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179 Cards in this Set

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what are the 5 criteria for a muscle?
ability to b stimulated
2)contractibility- shorten/lengthen
can be extended
snap back
pass along message
musscles produce what percentage of body heat
sheet of connective tissue that surrounds and separates muscles or muscle groups from others
thin sleeve of tissue that surrounds each muscle fiber
thick connective tissue that wraps muscle fibers into bundles
fibrous sheath surrounds entire muscle
skeletal muscle
voulantary striadted muscle, usuallay attatched to one or more bones
waht are the three layers of collagenous connective tissu in skeletal muscle?
endomysium, perimysium, epimysium
what is the plasma membrane of a musscle fiber called
the cyto plasm of a muscle fiber is called.....
long protien bundles wihtin the sarcoplasm are....
main fuel within the muscle cell
the red pigment stores oxygen in the cell
smooth endoplasmic reticulium within the the space between the myofibrils are called
sarcoplasmic recticulum
terminal cisternae are made of
sarcoplasmic reticulum
t tubules (aka transvers tubes)
penetrate completely thru cell, surrounded completly by cell membrane

they signal sarcoplasmic reticulum when to dump Ca.
one t tubuel and two cisternae is called
maintain tone and posture, produces a side product of heat to maintain ur body temp
achellies tendon made of
dense fibrouse dense connective tissue
the connective tissue is not only to anchor cells but also
be conduit for , nutirents, remove waste products, hormones delivered, and stimulated by nervouss system
tendon is an extension of
the covering sheath around the muscle
musscle fibers are
parallel to each other
the open to the t-tubules opent to
outside the cell
cisternea stores what ion
calcium, in preparation to fire the cell
cisterna are the endss of the ________
sarcoplasmic reticulum
basic unit of function of musle cell...
within the musscle cells there will be large amounts of what organells
a motor unit consists of:
neuron attatched to the cells,
whatever oned does every onter cell does exactly same to same degree of intensity (all or none)
the domino effect of transfering message down the line of the neuron
neuro transmitter in muscle
aceytal choline
neuro muscular junction
synapse in muscle
the action potential goes into the t tube intho where as it travels along the sarcolema
the heart of the cell , which effects a change within the cell
neuro muscular junction
synapse in muscle
myofibrils appear how in cross section
with different sized tubes
the action potential goes into the t tube intho where as it travels along the sarcolema
the heart of the cell , which effects a change within the cell
the thin and thick myofiliment is responsible for the appearance of what
myofibrils appear how in cross section
with different sized tubes
the thin and thick myofiliment is responsible for the appearance of what
what attatches to the zline
ends ot the thin myofilament
what attatches to the zline
ends ot the thin myofilament
I-band consists of what
the thin myofilamant layers
I-band consists of what
the thin myofilamant layers
a-band consists of what
the thin and thick layers
neuro muscular junction
synapse in muscle
a-band consists of what
the thin and thick layers
the area of just thick myofilament , this is seen when sarcomere is not contracting (at rest)
the action potential goes into the t tube intho where as it travels along the sarcolema
the heart of the cell , which effects a change within the cell
neuro muscular junction
synapse in muscle
the area of just thick myofilament , this is seen when sarcomere is not contracting (at rest)
what are thin myofilaments made of?
protien actin, tropomyocin,troponin, and ADP active sites
the action potential goes into the t tube intho where as it travels along the sarcolema
the heart of the cell , which effects a change within the cell
myofibrils appear how in cross section
with different sized tubes
what are thin myofilaments made of?
protien actin, tropomyocin,troponin, and ADP active sites
the repeated unit in the thin myofilament
myofibrils appear how in cross section
with different sized tubes
the repeated unit in the thin myofilament
the thin and thick myofiliment is responsible for the appearance of what
the thin and thick myofiliment is responsible for the appearance of what
what attatches to the zline
ends ot the thin myofilament
what attatches to the zline
ends ot the thin myofilament
I-band consists of what
the thin myofilamant layers
a-band consists of what
the thin and thick layers
I-band consists of what
the thin myofilamant layers
a-band consists of what
the thin and thick layers
the area of just thick myofilament , this is seen when sarcomere is not contracting (at rest)
the area of just thick myofilament , this is seen when sarcomere is not contracting (at rest)
what are thin myofilaments made of?
protien actin, tropomyocin,troponin, and ADP active sites
what are thin myofilaments made of?
protien actin, tropomyocin,troponin, and ADP active sites
the repeated unit in the thin myofilament
the repeated unit in the thin myofilament
troponin/tropomyocin complex
when cell at rest it covers the actin(ADP ACTIVE SITES) ( this is on the thin layers)
Myocine globules are where
on thick layer
what molecules reside on the myocine globules
globular heads attatch to what to make contraction
atcin when its exposed
when the action potential gets into the heart ot the t tubule it is what kind of an event
electrical ( causes release of calcium)
Release of calcium causes what 2 things
wakes up ADPase, which reacts with the atp and cuts off one phosphate to release energy, and motivates the globular heads to interact with the actin.
