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33 Cards in this Set

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Elevates eyebrows in glancing upward and expressions of surprise or fright; draws scalp forward and wrinkles skin of forehead


Retracts scalp; fixes galea aponeurotica so frontalis can act on eyebrows

Oribiculus oculi:

sphuncter of the eyelids; closes eye in blinking squinting, and sleep; aids in flow of tears across eye

Orbicularis Oris:

Encircles mouth closes lips, protrudes lops as in kissing; uniquely developed in humans for speech

Levator Labii Superioris:

Elevates and everts upper lip in sad, sneering, or serious expressions

Zygomaticus Major:

Draws angle of mouth upward and laterally in laughing

Zygomaticus minor:

Elevates upper lip, exposes upper teeth in smiling or sneering


Draws angle of mouth laterally in expressions of laughing, horror, or disdain

Depressor Anguli Oris:

Draws angle of mouth laterally and downward in opening mouth or sad expressions

Depressor Labii Inferioris:

Draws lower lip downward and laterally in chewing and expressions of melancholy or doubt


Elevates and protrudes lower lip in drinking, pouting and expressions of doubt or disdain; elevates and wrinkles skin of chin


Compresses cheek against teeth and gums; directs food between molars; retracts cheek from teeth when mouth is closing to prevent biting the cheek; expels air and liquid


elevation, retraction, and lateral and medial excursion of the mandible


elevation of the mandible, with smaller roles in protraction, retraction, and lateral and medial excursion

Medial pterygoid:

elevation, protraction, and lateral and medial excursion of the mandible

Lateral pterygoid:

depression(in wide opening of the mouth), protraction, and lateral and medial excursion of the mandible


depresses mandible when hyoid is fixed; opens mouth widely; as when ingesting food or yawning; elevates hyoid when mandible is fixed


depresses mandible when hyoid is fixed; elevates and protracts hyoid when mandible is fixed


spans mandible from side to side and forms floor of mouth; elevates floor of mouth in initial stage of swallowing


elevates and retracts hyoid, elongating floor of mouth; roles in speech, chewing, and swallowing are not yet clearly understood


depresses hyoid after it has been elevated


depresses larynx after it has been elevated in swallowing and vocalization; aids in singing low notes


unilateral action tilts head slightly upward and toward the opposite side, as in looking over one's contralateral shoulder. The most common action is probably rotating the head to the left or right. Bilateral action draws the head straight forward and down, as when eating or reading. aids in deep breathing when head is fixed

Anterior, middle, and posterior scalenes:

unilateral contraction causes ipsilateral flexion or contralateral rotation, depending on action of other muscles. Bilateral contraction flexes neck. ifspine is fixed, scalenes elevate ribs 1--2 and aid in breathing


extends and laterally flexes neck.

Spenius capitis and splenius cervicis:

acting unilaterally, produce ipsilateral flexion and slight rotation of the head; extend head when acting bilaterally

Semispinalis Capitis and semispinalis cervicis:

extend and contralaterally rotate the head

Levator Scapulae:

elevates scapula if cervical vertebrae are fixed; flexes neck laterally if scapula is fixed; retracts scapula and braces shoulder; rotates scapula and depresses apex of shoulder

Levator Scapulae (O & I) :

O: transverse processes of vertebrae c1-c4

I: Superior angle to medial border of scapula

Sternocleidomastoid (O & I) :

O: manubrium of sternum; medial one third of clavicle

I: mastoid process; lateral half of superior nuchal line

Anterior, middle, and posterior scalenes (O & I) :

O: transverse processes of all cervical vertebrae (C1-C7)

I: ribs 1-2

Trapezius (O & I) :

O: external occipital protuberance; medial one-third of superior nuchal line; nuchal ligament; spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T3 or T4

I: acromion and spine of scapula; lateral one-third of clavicle

Splenius capitis and splenius cervicis (O & I ):

O: inferior half of nuchal ligament; spinous processes of vertebrae c7-t6

I: mastoid process and occipital bone just inferior to superior nuchal line; cervical vertebrae C1-C2 or C3