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57 Cards in this Set

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O: Manubrium and clavicle
I: Mastoid Process
A: Flexes neck
O:There are two origins
Pectoralis major
O: Sternum
I: Greater tubercle of humerus
A: Flexes shoulder
A: Shrug your shoulders
He looked skinny, but it made a major difference when he flexed
Pectoralis minor
O: Ribs 3-5
I: Coracoid process of scapula
A: Protracts shoulder
I: Attaches to "wing"
A: Same as Serratus anterior
Don't let you shoulders get you down because you're a minor
Rectus Abdominus
(action only)
A: Compresses abdomen
A: Suck it in
External Oblique
(action only)
A: Compresses abdomen
A: Same as Rectus Abdominus
Internal Oblique
(action only)
A: Compresses abdomen
A: Same as Rectus Abdominus
Serratus Anterior
(action only)
A: Protracts shoulder
A: Same as Pectoralis minor
Don't flip out with a serrated knife because your shoulders got you down
Biceps Brachii
(insertion and action)
I: Radial tuberosity
A: Flexes elbow
I: _______ tuberosity
A: same as rest of anterior arm
(action only)
A: Flexes elbow
A: same as rest of anterior arm
(action only)
A: Flexes elbow
A: same as rest of anterior arm
Pronator teres
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Lateral radius
A: Pronates forearm
O: Same as all on anterior forearm, except Extensor digitorum profundus
The Pros will be rad later
Flexor carpi radialis
(action only)
A: Flexes wrist
A: The joint is distal to it
Palmaris longus
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Palmar Aponeurosis
A: Flexes wrist
O: Same as all on anterior forearm, except Extensor digitorum profundus
I: Part of name
A: The joint is distal to it
Flexor carpi ulnaris
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Base of 5th metacarpal
A: Flexes wrist
O: Same as all on anterior forearm, except Extensor digitorum profundus
I: Think of the side it's on
A: The joint is distal to it
Flexor digitorum superficialis
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Middle phalanges of digits 2-5
A: flexes fingers
O: Same as all on anterior forearm, except Extensor digitorum profundus
I: Above knuckle
A: Look at name!
Flexor digitorum profundus
O: Medial ulna
I: Distal phalanges of digits 2-5
A: Flexes fingers
O: Same side as others, but lower bone
I: Where fingernails are
A: Look at name!

I have a profound dislike of my meddling aunt ulna
Pronator Quadratus
(action only)
A: Pronates forearm
A: Look at name and location
Extensor carpi radialis longus
O: Lateral humerus
I: 2nd metacarpal
A: Extends wrist
O: Only one on posterior forearm that is not on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
I: Connected to index finger
A: Look at name and joint distal to it
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
O: Lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: 3rd metacarpal
A: Extends wrist
O: Same as rest on posterior forearm (except Extensor carpi radialis longus)
I: Next to Extensor carpi radial longus insertion
O: Look at name and joint distal to it
Extensor digitorum
O: Lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: Phalanges of digits 2-5
A: Extend digits 2-5
O: Same as rest on posterior forearm (except Extensor carpi radialis longus)
I: Fingers
A: Look at name
Extensor digiti minimi
(action only)
A: Extends little finger
A: Look at name
Extensor carpi ulnaris
(action only)
A: Extends wrist
A: Look at name and joint distal to it
Abductor pollicis longus
(action only)
A: Abducts thumb
A: Look at name
Extensor pollicis brevis
(action only)
A: Extends thumb
A: Look at name
(action only)
A: Supinates forearm
A: Look at name and location
(origin and action only)
O: Anterior superior iliac spine
A: Flexes hip
O: Front, top pokey part
A: Same as Pectinius and Iliopsoas
(action only)
A: Flexes hip
A: Same as Sartorius and Iliopsoas