2) combines with the troponin of the tropomyocine complex to open it and expose actin.

thes allow the twolayers to interact and contract
the theory involving the thin and thick layer process for contraction is called.....
sliding monofilament theory
muscle cells are called
muscle cells nucleus
mutli neucleated
sercoplasimic reticulim spirals around??
tubuel holes
what is one thing stored in the sacroplasmic reticulum when the muscle fiber/cell is at rest?
Calcuim Ca
smallest fuctional unit of function of a skeletal muscle
muscle attatched to at bother ends
tendons then to bones
within the cells u will find large nubmers of
mitochondera: makes energy for cells
mitochondria can increase in number becuse it has what within in it and can go thru what
DNA; can under go fission
motor neurons are also what
multi polar
axion ends few as ?
as many as ?
5; 200 or more
neuron attatched to the muscle cells comprises a?
motor unit
action potential is what down the line of a neuron
in the end of a dentrite wht is stored
acetal choleine (ach)
what is the synapse in muscle fiber called
neuro muscular junction
myofibrils look like ?
large holes small holes in cross section
center of the h-band only thick filaments (thier origin)myocin)
the origin of the thin filament(actin) of the thin monofilament, begining and end of sarcomere
made of the thin layers (actin)
made up of the thick fibers (Myosin)
means sarcomere is not contracted, this is where the thin filaments do not reach
thin filament made up of
actin , troponin, tropomyocin, adp active sites(velcro)
adp active sites are like
THE peicesof VELCRO
at rest the sites are covered by the..
troponin tropomyocin complex
Thick layers ( have "feathers") made of what protien
myocin. feathers are b globular heads , act like oars rowing boat
golbular heads attatch to ....
the adp active sites
globular heads have what on them
atp molecules, atp-a
action potential gets into heart of cell (t-tubule) what kind of event
electriacal distruption causes what molecule to move
Ca to be released
Release of the Ca casues what 2 things to occur
1)atp-ase (wakes up ) then that takes atp~p and breaks of the phosphate which gives it energy to interact with the atp site
2)binds to the troponin , making the adp site open up releasing the ( velcro) for globular head to interact
what stops the contraction of the sarcomere
carrier molecules bring Ca back to storage.
what is the name of the theory for contraction of sarcomere
sliding filament theory
job of aceytal choleine
bring message across the synapse
what stored in synaptic knobs
neuro transmitters in muscles it it aceytal choline
another name for the cell body?
Dendrites are what part of the neuron?
the receiving end where stimulis is received
wht is the axon of a neuron
long thin " highway" for the impulse to trave along to the synaptic knobs ( ends)
Globular head os made of what
what happens to H-zone when sarcomere contracts
obliterates it
what two things stop the contraction
1)removal of Ca by carrier molecules
2)stop action of ach using ach-acturase<- not sure of name
example of problems with neuro muscular
Muscular distrophy, or disorder of breaking down muscle
the synapse between nerve and muscle fiber is?
neuro muscular junction
how long is stored ATP good for
6 sec
ADP and Creatine how long is it good for
ADP~P _> ATP 10-15 sec (100 meter dash)
fast and efficient
myoglobine plentiful in can store 02, needed for use og glycogen
Anerobic Respiraton of Glucose-> pyruvic acid -> lactic acid, how long lasts?
equivelent of 100 Meter Swim
Aerobic respiration or Fats & Glucose
a) time B) steady -slow (burns fatty acids C) glucose intense action, More efficent that Anerobic
2 divisions of the Nervous system
Cns (central nervous system), Pns (periferial Nervous system)
2 divisions of CNS
1) Brain
2) Spinal Cord
Portions of Brain
Cerebrum, Diencephlon, Meso encephlon, Pons, Medula oblongota
2 divisions of the PNS
1) Somatic
2) autonomic
Somatic system controls what
Skeletal muscle movement,
2 Parts of the Autonomic nervous system
1) sympathetic
2) parasympathetic
basic unit of function of nervouse system is ?
