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60 Cards in this Set

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What is the 3 primary muscles of facial expression of the scalp?
1. frontalis
2. occipitalis
3. temporoparietalis
What 2 scalp muscles together make up the epicranius or occipitofrontalis muscle with a galea aponeurotica (CT sheet of collagen) in between?
frontalis and occipitalis
Frontalis location?
O: (3)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
O: procerus, corrugator, orbicularis oculi
I: galea aponeurotica
Temporal branch
Wrinkles forehead and raises eyebrows
Occipitalis location?
O: (2)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
back of head
O: mastoid process, superior nuchal line
I: galea aponeurotica
Posterior auricular branch
Tightens scalp
Temporoparietalis location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
O: temporal fascia
I: galea aponeurotica
Temporal branch
Elevates the ear
What are the 3 primary muscles of facial expression in the ear?
1. auricularis anterior
2. auricularis superior
3. auricularis posterior
Auricularis anterior location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
anterior to ear
O: temporal fascia
I: anterior part of major helix of ear
Temporal branch
Pulls auricle forward and up
Auricularis superior location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
above ear
O: temporal fascia
I: superior part of ear
Temporal branch
Pulls auricle up
Auricularis posterior location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
Behind ear
O: Mastoid process
I: posteroinferior aspect of ear
Posterior Auricular branch
Pulls auricle back
What are the 3 major muscles of facial expression of the nose?
1. procerus
2. nasalis
3. depressor septi
Procerus location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
bony bridge of nose
O: fascia of nasal bone
I: Dermis above glabella
Buccal branch
Depresses eyebrows medially
What branch of CN VII innervates all 3 muscles of facial expression of the nose?
Buccal branch of CN VII
Nasalis location?
O: (2)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
cartilaginous bridge and wing of nose
O: maxilla and alar cartilage
I: dermis of nose across bridge
Buccal branch
dilates nares
Depressor septi?
O: (1)
I: (2)
Branch of CN VII?
lateral to the philtrum
O: maxilla
I: septum and ala of nose
Buccal branch
Constricts nares
What are the 2 major muscles of facial expression of the eye?
1. orbicularis oculi
2. corrugator
Orbicularis oculi location?
O: (4)
I: (5)
Branches of CN VII?
around orbit
O: nasal process of frontal bone, frontal process of maxilla, medial palpebral ligament, lacrimal bone
I: lateral palpebral raphe, frontalis muscle, corrugator muscle, superior tarsi, inferior tarsi
Temporal and zygomatic branches
Closes the eye
What branches (2) of CN VII innervates both major muscles of facial expression in the eye, the orbicularis oculi and currugator?
temporal and zygomatic branches
Corrugator location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branches of CN VII?
deep to obicularis oculi
O: medial part of superciliary arch
I: dermis covering supraorbital foramen
temporal and zygomatic branches
forms vertical wrinkles between eyebrows
What is the major muscle of facial expression in the neck and chin?
Platysma location?
O: (2)
I: (2)
Branch of CN VII?
neck and chin
O: pectoral fascia, deltoid fascia
I: inferior border of body of mandible, skin of face
Cervical branch
depresses mandible, corner of mouth, and lower lip
What muscle of facial expression wrinkles forehead and raises eyebrows and is innervated by temporal branch of CN VII?
What muscle of facial expression tightens the scalp and is innervated by posterior auricular branch of CN VII?
What muscle of facial expression elevates the ear, is attached to the galea aponeurotica, and is innervated by the temporal branch of CN VII?
What muscle of facial expression depresses eyebrows medially and is innervated by the buccal branch of CN VII?
What muscle of facial expression dilates nares and is innervated by the buccal branch of CN VII?
What muscle of facial expression constricts nares and is innervated by buccal branch of CN VII?
depressor septi
What muscle of facial expression closes the eye and is innervated by temporal and zygomatic branches of CN VII?
orbicularis oculi
What muscle of facial expression forms vertical wrinkles between eyebrows and is innervated by temporal and zygomatic branches of CN VII?
