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86 Cards in this Set

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Muscle composition and function
Made of muscle cells and connective tissue. (conn. contains blood and supplies nerves to the muscle and serves as a "harness to transmit forces of musclular contraction)

Contractiility and conductivity
Muscle Tissue
Smooth (unstriated;involuntary; visceral
Skeletal (striated voluntary)
Cardiac (striated involuntary)
Embrylogically Muscle comes from
plasma membrane
sarcoplasmic reticulum
linear unit
muscle cells
Sketal Muscle General Features
Striated (voulntary)
T-tubule system
well developed sarcoplasmic reticulum
nuclei located at cell periphery (just inside sarcolema)
Skeletal muscle Fibers (myofiber) Shape
Cylindrical (variations in length 1mm to 4cm) Bulky muscles have larger cells; smaller are smaller.

Several hundred nuclei just inide sarcolemma, flattened oval and elongated in appearanc
Myofibrils are?
Tiny cylindrical rods within sarcoplasm of muscle cell, responsible for appearance of cross striations of muscle (due to registry of alternating ligh and dark portions of myofibrils adjacent to one another)

Appear as small dots when viewed cross sectionally
Bands, zones, lines and functional units of myofibril
A-band of myofibril
Broad, dark staining band, anisotropic band
I band of myofiril
Narrower light staining band, isotropic bond
z disk (z-line) myofibrins
Dense staining;narrow
Bisects I band, distance between 2 z disks=sarcomere
Distance between 2 z disks, functional unit of myofibril. Many, many sacro. line up end to end to form myofibril.

LENGTH varies as a function of contration
H band
Pale staining; narrow
bisects A band
In middle of sacromere
M line
thin, bisects H band
Myofibrils are comprised of?
Finer myofilaments
1. Actin filaments (thin) extend from z disks to edge of H band
2. Myosin Fialaments (thick!!)
extend from one end of A band to other end of A band, forms thin cross bridges that extend from each mysoin filament towards actin filaments. This creates M line (at center of H band)
M line
At center of H band, contains myomesin, c protein and other proteins that interconnect thick myosin filaments to maintain specifi lattice arrangement
Z- disk
region where attachment of ends of actin filaments in adjacent sacromeres, appears filamentous and somewhat dense, contains a-actinin
cytoplasm of muscle fibers
A. between myofibrils, beneath sarcoloma, and around nuclie has Golgi and Ribosomes, mitochondria are near nuclie beneath sarcolemma between myofibrils
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Network of cisterns or membrane tubules running between and around myofibriles, tends to form 'collars' at A-I junctions. Binds and releases Ca+
Collars at A-I junctions
1. INterconnect by longitudinal components
2. Two collars at A-I junction
3. Collars seperated from each other by T-tubules
Cell membrane muscle fibers
Numerous invaginations along cell surface. Creates T-tubules (transverse tubules)
Lumen of T-tubule is continuous with extracellular space.
Wind between myofibrils
Typically seen at A-I junction between the 2 collars of the Sarco. reticulm
T-tubule +2 lateral cisternaie of s. Ret.
Membranes of T-tubules appear to be closely coupled to Sar. Ret. memranes (this facilitates transmission of electical impulses from sarcolmma to interior deps of cell)

2 triads/sacromere
Myfibrls are made of
Actin,-- G actin (Globular actin)which makes F-actin (fibrous actin) 2 helically wound strands of polymerized G-actin
Myosin (4 Light chains and 2 heavy)
Regulatory Molecules
Light meromysin
Long molecular subunits rigid, packed together longitudinally to form backbone of myosin filament
Heavy meromysin
Long felxible moleculare subunits
2 components
1. rod like portion parallel to backbone of filament
2. Globular head (extends laterally as a cross bridge from thick myosin fil. to actin fil. no cross bridges at M-line, ATPase activity has actin binding sites.

