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23 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
what does the lattisimus dorsi act on?
the humerous
what is flexion?
decreasing the angle of a joint
what is extension?
increasing the angle of a joint
define lateral flexion of the spine
side bending
define spinal rotation
define reduction
returning from side bending
the erector spinae muscles include
spinalis, lingissimus,iliocostalis
what are the actions of the erector spinae muscle
bilateral extension, unilateral and lateral flexion
name the tranverse spinalis muscles
rotators, multifidus and semispinalis
what are the actions of the transversespinalis muscles
extensin,rotation and stabalization
what does the splenius capitis and the splenius cervicis do
extend and rotate the neck
the origin of the latissimus dorsi is from
t7 to the illiac crest
name the rotator cuff muscles
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and the teres minor
supraspinatus, infraspinatus and the teres minor insert on what?
the greater tubericle of the humerous
the action of the supraspinatus is what?
abduction of the humerous
name the five shoulder girdle muscles
trapezius, rhomboids, levatator scapulae, pectoralis minor, serratus interior
the shoulder girdle muscles act on and support what?
the scapula and clavicle
the origin of the trapezius is from what?
occiput to t12
the insertion of the trapezius is the lateral one third of the what?
clavical, acromium process, and the scapula
the origin of the rhomboids is
the insertion of the rhomboids is
the vertical border of the scapula
the origin of the levatator scapula is
the insertion of the levatator scapula is
the superior third of the vetebral border