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42 Cards in this Set

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What is #1?

List origin, insertion, nerve and action.

Temporal fossa; anterior portion of mandibular ramus and coronoid process; mandibular division of trigeminal; elevates and retracts mandible and is involved in excursion.
What is #2?

List origin, insertion, nerve and action.

Zygo. arch; lat. side of mandibular ramus; mandibular division of trigeminal; elevates and protracts mandible and is involved in excursion.
What is #3?

List nerve and action
Lateral Pterygoid

Mandibular division of trigeminal; protracts and depresses mandible; involved in excursion.
What is #4?

List nerve and action
Medial Pterygoid

Mandibular division of trigeminal; protracts and elevates mandible; involved in excursion.
What is #5?

Name action
Digastric (Suprahyoid)

Depresses and retracts mandible; elevates hyoid.
What is #5?

Name action
Digastric (Suprahyoid)

Depresses and retracts mandible; elevates hyoid.
What is #6?

Name action
Geniohyoid (Suprahyoid)

Protracts hyoid and depresses mandible
What is #7?

Name action
Mylohyoid (Suprahyoid)

Elevates floor of mouth and tongue; depresses mandible when hyoid is fixed.
What is #7?

Name action
Mylohyoid (Suprahyoid)

Elevates floor of mouth and tongue; depresses mandible when hyoid is fixed
What is #8?

List origin, insertion, nerve and action
Stylohyoid (Suprahyoid)

Styloid process; hyoid; facial; elevates hyoid.
What is #8?

List origin, insertion, nerve and action
Stylohyoid (Suprahyoid)

Styloid process; hyoid; facial; elevates hyoid.
What is #9?

Name action
Omohyoid (Infrahyoid)

Depresses hyoid; fixes hyoid in mandibular depression
What is #9?

Name action
Omohyoid (Infrahyoid)

Depresses hyoid; fixes hyoid in mandibular depression
What is #10?

Name action
Sternohyoid (Infrahyoid)

Depresses hyoid; fixes hyoid in mandibular depression
What is #11?

Name action
Sternothyroid (Infra)

Depresses larynx; fixes hyoid in mandibular depression
What is #11?

Name action
Sternothyroid (Infra)

Depresses larynx; fixes hyoid in mandibular depression
What is #12?

Name action
Thyrohyoid (infra)

Depresses hyoid and elevates thyroid cartilage of larynx and fixes hyoid in mandibular depression.
What is #12?

Name action
Thyrohyoid (infra)

Depresses hyoid and elevates thyroid cartilage of larynx and fixes hyoid in mandibular depression.
What is #13?

List nerve and action

Hypoglossal; Depresses and protrudes tongue
What is #14?

List nerve and action

Hypoglossal; Retracts and depresses sides of tongue
What is #15?

List nerve and action

Hypoglossal; Retracts tongue
What is #16?

Name action

Elevates posterior tongue
What is #17?

Name action
Levator veli palatini

Elevates soft palate
What is #18?

Name action
Tensor veli palatini

Tenses soft palate; opens auditory tube
What is #19?

Name action

Elevates pharynx; opens auditory tube in swallowing
What is #20?

List nerve and action
Lateral rectus

Abducent nerve; laterally deviates gaze
What is #21?

List nerve and action
Medial rectus

Oculomotor nerve; Medially deviates gaze
What is #22?

List nerve and action
Superior rectus

Oculomotor nerve; Elevates and medially deviates gaze
What is #23?

List nerve and action
Inferior rectus

Oculomotor nerve; Depresses and medially deviates gaze
What is #24?

List nerve and action
Inferior oblique

Oculomotor nerve; Elevates and laterally deviates gaze
What is #25?

List nerve and action
Superior oblique

Trochlear; Depreses and laterally deviates gaze
List the intrinsic tongue muscles and name the action
Longitudinal, transverse, and vertical

Changes tongue shape
Muscles of the larynx:
List arytenoids and name their nerve and actions
1. Oblique arytenoid
2. Transverse arytenoid

Recurrent laryngeal nerve; narrows opening to larynx
Muscles of the larynx:
List cricoarytenoids and name their nerve and actions
1. Lateral cricoarytenoids
- narrows opening to larynx
2. Posterior cricoarytenoids
- widens opening of larynx

Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Muscles of the larynx:

Name nerve and actions
Superior laryngeal nerve; Lengthens (tenses) vocal cords
Muscles of the larynx:

Name action
Shortens (relaxes) vocal cords
Muscles of the larynx:

Name action
Shortens (relaxes) vocal cords
Soft Palate Muscles:

Name action
narrows fauces; elevates posterior tongue
Soft Palate Muscles:

Name action
Narrows fauces; depresses palate; elevates pharynx
Pharynx Muscles:
List pharyngeal constrictors, their nerves, and actions
1. Inferior - pharyngeal plexus & external laryngeal nerve; narrows inferior portion of pharynx in swallowing
2. Middle - pharyngeal plexus; narrows pharynx in swallowing
3. Superior - pharyngeal plexus; narrows superior portion of pharynx in swallowing
Pharynx Muscles:

Name action
Elevates pharynx
Soft Palate Muscles:

Name action
Elevates uvula