(action only)
A: Flexes hip
A: Same as Sartorius and Pectinius
Rectus Femoris
O: Superior inferior iliac spine
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Extends knee
O: Inferior to Sartorius origin
I: Same as Vastus group
A: Same as Vastus group
Vastus lateralis
O: Proximal half of linea aspera
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Extends knee
O: Top half of front of femur
I: Same as Rectus femoris and other Vastuses
A: Same as Rectus femoris and other Vastuses
Vastus medialis
O: Entire length of linea aspera
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Extends knee
O: Entire front of femur
I: Same as Rectus femoris and other Vastuses
A: Same as Rectus femoris and other Vastuses
Vastus intermedius
O: Distal half of linea aspera
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Extends knee
O: Bottom half of front of femur
I: Same as Rectus femoris and other Vastuses
A: Same as Rectus femoris and other Vastuses
Tensor fascia lata
(action only)
A: Tenses fascia lata
A: Look at name
(action only)
A: Adducts hip
A: Same as rest of medial thigh
Adductor longus
(action only)
A: Adducts hip
A: Same as rest of medial thigh
Adductor magnus
(action only)
A: Adducts hip
A: Same as rest of medial thigh
Tibialis anterior
(action only)
A: Dorsiflexes ankle
A: Toes to sky
Extensor hallucis longus
(action only)
A: Extends big toe
A: Look at name
Extensor digitorum longus
(action only)
A: Extends toes 2-5
A: Look at name
Fibularis longus
(action only)
A: Plantar flexion of ankle
A: Same as Gastrocnemius and Soleus
O: Occipital bone
I: Scapular spine and acromion process
A: Elevates scapula
O: Back of head
I: Wings and arm insert
A: Lift your wings
O: Clavicle and scapula
I: Deltoid tuberosity
A: Abducts shoulder
O: Front and back
I: Named for it
A: Same as Supraspinatus (Chicken dance move)
Latissimus dorsi
(action only)
A: Extends shoulder
A: Same as Teres major
If you don't make the extension to the count of 3, you'll be late (latissimus)
(action only)
A: Abducts shoulder
A: Same as Deltoid (Chicken dance move)
Supra spine and his robot assistant Deltoid saved the abducted shoulder
(action only)
A: Laterally rotates shoulder
A: Circle out
Don't feel inferior because Laterally rotated you for a new guy
Teres major
(action only)
A: Extends shoulder
A: Same as Latissimus dorsi
Count to Tres slowly (extend the time)
Rhomboideus major
(action only)
A: Downward rotation of scapula
A: Wings down (opposite of Trapezius)
Shane was rotating his wings down when he pulled this muscle (cause he's an angel)
Erector spinae
(action only)
A: Erects spine
A: Look at name
Triceps brachii
(insertion and action only)
I: Olecrannon process
A: Extends elbow
I: Inserts into where it acts on
A: Opposite of Biceps brachii
Gluteus maximus
O: Iliac crest
I: Gluteal tuberosity
A: Laterally rotates hip
O: Butt wing
I: Named for it
A: Same as Piriformis (outward row)
Gluteus medius
(action only)
A: Medially rotates hip
A: Similar to Gluteus maximus and Piriformis, but name gives it away
(action only)
A: Laterally rotates hip
A: Same as Gluteus maximus
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Tibial shaft
A: Flexes knee
O: Same as Semimembranosus (biblical-esque)
I: T
A: Same as rest of posterior thigh
O: Ischial tuberosity
I: Medial condyle of tibia
A: Flexes knee
O: Same as semitendonosus (biblical-esque)
I: M
A: Same as rest of posterior thigh
Biceps femoris
O: Ischial tuberosity and linea aspera
I: Lateral condyle of tibial and head of fibula
A: Flexes knee
O: Two origins (ones in front)
I: Two insertions (go together usually)
A: Same as rest of posterior thigh
O: Femoral condyles
I: Calcaneus
A: Plantar flexion at ankle
O: Two bumps in back of knee
I: Heel bone
A: Same as Fibularis longus and Soleus
(action only)
A: Plantar flexion at ankle
A: Same as Fibularis longus and Gastrocnemius