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50 Cards in this Set

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Pectoralis Minor
Origin: Ribs 3-5
Inseration: Coracoid process of the scapula
Action: Depresses and moves the scapula anteriorly. Elevates ribs 3-5
Nerve Supply - Media and Lateral Pectoral Nerves
Arterial supply - axillary supply
Pec Minor shares its nerves supply with what else?
Pec Major
Serratus Anterior
Origin: Ribs 1-9
Insertion: Vertebral border and inferior angle of scapula
Action: ROtates scapula upwards and laterally, so glenoid fossa faces up
Nerve Supply - Long Thoracic Nerve
Arterial Supply - Axillary artery branches
Origin: Occipital Bone; Ligamentum Nuchae, and cpines of C7-T12.
Insertion: Clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula.

Action: EC DE ARU (Elevates clavicle; adducts, elevates, and d epresses scapula, rotates scapula upward)

Nerve Supply: Cranial Supply

Arterial Supply: External Cartoid and subclavian ranches
What is the insertion of Trapezius and what other muscle shares those spots as an origin
Clavicle, Acromion, and spine of scapula.

What 5 muscles have Subclavian artery branches exclusively as their artery supply
Levator Scapulae, Rhomboid Major, Rhomboid Minor Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus
Levator Scapula
Origin: C1-C4 or C5
Insertion: Superior Vertebral border of scapula

Action: Elevates scapula

Nerve SUpply: Dorsal Scapular Nerve and cervical nerves 3-5

Artery Supply - Subclavian
Rhomboid Major
Origin: Spinous process of T2 - T5.
Insertion: Medial border of scapula
Action: Adducts scapula and slightly rotates it downward
Nerve SUpply: Dorsal scapular nerve
Arterial Supply: Subclavian artery branches
Rhomboid Minor
Origin: Spinous process of C7 - T1.
Insertion: Medial border of scapula
Action: Adducts scapula and slightly rotates it downward
Nerve SUpply: Dorsal scapular nerve
Arterial Supply: Subclavian artery branches
What do Rhomboid Major and Minor have in common?
Everything except origin
When I say 145, 25, 71, what do i Mean?
145 - C1-C4 or C5 - Levator Scapula origin

21 - T2-T5 - Origin of Rhomboid Major

71 - C7-T1 - Origin of Rhomboid minor
What are the 6 muscles that move the pectoral girdle
Pec Minor, Serratus Anterior, Trapezius, Levator Scapulae, Rhomboid Major, Rhomboid Minor
Pectoralis Major
Origin: Clavicle, Sternum, and costal cartilage of ribs 2-6
Insertion: INtertubuclar groove of the humerus

Action: FARM (flexes, adducts, and rotates arm medially)

Nerve Supply: Medial and Lateral Pectoral Nerves

Arterial Supply - Axillary Branches
Origin: Lateral Clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula (same as the insertion of trapezius)

Insertion: Deltoid Tuberosity of the Humerus

Action: FLAMER (Flexes, Laterally, Medially, ABDUCTS, Extends, Rotates)

Nerve Supply: Axillary Nerve

Arterial Supply - Axillary and Brachial Branches
What muscles uses both Axillary and Brachial Branches?
Deltoid and Biceps Brachaii
What is your handcuff muscle?
Ltissimus Dorsi
Latissimus Dorsi
Origin - LISTR (Lumbar vertebrae, Sacrum, and Ilium via Thoracolumbar fascia, and lower four ribs) plus spines of t7-t12.

Insertion: Intertubecurlar Groove of the humerus

Action: Extends, adducts, and rotates arm medially (Handcuffs)

Nerve SUpply -Thoracodorsal nerve

Arterial Supply - Axillary Branches
What muscles use Axillary branches as their arterial supply `
Pec Minr, Pec Major, Deltoid (along with brachial branches), Teres Major and Minor,Biceps brachii (along with brachial branches, Serratus Anterior
Origin: Supraspinous fossa
Insertion: great tuburcle of the humerus
Action: assists deltoid in abducting arm
Nerve Supply: Suprascapular nerve

Artery: Subclavian Arteries
Origin: Infraspinous fossa of the scapula
Insertion: Greater tuburcle of the humerus
Action: Adducts and rotates arm laterally

Nerve supply: Suprascapular nerve
Arterial Supply - Subclavian branches
What muscles are synergist with the Deltoid
What three muscles have suprascapular nerve as their nerve supply
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres major (LOWER SUBSCAPULAR NERVE)
What two muscles have axillary nerve as their nerve supply?
Deltoid, Teres Minor
Teres Major
Origin: Inferior angle of the scapula

Insertion: Intertubercular groove of the humerus
Action: Adducts, extends, and rotates arm medially,

Nerve Supply: Lower subscapular nerve

Artery: Axillary Branches
Teres Minor
Origin: Inferior lateral border of the scapula
Insertion: Greater Tubercles of the humerus

Action: Extends, adducts, and rotates arm laterally.