What 2 muscles of facial expression elevate upper lip and are innervated by buccal branch of CN VII?
levator labii superioris, zygomaticus minor
What muscle of facial expression dilates nares and elevates upper lip and is innervated by buccal branch of CN VII?
levator labii superioris aleque nasi
What 2 muscles of facial expression lift corners of the mouth and are innervated by buccal branches of CN VII?
levatori anguli oris, zygomaticus major
What muscle of facial expression draws corner of mouth laterally and is innervated by buccal and mandibular branches of CN VII?
What 3 muscles of facial expression depress the lower lip and are innervated by buccal and mandibular branches of CN VII?
depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, mentalis
What muscle of facial expression depresses the corner of the mouth and is innervated by buccal and mandibular branches of CN VII?
depressor anguli oris
What muscle of facial expression wrinkles the chin and protrudes the lower lip and is innervated by buccal and mandibular branches of CN VII?
What muscle of facial expression closes, purses, and protrudes lips and is innervated by buccal branch of CN VII?
orbicularis oris
What muscle of facial expression compresses the cheek and is innervated by buccal branch of CN VII?
Levator labii superioris location?
O: (2)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
upper lip
O: zygoma and maxilla just above infraorbital foramen
I: upper lip
buccal branch
elevates upper lip
Levator labii superioris alaque nasi location?
O: (2)
I: (2)
Branch of CN VII?
upper lip and side of nose
O: maxilla, frontal process
I: upper lip, alar cartilage
buccal branch
dilates nares, elevates upper lip
Levator anguli oris location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
corner of the mouth
O: canine fossa of maxilla
I: corner of mouth
buccal branch
lifts corner of mouth
Zygomaticus major location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
cheek and corner of mouth
O: temporal process of zygoma
I: corner of mouth
buccal branch
lifts corner of mouth
Zygomaticus minor location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
cheek and corner of mouth
O: maxillary process of zygoma
I: upper lip medial to corner of mouth
buccal branch
elevates upper lip
Risorius location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branches of CN VII?
O: masseteric fascia
I: corner of mouth
buccal and mandibular branches
draws corner of mouth laterally
Depressor labii inferioris location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branches of CN VII?
lower lip
O: oblique line of mandible
I: lower lip
buccal and mandibular branches
depresses lower lip
Depressor anguli oris location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branches of CN VII?
corner of mouth
O: oblique line of mandible
I: corner of mouth
buccal and mandibular branches
depresses corner of mouth
Mentalis location?
O: (1)
I: (1)
Branches of CN VII?
O: incisive fossa of mandible
I: dermis of skin
buccal and mandibular branches
wrinkles chin and protrudes lower lip
Orbicularis oris location?
O: (4)
I: (2)
Branch of CN VII?
circumscribes the mouth
O: maxilla, mandible, nasal septum, muscles around mouth
I: dermis of lip, surrouding muscles
buccal branch
closes, purses, and protrudes lips
Buccinator location?
O: (3)
I: (1)
Branch of CN VII?
O: pterygomandibular raphe, max. alveola, mand alveola
I: muscles of mouth
buccal branch
compresses cheek to force food onto occlusal surfaces from vestibule
What is another name for the corrugator muscle?
What is the "smiling muscle" because it pulls the corner of the mouth laterally?
All the depressors of the lip, except platysma, are innervated by what branch(es) of CN VII?
buccal and mandibular branches
All of the elevators of the lip (5) are innervated by what branch(es) of CN VII?
buccal branch
What are the 4 "depressors of the lip"?
depressor labii inferioris
depressor anguli oris
What are the 5 "elevators of the lip"?
levator labii superioris alaque nasi
levator labii superioris
levator anguli oris
zygomaticus minor
zygomaticus major
What muscle(s) does the parotid pierce to enter the oral cavity through the Stenson duct?
Between what muscles is the pterygomandibular raphe found?
buccinator and superior pharyngeal constrictor muscles
What CN supplies sensory information to the face?
What are the 6 branches of CN VII?
1. temporal
2. zygomatic
3. buccal
4. mandibular
5. cervical
6. auricular
What pnemonic describes 5/6 branches of CN VII, and what is the 1 branch that isn't described?
Two zebras bit my cousin.

auricular branch not accounted for