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30 Cards in this Set

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Frontal Belly of Occipitofrontalis
Origin: Frontal bone of Galea aponeurotica

Insertion: Epicranial aponeurosis; skin of eyebrow
Action: Wrinkles forehead, elevated eyebrow, moves scalp
Occiptal belly of Occipitofrontalis
Origin: Occipital bone and mastoid process

Insertion: Galea Aponeurotica
Action: Retracts Scalp
Orbicularis oculi
Origin: Bones of medial orbit

Insertion: Tissue of eyelid
Action: Closes eye
Orbicularis oris
Origin:Maxillae; mandible

Insertion: Integument, muscles encircling mouth
Action: Closes and purses lips
Origin: Maxillae; mandible

Insertion: Orbicularis Oris
Action: Compresses cheek; holds food while chewing.
Lateral rectus
Origin: Common tendinous ring

Insertion: Anterolateral surface of the eyeball
Action: Moves eyeball laterally
Medial rectus
Origin: Common tendinous ring

Insertion: Anteromedial surface of the eyeball
Action: Moves eyeball medially
Superior rectus
Origin: Common tendinous ring

Insertion: Anterosuperior surface of the eyeball
Action: Moves eyeball superiorly
Inferior rectus
Origin: Common tendinous ring

Insertion: Anteroinferior surface of the eyeball
Action: Moves eyeball medially and inferiorly
Superior Oblique
Origin: Sphenoid bone

Insertion: Posteroinferior, lateral surface of the eyeball
Action: Moves eyeball inferiorly and laterally
Inferior Oblique
Origin: Orbital portion of maxilla

Insertion: Posteroinferior, lateral surface of the eyeball
Action: Moves eyeball superiorly and laterally
Origin: Hyoid bone

Insertion: Inferolateral side of tongue
Action: Depresses and retracts tongue
Origin: Manubrium sternal end of clavicle

Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone
Action: Rotates head; flexes neck
External abdominal oblique
Origin: Lower eight ribs

Insertion: Iliac crest and linea alba
Action: Compresses abdomen; rotates lumbar region; draws thorax downward
Internal abdominal oblique
Origin: Iliac crest, inguinal ligament, and lumbodorsal fascia and costal cartilage of lower six ribs.

Insertion: Linea alba and costal cartilage of lower three or four ribs
Action: Compresses abdomen; flexes vertebral column; draws thorax inferiorly.
Rectus abdominus
Origin: Pubic crest; symphysis pubis

Insertion: Costal cartilage of fifth to seventh ribs and xiphoid process of sternum.
Action: Flexes vertebral column; compresses abdominal wall
Levator Ani
Origin: Spine of ischium and pubic bone

Insertion: Coccyx
Action: Supports pelvic viscera; aids in defecation
Pectoralis Major
Origin: Clavicle, sternum and costal cartilages of second to sixth rib; rectus sheath

Insertion: Greater tubercle and groove of humerus
Action: Flexes, adducts, and rotates shoulder joint medially.
Latissimus Dorsi
Origin: Spinous processes of sacaral, lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae

Insertion: Intertubercular groove of humerus
Action: Extends, adducts and rotates shoulder joint medially
Origin: Clavicle, acromion, and spine

Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Extends, abducts, and flexes shoulder joint
The crease in between the anterior elbow
Cubital Fossa
The crease in the between the posterior knee
Popliteal Fossa
What is another name for neuroglia?
Glial cells
Three divisions of the nervous system.
Central nervous system

Peripheral nervous system

Autonomic nervous system
Two subdivisions of autonomic nervous system.
Sympathetic Division and Parasympathetic
Convolutions in the brain
Gyrus (raises)

Sulcus (crevices)
The white matter of the cerebellum is called ______.
Arbor Vitae
Biceps brachili
Origin: Coracoid process and tuberosity above glenoid cavity of scapula

Insertion: Radial tuberosity and bicipital aponeurosis
Flexes elbow joint, supinates forearm and hand at radioulnar joint.
The head/bulbouse end of the nerve is called ________ .
Triceps Brachii
Origin: Tuberosity below glenoid cavity; lateral and medial surfaces of humerus

Insertion: Olecranon process of ulna
Extends and adducts arm