Nerve Supply: Axillary Nerve
Arterial Supply: Axillary Branches
What 3 muscles inserts at the intertubercular groove of the humerus
Pec Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major
Biceps Brachaii
Origin: Coracoid Process and supraglenoid tubercle

Insertion: Radial Tuberosity

Action: Flexes Arm; Flexes and supinates forearm

Nerve SUpply: musclocutaneous Nerve

Arterial Supply- Axillary and Brachial Branches
Origin: Distal Anterior surface of humerus

Insertion: Tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna

Action: Flexes forearm at the elbow

Nerve supply: Musculocutaneous and radial nerves
Arterial Supply: Brachial Branches
Origin: Distal end of humerus

Insertion: SUperior to styloid process of ulna

Action: Flexes forearm at the elbow

Nerve Supply: radial Nerve

Arterial Supply Brachial Branches
What 4 muscles have brachial branches as their arterial supply
Biceps Brachii (along with axillary)
Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Triceps Brachii
Triceps Brachii
Origin -Infraglenoid tubercle; posterior and lateral humerus
Insertion: olecranon Process of Ulna
Action: Extends arm; etends forearm at the elbow

Nerve Supply: Radial nerve

Arterial Supply: Brachial Branches
What three muscles have radial nerves as their nerve supply
Brachialis (along with Musclulotcutaneous), Brachioradialis, Triceps Brachii
What two mucles have musculotcutaneous nerve as their nerve supply?
Biceps Brachii and Brachialis (Musculocutaneous and radial nerves)
Name the four distinction that move the wrist/hand/fingers
Anterior Forearm, Posterior Forearm, Thenar Muscles, Hypothenar Muscles
What is the flexor retinaculum
tendon that runs around the "thumb" carpals
Erector Spinae
Origin: Sacrum, ilium, vertebrae, and rbis
Insertion: Vertebrae and ribs

Action: Extends vertebral column and maintains posture
Nerve supply: Dorsal rami of Spinal Nerves (DASN)
Arterial supply - (SPECIAL) Branches of descending abdominal aorta
Splenius Capitis
Victory muscle

Origin: Spinous processes and ligaments of lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae

Insertion: Mastoid process of the temporal bone and transverse processes of upper cervical vertebrae

Action: Etends and rotates the neck

Nerve: Dorsal Rami of cervical spinal nerves

Arterial Supply: External carotid and subclavian branches
What's the most special thing about Erector Spinae
It's arterial supply: Branches of descending abdominal aorta
What are the only actions of brachialis and Brachioradialis
Flexes forearm at the elbow
If the actions of the forearm muscles are to flexes the forearm at the elbow, then the triceps would logically...
Extend arm and extends forearm at the elbow
What muscles inserts at the medial border of the scapula?
Rhomboid major, Rhomboid Minor
What do Teres major and Teres minor have in difference?
Teres Major - lower subscapular nerve, rotates arm medially
Intertubercular groove of the humerus

Teres major - Rotates Arms Laterally, Axillary Nerve
Greater Tubercle of the humerus
The Brachialis originates at...whereas Brachioradialis originates at...
Distal ANTERIOR surface of the humerus; Distal end of the Humerus
what does the serratus anterior do
rotates scapula upward and laterally so that the glenoid cavity facing up
What is so special about serratus anterior?
Long Thoracic Nerves and Axillary Artery Branches
What muscles use both external carotid and subclavian?
Trapezius, Splenius Capitis
Erector spinae uses...as their nerve supply where as Splenius capitis uses....as their nerve supply
Dorsal Rami of SPINAL nerves versus Dorsal Rami of the Cervical spinal nerves
Subclavian supplies...
Rhomboid Major Minor Levatr Scaulae Supraspinatus Infraspinatus
Thenar uses __ as artery supply whereas Hypothenar uses....
Radial artery, ulnar artery
All the muscles in the arm that medial reotates
pec major, latissimus dorsi, teres major, deltoid, supraspinatus