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9 Cards in this Set

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Muscles in the sole of the foot. How are they arranged?
4 Layers; 1 is the most superifical. THese muscles arise from tarsals or metatarsals and are inserted into the phalanges
Superifical to all these layers of muscle is what?
A strong layer of CT known as a plantar aponeurosis that supports the muscles and helps in maintaining the longitudinal arches
How many 1st layer muscles aand what do they do?
3 in number; abduct the 1st or 5th toes or flex the other toes
how many muscles in the second layer and what they do?
2 in number and they flex the toes
Muscles in 3rd layer do what?
Flex the 1st or 5th toes or adduct the big toe
Muscles in the 4th layer do what?
THese are interosseous muscles and that are grouped as plantar and dorsal muscles
-Plantar muscles adduct the toes
-DOrsal muscles abduct the toes from the axis of the foot; which is the 2nd toe
what is the tarsal tunnel?
bony groove behind the medial mallolus bridged by a layer of dense ct (flexor retinaculum)
-passage for tendons of flexor muscles in deep layer of posterior compatment of leg
-post tibial vessel and tibilal nerve
WHat does the anterior tibial artery do in the foot?
Continues to dorsal aspect where it changes its name to the dorsalis pedis artery; the superifical peroneal nerve supplies the skin of the dorsaum of the foot
WHat does the post tib artery do in the foot?
Divides into two branches
medial and lateral plantar arteries
-THese distirbute in the plantar region of the foot
-Tibial nerve supplies muscles and the skin of sole of the foot