**Polarized, globular heads directed away from midpoint of myosin filament.
Regulatory molecules of myofibrils
troponin complex
fibrous; arranged head to tail in linear series.
Helically wound along grooves of F-actin helix
Troponin Complex
(3 Subunits)
Tnt: binds entire troponin molecular to tropomyosin
TnC: great affinity for Ca++
TnL: binds to actin,preventing actin-myosin interactions
Binds entire troponin molecular to tropomyosin
great affinity for Ca
binds actin preventing Actin-myosin interactions
binds to TnC, binding to TnC induces a con. shift in tropomyosin exposing previously blocked active sites on actin filament
component of Z-disk
Holds actin filaments in register by binding them in parallel array
large, linear elastic protein
helps position myosin filaments precisely with the sacromere
extends from each ahlf of myosin filament to z-disk
long non elactic protein
2 molecules of nebulin wrap around each thin filament
help anchor thin filament to z-disk
Types of gross muscle organization
Endomysium, perimysium, epimysium
What is the mechanism of action of NPNs?
Urea + urease ---> NH4+. this is normal.

if there are not enough H+, Urea + urease --> NH3 (ammonia). that is bad!

you will see rumen alkalosis and systemic acidosis.
Vascular Supply to muscle??
Larger arteries follow perimysium, arterioles penetrate fascicles, capillaries // individul fibers

Lymphatics in connective tissue septa
Nerve muscle association
Motor End Plates (form myo-neural junctions)
Sensory Structures
Motor end plate components
Myelin sheath of axon is lost as nerve fiber approaches surface of muscle cell

Axon branches close to surface of cell
Subneural Apparatus
synaptic vesicles
Motor units
Axon branches characterisics
Branches occupy recesses in surface of muscle fiber

Synaptic troughs or primary synaptic clefts
Subneural apparatus
secondary synaptic clefts caused by infolding of sarcolemma

acetylcholinesterase located at surface of sarcolemma
synaptic vesicles
in axon terminals, contain acetylcholine
Motor Unit
Motor neuron and muscle fibers innervated by it Ratio of muscle to fiber reflects control
1:1 very fine control
1:1600 very coarse (gross control)
Mysathenia Gravis
Disease characterized by weakness and easy fatigue of muscles

Autoimmune response to Acetyl Choline receptor

Treatment::: administer ACHe inhibtors, cause both diagnostic and therapeutic values
Sensory Structures
Muscle Spindles
Golgi Tendon Organ
Muscle Spindle
Small speciallized muscle fibers in c.t. capsule (SMALL fibers= inrafusal fibers

Two zones.... Central region of Intrafusal fibers--Nuclei chain fibers
-----------nuclear bag fibers

Polar regions are long and tapered
Muscle Spinde Capsules
Internal capsule-immediately surrounds intrafusal fibers; encloses inner axial space

External capsule surrounds internal capsule and creates periaxial space between inner and outer capsules
Innervation of Muscle Spindle
Sensory-large fibers form annulospiral or primary endings around nuclear bag and nuclear chain regions...smaller diameter afferts form flower spray or secondaryendings on intrafusal fibers on polar segments

Motor-efferent fibers form motor end plates on either side of mid region of inrafusal fibers.
Muscle SPindle
Muscle Spindle Functions
Act like minature strain gauges
Golgi Tendon Organs
Spindle shaped body comprised of collagen and enclosed by thin capsule

Afferent (sensory) nerve fibers penetrate between collagen fibers

Sensitive to stretching forces on tendon
Embryological origins of skeletal muscle
loose mesenchyme>myoblasts

myoblasts fuse>mutinucleated myotubes
Myofilaments appear--irregularily arrange at first, gradually align into myofibrils
Hypertrophy of muscle
due to size increse of fibers not number
Cardiac Muscle General Features
Striated (involuntary)
T-tubule system
sarcoplasmic ret. less well develped than Skeletal muscle
Single Nucleus/Cell
Nucleus at center of cell
Intercalated disks are a diagnostic feature of this tissue
KEY features of cardiac muscles
Cells are elongated and brancing, messy placement, one nucleus/cell at center of cell an oval and fairly large...

Have myofibrils that branch and sometimes blend with adjacent myofibrils (less distinct)
Sacromeres A, I bands and Z disks
Sarcoplasm typically seen at each pole of nucleus

Interclated disks-dark cross brands, frequently appear step like
occur where a z disk should, mark spots of cell to cell attachment
Myofilaments of Cardiac Muscle and Mitochondria Content
Actin and myosin present

Many mitochondria, very regularily spread out between myofibrils
T-tubule system and Sarcoplasmic Reticulm of cardia muscle
T-tubules-- larger than those in skeletal muscle, at Z line instead of A-I juncti.