what are the nervouse system supportive cells
nuroglial cells
reflex p ie, pulling off hot plate
creating distance
vague feeling
the message went somewhwere (thalmus)
what are the three layers of the spinal cord
Dura mater- thick strongest layer
arachniod- thin layer , no blood vessels
pia mater- supplies many blood cells
sub arachniod space is where and whats is in it
potential space under the arachnoid space contacining cerebral spinal fluid
Dorsal root contains?
only sensory axons
Dorsal root ganglion contains
neuron cell bodies of sensory neurons
Ventral root contains?
only motor axons
Dorsal Ramus are where , what they do?
Branches off the spinal nerves, innervt muscles and skin of the back
Rami connunicantes - where and what contain
branch of spinal nerves contain axons related to automomic nervous system
White matter of spinal cord where and what....
outer portion of spinal cord , contains meylinated axons run along its lengths
grey matter of spinal cord, what and where
inner portion of the spinal cord, includes short neurons (interneurons) along with cell bodies, dendrites, and axon terminal of other neurons
Centeral canal what is in it
cerebral spinal cord
Grey commisure what
horozontal band of greay matter surrounding the central canal
receptors where, what respond to
located at end of sensory neurons, rspond to 9ex. touch, pressure, to pain stimuli
integrating center
regions of the greay matter of the spinal cord, or brain
where do simple simple refleses pass
only thru spinal cord
sensory neuron what do they do
condust impulses from the receptor to the spinal cord
poly synaptic reflex involves
always at least one inter neuron connecting the sensory neuron to the motor neuron
mono synaptic lacks what
lacks interneuron, directly connect the sensory neurin the the motor neuron
effector what
last component in a somatic reflex arc
3 largest regions of the brain?
brain stem, cerebellum, cerebrum
brain stem- what
located at base fo the brain, contains regulatory centers to control thing we take for granted (respiration, digetsion ect)
cerebellum where, and what
bottom and back side, divided to two hemispheres, coordinate skeletal muscles, allows body to maintian posture, balance
cerebrum where , what
largest part of the brain, 2 hemispheres, divided by the longitudinal fusser divides it, associated with higer brain functions, plannind reasoning
brain stem consists of what.
medula oblongata, pons, midbrain
medula oblongata control what
respiratory control, cardio vascular control
pons controls what
respiration, relays information from the cerebrum to the cerebellum
MId brain controls what
visual andauditory reflex centers, pathway between brainstem and the cerebrum
Diencephalon where and what 3 parts does it consisit of
above the brainstem, consists of epithalamus, thalamus, and hypothalmus. also includes the corpora quadigemina (sensory relay) and cerebral aquaduct connects the third and fourth vent.
roof of third vent. includes pineal cland and the choroid plexus (form csf)
thalamus, what and function?
two egg shaped bodies surround the 3rd vent., relays sensory info to cerebral cortex, realys for motor activities and filters information
hypothalamus what and function?
forms floor of 3rd vent, controls autonomic centers for heart rate , blood pressure respiration, digestion, hunger, thirst , body temp production of emotions
medulla oblongatta
foreman of the brain, thing u dont have direct controll over, sneezing, coughing, breathing
autonomic resonses
clumps of greay matter in the brain (neculi) in pairs
within in cns
called (neculi)
outside the cns clumps of grey matter are called
which of following is formen of the brain
medulla oblongata
to cross as in one side to the other side of brain
highway or connector
mesencephalon also called what.
mesencephalon function
"baby" buns, center of eye reflex, (superior calliculi) center of auditory reflex (inferior calliculi)
dorsal surface of the mesencephalon is called what
corpoa quadragemina
cerebral peduncle where, whats in it
inside numerous pair of neculi ( most important) substanta negra
substancia negra function
pair of neculi that deals with similar things such as parkinsons
first layer touched in mid brain is the
pia mater ( part of the meninges)
thalamus called and considered
vague feeling capitol, allso refered to as the gate keeper, 99% of stimuli end in thalamus, if can describe the feeling it has left to cortex
cerebral aquaduct also called
aquaduct of sylvias
pineal body
secretes melatonin, , may be inlolved with 24 hr rhythums, secretions fluctuate seasonally
, may regulate onset of puberty