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57 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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O: Occipital bone
I: Eyebrows
A: Raises Eyebrows
Corrugator Supercilii
O: Frontal bone
I: Under eyebrows
A: Pulls eyebrows in (angry eyes)
Orbicularis Oculi
O: Maxillary and frontal bone
I: Skin around eye
A: Squint and close eyes
Zygomaticus Major
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Sides of mouth
A: Smile
Orbicularis Oris
O: Muscles around mouth
I: Lips
A: Kissing (puckering)
O: Maxilla
I: Sides of mouth
A: Pulls cheeks inward
O: Zygomatic Arch
I: Sides of jaw
A: Chewing
O: Temporal bone
I: Coracoid process of the mandible
A: Chewing
O: Upper chest
I: Mandible and sides of mouth
A: opens mouth and frowning
O: Sternum and clavicle
I: Mastoid process of the temporal bone
A: Turns up and tilts head forward
Splenius Capitus
O: Vertebrae
I: Occipital bone and mastoid process
A: Turns head and tilts head back
External Intercostals
O & I: Between ribs
A: Inhaling
Internal Intercostals
O & I: Between ribs
A: Exhaling
O: Bottom of rib cage
I: Central tendon
A: Increase lung capacity
External Obliques
(Direction, no O or I)
Downward at an angle
A: Pull posture forward
Internal Obliques
(Direction, no O or I)
Upward at angle
A: Compress abdomen
Transverse Abdominus
(no O, I, or A)
Under Obliques
Running transverse
Rectus Abdominus
O: Pubic bone
I: Ribs & Sternum
A: 6-pack
Pectoralis Minor
O: Ribs
I: Coracoid process of the scapula
A: Pull shoulder down and forward
O: Vertebrae & Occipital bone
I: Clavicle & Scapula
A: Raise shoulders
Serratus Anterior
O: Ribs
I: Scapula
A: Thrusting arms forward
Pectoralis Major
O: Ribs & Sternum & Clavicle
I: Greater tubercle of humerus
A: Flexion & Adduction (Upper arm)
O: Clavicle & Scapula
I: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
A: Abduct upper arm
Latissimus Dorsi
O: Vertebrae
I: Tubercle groove of humerus
A: Adduction
O: Coracoid process of scapula
I: Humerus
A: Pull arm forward
O: Scapula
I: Lesser tubercle of humerus
A: Medial rotation
(No O or I)
A: Abduction
(No O or I)
A: Lateral rotation
Teres Minor
(No O or I)
A: Lateral rotation
Teres Major
(No O or I)
A: Medial rotation
Biceps Brachii
O: Coracoid process of scapula
I: Radius
A: Flexion of elbow
Triceps Brachii
O: Scapula & Humerus
I: Olecranon process of Ulna
A: Extension
(No O or I)
A: Flexion of elbow
(No O or I)
A: Flex's semi-pronated elbow
Pronator Teres
O: Medial epicondyle
I: Radius
A: Pronation
(No O or I)
A: Supination
Flexor Carpi Radialis
(No O or I)
A: Flexion of wrist
Extensor Carpi Radialis
(No O or I)
A: Extension of wrist
Gluteus Maximus
O: Illium & Sacrum
I: Femur via IT Band
A: Extension
Gluteus Medius
O: Illium
I: Greater trochanter
A: Abduction
Gluteus Minimus
O: Illium
I: Greater trochanter
A: Abduction
Tensor Fascia Latae
O: Illium (Anteriorly)
I: Tibia via IT Band
A: Abduction
Adductor Longus
(No O or I)
A: Adduction
Adductor Magnus
(No O or I)
A: Adduction
(No O or I)
A: Adduction
Rectus Femoris
O: Illium
I: Tibia via patellar tendon
A: Extension of leg at knee
Vastus Lateralis
O: Femur
I: Tibia via patellar tendon
A: Extension of leg at knee
Vastus Medialis
O: Femur
I: Tibia via patellar tendon
A: Extension of leg at knee
Vastus Intermedius
O: Femur
I: Tibia via patellar tendon
A: Extension of leg at knee
O: Illiac Crest
I: Medial tibia
A: Crossing legs
Bicep Femoris
O: Ischium & Femur
I: Tibia & Fibula
A: Flexion of knee & Extension of thigh
O: Ischium
I: Tibia
A: Flexion of knee & Extension of thigh
O: Ischium
I: Tibia
A: Flexion of knee & Extension of thigh
Tibialis Anterior
O: Tibia
I: Medial tarsals
A: Dorsiflexion & Inversion
O: Condyles of femur
I: Calcaneus via achilles tendon
A: Plantar flexion
(No O or I)
A: Plantar flexion
Fibularis Longus
(No O or I)
A: Eversion