Sarco. Ret. Less well developed than skeletal muscle, simple plexiform arrangement of tubular elements no terminal cisternae
Intercalated disk of cardiac muscle cells
Represent a complex of several types of cell2cell junctions,
Gap junction,
fascia adherens (serve as anchoring points for actin filaments)
Cardiac muscle characteristics
Atrial Granule?
Has golgi apparataus,
Glycogen is very abundant
Lots of fat droplets
Atrial granules-are unique to atrial cardiac muscle cells, contain atrial natrueric peptide which fuctions to lower BP
Atrial natriuretic Peptide
Functions to lower BP
Decreases renal tubule capacity to reabsorve (conserve) Na and H2O
Cardiac muscle and connective tissue?
Vascular Supply?
Nerve Supply?
Conductive system?
CM is surrounded by CT that form a fine net of reticualr and collagenous fibers, collagenous and elastic fibers occur between bundles of cells

EXCELLENT VS, come from coronary artiers and lymphatic drainage

Nerves branch from sypathetic and parasympathetic nerves to terminate on muscle cells

Conductive: composed of modified muscle fibers, (Purkinje Fibers)
Purkinje Fibers?
Specialized muscle cells
1. myfibrils are reduced in #,
2. contain more sacroplasm
3.nuclie are rounded
4.large diameter
5.lack T-tubules
6. more glycogen
Heart Diagram with Purkinje Fibers
Cardiac muscle comes from where??
Mesoderm>myoblasts, no fusion of myoblasts
SMooth muscles General features
No striations or T-Tubules.
Found in walls of hollow viscera, (GI tract, portions of urinary and reproductive tracts, walls of BV, larger ducts of cmp. glands)

Acts involuntary, is regualted by autonomic NS, hormones, or local physiological conditions.

Acts for contractility, conductivity, and production of EC products(collagen, elastin, glycoaminglycans etc.)
Smooth Muscle Appearance
Fusiform shape, ends are tapered, oval nucleus in center of cell takes on a corkscrew appearance durin contraction, form sheets or clusters

Cytoplasm is eosinophilic
CT contibutions, every cells is surrounded by thin external lamina that seperates the PM of ajacent SM cells
Reticular Fibers are prevalent in external lamina, help harness force of contration.
Smooth Muscles Electron micros..
Mitochondria and other organells cluster at the poles of nuclei,
lots of interweaving filaents
thin filaments (tropomysin present, troponin absent)

thick filaments (myosin type 2) difficult to see.

NB- the actin and myosin filaments are not arranged in the percise manner noted is SKM or CAM, they tend to form bundles that run obliquely to cytoplasm. IF's are numerous
SM Cells have a special characteristic of??
Dense bodies, located along inner aspects of sarcolemma, and scattered in sarcolemma.

Similar to z-disks of SKM and CAM
contain alpha-actinin
serve as anchor sites for actin-myosin filament bundles as well as IF's
SM cells also have Caveolae for?
Pincytotic activities, may function as the equivalent of T-tubule in SKM and CAM, may work in concert with Sarcoplasmic RETiculum to modulate Ca availability
Caveolae in SM Cells?
Used to regulate Ca+ availability with The SR. Stores the Ca+
Contractile method of SM Cellsq
1. Ca+ +calmodulin form complex
2. Ca+-calmodulin complex activates myosin light chain kinase
3.Mysone LC kinase phosphorylates one of the 2 LC's associated with myosin molecule head
4.Phosphor. of LC exposes 'actin-binding' site on myosin head.
a. also allows myosin head to straighten out and form small bipolar filaments.
b.phosph. is slow process (takes time for SM contraction)
c. ATP hydrolysis occurs more slowly also, so SM requires less muscle to contract
Innervation of SM cells caused by?
Sympathetic Innervation
Parasympathetic Innervations
Variations of number of cells in a group that are inervated.
Regeneration of SM cells
Reatains mitotic capability, can also be formed from pre-existing pericytes
Sympathetic innervations of SM cells?
Caused by synaptic vesicles contain norepinephrine
Parasympathetic innervation of SM cells?
synaptic vesicles contain acetylcholine
Variation in # of cells in group that are innervated?
Iris SM: every muscle fiber is innervated
SM in GI/uterus: only small % of SM cells are innervated. (impulse transmission from muscle cell to muscle cell accomplished via gap junctions between adj. muscl. cells
CONTRACTILE MECHANISM OF SM======Myosin activation,
CONTRACTILE MECHANISM OF SM======Myosin activation,
Myosin activation second view
SM contraction