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96 Cards in this Set

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Properties of Muscle Tissue

Excitability: Responsive to stimuli

Contractibility: stimulation = contraction

Elasticity: a contracted muscle cell recoils to its resting length

Extensibility: capable of extending in length

Characteristics of Muscle Tissue

Composed of four types of tissue: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous

Body Movement: when muscle contracts the bone moves

Maintenance of Posture: muscles stabilize joints and helps maintain posture

Temperature of Regulation: heat is produced

Storage an movement of materials

Support: support the walls of adomino pelvic wall

Skeletal Muscle Composition

composed of:

- numerous skeletal muscle fibers

- blood vessels

- nerves

- connective tissue sheers that surrond the muscle fibers and connective muscle to bone


bundles of muscles fibers


cylindrical structures in the muscle fibers

Connective Tissue Component

- three layers of connective tissue

- Collagen

- Elastic Fibers


innermost connective tissue layer

-it is a delicate areolar connective layer that surrounds and electrically insulates each muscle fiber


surrounds the fascicles

- dense irregular connective tissue sheath of perimysium

- contains extensive arrays of blood vessels and nerves


surronds the whole skeletal muscle

- composed of dense irregular connective tissue

Deep fascia

an expansive sheet of dense irregular connective tissue that:

- separates individual muscles

- binds similar muscles with similar functions - ---- forms sheaths to help distribute nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels

Superficial Fascia

Outside later of deep facia that separates the muscle from the skin

- composed of areolar and adipose connective tissue


attached the muscle to bone, skin, or another muscle


thin flattened sheet formed form tendon


the less mobile attachment of a muscle


the more mobile attachment of muscle

Blood Vessels

deliver to the muscle fibers nutrients and oxygen need for production of ATP and remove waste products

Voluntary Muscle

controlled by voluntary nerocus system and stimulate smucle contraction

Motor nuerons

neurons that stimulate muscle contraction


nerve fiber that transmit a nerve impulse to a muscle fiber


plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber


cytoplasm of skeletal muscle fiber

- site of metabolic processes for normal muscle fiber activities

T- tubules

deep invaginations of the sacrolema that extend into the sacroplasma of skeletal muscle fibers as a network of thin membranous tubules

Sacroplasma Reticulum

Smooth ER in a muscle fiber

- stores calcium ions needed to initiate muscle contration

- runs perpendicular to the muscle fiber

Terminal Cisternae

expanded nerves of the Sacroplasma reticulum that are in contact with T- tubules

- quickly transport a muscle impulses form the sacrolemma through the entire muscle fiber

- reservers and specific sites for calcium ion release to intitate muslce contraction


terminal cisternae interact with T- tubules during muscle contraction and form this structure


a group of embryonic cells that fuse to form single skeletal muscle fibers

Satellite Cells

myoblast that do not fuse during the fusion process to differentiate and assist in its repair and regeneration


organized bundles of myofilaments

- cylindrical structures as long as the muscle fiber

- contain myofilaments responsible for muscle contraction

- during contraction they shorten

Myofilaments Classification

Thin and Think Filaments

Thin filaments

primary composed of two strands of protein actin twisted around each other to form a helical shape

- composed of actin, troponin, and tropomyosin


short, thin, twisted filament that covers small section of actin strands

- double stranded regulatory protein


regulatory protein that holds tropomyosin in place and anchors to actin and provides binding cite for calcium

- when calcium binds to one of its subunits it changes shape


double stranded contractible protein

-form a bead like structure

Thick Filaments

about twice as large as thin filaments

- assembled from bundles of protein myosin


consist of two strands:

- free globular head

- elongated tail

Cross Bridges

during contraction it is formed when think filaments bind with actin in the thin filaments

A bands

entire thick filament under the microscope

I Bands

contain thin filaments but no thick filaments


filaments of an elastic protein

-play a role in elastic control of think filament assembly and passive stiffness generated in muscles

- found in thin filament

H Zone

a light central region in the A Band

- only thick filaments

- no thin filaments overlapping

- disappears when maximal contraction occurs

M Line

a thin transverse protein mesh work structure in the center of the H zone of a relaxed fiber

- serves as attachment site for thick filaments and keeps the thick filaments aligned during contraction and relaxation

Z disc

a thin transverse protein structure in the center of the I band that serves as an attachment site for thin filament ends


are Z discs protein that anchor and interconnect the thin filament ends at either end of a sacromere


the distance from Z discs to the next adjacent Z discs

- think filaments are positioned at the center of sacromere

Sliding Filament Theory

when a muscle contracts, think and thin filaments slide past each other and the sacromere shortens

Changes to sacromere in contraction

- the width of the A band remains constant but the H zone disappears

- the Z discs in one sacromere move closer together

- Sacromere narrows and shortens in length

Neuromascular junction

point whree a motor nueron meets a skeletal muscle

Synaptic Knob

Expanded tip of the axon and houses Synaptic vesicles

Synaptic vesicles

small membrane sacs that are filled with ACh

Motor end plate

specialized region of the sarcolemma

- it has folds an indentations to increase the membranes surface area covered by the synaptic knob

Synpatic Cleft

is a narrow space seperating the synaptic know and the motor end plate

ACH receptors

in the motor end plate act like doors that normally are closed and ACh are the key to open the doors


reside in the synaptic cleft and rapidly breaks down molecule of ACh that re released in synoptic cleft

-stops stimulation

Step 1: Muscle Contraction

a nerve impulse causes ACh release at a neuromuscular junction. ACh binds receptors on the motor end plate, intiate muscle impulse

Step 2: Muscle Contraction

the muscle impulse spreads quickly along the sarcolemma and into the muscle fiber along the T- tubules membranes, causing calcium ions to be released into the sarcoplasm

Step 3: Muscle Contraction

Calcium binds to troponin, causing tropomyosin to move and expose active sites on actin. Myosin heads attach to the actin and form cross bridges

Step 4: Muscle Contraction

Myosin heads go through cyclic "attach pivot, detach, return" events as the thin filaments are pulled past the thick filaments. ATP is required to detach the myosin and complete the sequence. The sacromere shortens and the muscle contracts.

