
Insertion of the Inferior Constrictor
Posterior median raphe
Action of the Inferior Constrictor
Constricts pharynx
Innervation of the Inferior Constrictor
Vagus, pharyngeal plexus
Blood supply of the Inferior Constrictor
Pharnygeal branches of the ascending pharyngeal and inferior thyroid artery
Origin of the Cricopharyngeus
Inferior horn of the thyroid and cricoid cartilage
Insertion of the Cricopharyngeus
Posterior median raphe
Action of the Cricopharyngeus
Forms a sphincter, constricts pharynx
Innervation of the Cricopharyngeus
Vagus, pharyngeal plexus
Blood supply of the Cricopharyngeus
Pharyngeal branches of the ascending pharyngeal artery
Origin of the Stylopharyngeus
Styloid process
Insertion of the Stylopharyngeus
Internal surface of the middle constrictor
Action of the Stylopharyngeus
Elevates pharynx
Innervation of the Stylopharyngeus
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Blood supply of the Stylopharyngeus
Pharyngeal branches of the ascending pharyngeal artery
Origin of the Salpingopharyngeus
Lower margin of the pharyngotympanic tube prominence
Insertion of the Salpingopharyngeus
Internal surface of the middle constrictor
Action of the Salpingopharyngeus
Elevates pharynx
Innervation of the Salpingopharyngeus
Vagus, pharyngeal plexus
Blood supply of the Salpingopharyngeus
Pharyngeal branches of the ascending pharyngeal artery. Ascending palatine artery, a branch of the facial
Origin of the Palatopharyngeus
Lateral surface of the soft palate aponeurosis
Insertion of the Palatopharyngeus
Internal surface of the middle constrictor
Action of the Palatopharyngeus
Elevates the pharynx
Innervation of the Palatopharyngeus
Vagus, pharyngeal plexus
Blood supply of the Palatopharyngeus
Ascending palatine artery, a branch of the facial. Branch of pharyngeal from external carotid. Greater palatine artery
Origin of the Thyrohyoid
Oblique line of the thyroid cartilage
Insertion of the Thyrohyoid
Greater horn of the hyoid bone
Action of the Thyrohyoid
Depresses the hyoid bone or elevates the thyroid cartilage/larynx
Innervation of the Thyrohyoid
C1 via hypoglossal nerve
Blood supply of the Thyrohyoid
Superior and infeior thyroid arteries
Origin of the Omohyoid
Superior border of scapula (inferior belly), medial surface of the sternocleidomastoid (superior belly)
Insertion of the Omohyoid
Medial surface of the sternocleidomastoid (inferior belly), hyoid bone (superior belly)
Action of the Omohyoid
Depresses hyoid bone
Innervation of the Omohyoid
C1 - C3 ansa cervicalis descendens: cervicalis (inferior), hypoglossi (superior)
Blood supply of the Omohyoid
Superior and inferior thryroid arteries
Origin of the Sternothyroid
Manubrium and first rib cartilage
Insertion of the Sternothyroid
Oblique line of the thyroid cartilage
Action of the Sternothyroid
Depresses thyroid cartilage and larynx
Innervation of the Sternothyroid
C1 - C3 ansa cervicalis descendens cervicalis
Blood supply of the Sternothyroid
Superior and inferior thyroid arteries
Origin of the Sternohyoid
Medial clavicle and sternoclavicular joint
Insertion of the Sternohyoid
Body of the hyoid
Action of the Sternohyoid
Depresses hyoid bone
Innervation of the Sternohyoid
C1 - C3 ansa cervicalis descendens hypoglossi
Blood supply of the Sternohyoid
Branches from the superior thyroid artery
Origin of the Vocalis
Thyroid lamina and cricothyroid ligament
Insertion of the Vocalis
Vocal ligament
Action of the Vocalis
Relaxes the vocal cord
Innervation of the Vocalis
Recurrent laryngeal nerva
Blood supply of the Vocalis
Inferior laryngeal artery, a branch of the inferior thyroid
Origin of the Thyroaretynoid
Inner surface of the angle of the thyroid cartilage
Insertion of the Thyroaretynoid
Anterolateral surface of the aretynoid cartilage
Action of the Thyroaretynoid
Relaxes the vocal cords
Innervation of the Thyroaretynoid
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Blood supply of the Thyroaretynoid
Inferior laryngeal artery, a branch of the inferior thyroid
Origin of the Cricothyroid
Anterolateral surface of the cricoid cartilage
Insertion of the Cricothyroid
Lower border of lamina and inferior cornu of the thyroid cartilage
Action of the Cricothyroid
Tenses vocal cords
Innervation of the Cricothyroid
External laryngeal nerve
Blood supply of the Cricothyroid
Cricothyroid artery, a branch of the superior thyroid
Origin of the Lateral Cricoaretynoid
Arch of the cricoid cartilage
Insertion of the Lateral Cricoaretynoid
Muscular process of the aretynoid cartilage
Action of the Lateral Cricoaretynoid
Adducts the vocal cords by rotating the aretynoid cartilage
Innervation of the Lateral Cricoaretynoid
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Blood supply of the Lateral Cricoaretynoid
Inferior laryngeal artery, a branch of the inferior thyroid
Origin of the Posterior Cricoaretynoid
Posterior surface of the laminae of the cricoid cartilage
Insertion of the Posterior Cricoaretynoid
Muscular process of aretynoid cartilage
Action of the Posterior Cricoaretynoid
Abducts the vocal cords by rotating the aretynoid cartilages
Innervation of the Posterior Cricoaretynoid
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Blood supply of the Posterior Cricoaretynoid
Inferior laryngeal artery, a branch of the inferior thyroid
Origin of the Transverse Aretynoids
Posterior surface of one aretynoid cartilage
Insertion of the Posterior Cricoaretynoid
Posterior surface of the opposite aretynoid cartilage
Action of the Posterior Cricoaretynoid
Closes posterior part of the rima glottidis by approximating aretynoid cartilages
Innervation of the Posterior Cricoaretynoid
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Blood supply of the Posterior Cricoaretynoid
Inferior layngeal artery, a branch of the inferior thyroid
Origin of the Oblique Aretynoid and Aryepiglottic
Muscular process of one aretynoid cartilage
Insertion of the Oblique Aretynoid and Aryepiglottic
Apex of opposite aretynoid cartilage (some fibers project into epiglottis = aryepiglottis)
Action of the Oblique Aretynoid and Aryepiglottic
Narrows the inlet by bringing aryepiglottic folds together
Innervation of the Oblique Aretynoid and Aryepiglottic
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Blood supply of the Oblique Aretynoid and Aryepiglottic
Inferior laryngeal artery, a branch of the inferior thyroid