Step 5: Muscle Contraction

Calcium ions are moved back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by the ATP driven ion pumps to reduce calcium concretion in the sarcoplasm, leading to relaxation. Termination of the muscle impulse results in the passive sliding of filaments back to their original state

Motor Unit

a single motor neuron and all the muscles fibers it controls

- the smaller the motor unit the finer the control

All or None principle

a muscle fiber either contracts completely or does not contract at all

Muscle Tone

the resting tension in a skeletal muscle

- stabilizes the position of bones and muscles

Two types of muscle contraction

Isometric and isotonic contraction

Isometric contraction

the length of the muscle does not change because the tension produced by this contacting muscle nerve exceeds the resistance

- not great enough to move the load

Isotonic contraction

the tension produced equal or it is greater than the resistance (load) and the muscle fibers shorten, resulting in movement

Cocentric contractions

actively shorten a muscle

Eccentric contraction

actively lengthen a muscle

Slow fibers

contract more slowly than fast fibers

- specialized to contribute contracting for extended period of time

- also called red fibers bc contain myoglobin

- have large amount of mitochondria


globular, oxygen binding, reddish appearing protein is structurally related to hemoglobin

Intermediate Fibers

exhibit properties that are some where between those of slow fibers and fast fibers

- have a greater resistance to fatigue than slow

- proportion of fibers change with physical conditioning

Fast Fibers

large in diameter and they contain large glycogen reserves, densely packed myofibrils and relatively few mitochondria

- lack of myoglobin

- compose most of the body

powerful contraction bc they contain a large amount of sarcomeres

- vast quantities of ATP

Slow Fibers Location

dominate mainly back and calf muscles

4 types of fascicle arrangement

Circular, parallel, convergent, pennate,

Circular Muscles

concentrically arranged around an opening or recess

- contraction of the muscle closes of the opening

- ex: oris muscle that encircle the mouth `

Parallel Muscles

run parrallel to a long axis

- have a centrally body called a belly

- muscle shortens when contracts ans its body increases in diameter

- Ex: rectus abdominis, biceps, massetter

Convergent Muscles

widespread muscle fibers that converge on a common attachment site

Pennate Muscle

tendons and muscle resemble a large feather

- have one or more tendons extending through their body and fascicles are arranged at an oblique angle to the tendons

- three types

3 types of Pennate muscles




Unipennate Muscles

all the muscle fibers are on the same side of the tendon

Bipennate Muscles

muscle fibers on both sides of the tendon

Mutlipennate Muscles

branches of tendons within the muscle


wasting of tissue that results in a reduction of size, tone, and power

Muscle hypertrophy

an increase in muscle fiber size

- not an increase in muscle fiber

- results in more mitochondria, larger glycogen reserve, and increased ability to produce ATP

First Class Lever

has a fulcrum in the middle, between the effort and the resistance

Ex: antlanto occipital of the neck

Second Class Lever

resistance is between the fulcrum and the applied force

ex: Stands on toes

Third Class Lever

an effort applied between the fulcrum and the resistance

- most common in the body

- ex: in the elbow


prime mover, is a muscle that contracts to produce a primary movement


muscle whose actions oppose to those of the agonist


muscle that assist the agonist in performing its actions

- either contributes to the tension exerted lose to the insertion or stabilized the point of origin

Cardiac muscles

individual muscle cells are arranged in thick bundles within the heart

- have 1 or 2 nuclei

Intercalated discs

Y shaped branches were cardiac musle cells join


individual cells can generate a muscle impulse without nervous simulation

- dependent for their contraction upon calcium ions `

Smooth Muscle

composed of short muscle cells that have a fusiform shape

- have centrally located nucleus

- thin filaments are attached to dense bodies by elements of cytoskeleton

Dense bodies

small concentrations of proetin scattered through out the cytoplasm and on the inner face of sacrolema

Stimulation of Smooth Muscle

Step 1:

When calcium reaches the interstitial fluid:

1) Smooth muscle cells have a unique protein called myosin light chain. Calmodulin regulates the addition of phosphate to myosin chain

Stimulation of Smooth Muscle

Step 2:

2) although troponin is lacking in smooth muscle cells, cytoplasmic levels still regulate contractile activity when calmodulin binds to a protein called calesmo, which then regulates the movement of tropomyosin from the myosin binding sites in thins filaments

Aging in Muscular system

- loss of muscle mass is replaced either by adipose or fibrous tissue

- skeletal muscle fibers decrease in diameter

- muscle strength endurance is impaired

- number of satellite cells decrease

- less tension generated

- elasticity decreases