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169 Cards in this Set

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What advise would you give to a pt on aspirin (asa) therapy with gastric upset?
What advise would you give to a pt on aspirin (asa) therapy with gastric upset?

-Take Drug with Food and full glass of water
- take drug in the morning instead of evening
- sit upright to help avoid GI Upset
What is the most common early sign of Colchicine toxicity?
What is the most common early sign of Colchicine toxicity?

your pt tells you they usually take ibuprofen/mortin- NSAIDS- 4x’s a day, what are the side effects of NSAIDS?
your pt tells you they usually take ibuprofen/mortin- NSAIDS- 4x’s a day, what are the side effects of NSAIDS?

-upset stomach, nausea vomiting

-GI bleeding, need to ask pt what color are their stools
pt has started aspirin therapy, and experiencing a lot of epigastric distress, what should you tell them?
pt has started aspirin therapy, and experiencing a lot of epigastric distress, what should you tell them?

- take it with food and lot of water

- don’t take it at bedtime, better if taken in the morning

- don’t take any antacids because it will interfere with the effect of aspirin

- take the medication sitting up right
why do you need to stop taking aspirin one week before surgery (any kind of surgery)?
why do you need to stop taking aspirin one week before surgery (any kind of surgery)?

- it’s an anticoagulant, thins out the blood
what is colchicine given for?
what is colchicine given for?

-acute gout
pt starts vomiting from taking colchicine, what do you do?
pt starts vomiting from taking colchicine, what do you do?

-they need to stop taking it even if they have pain
pt has been in long-term steroid therapy, how would they appear to you, (physically)?
pt has been in long-term steroid therapy, how would they appear to you, (physically)?

- round moon face
-dowager’s hump
-presence of edema
things you cannot see with steroid use?
things you cannot see with steroid use?
- immunosupression, concern with infection
-causing increase bleeding tendencies, develop bruising under the skin
what kind of drug is Vicodin?
what kind of drug is Vicodin?

- narcotic drug, analgesic
- don’t operate heavy machinery
- Causes nausea and vomiting
What is the most common side effect with Vicodin?
What is the most common side effect with Vicodin?

Most common side effect: constipation
narcotic analgesics cause what type of effect?
narcotic analgesics cause what type of effect?
narcotic analgesics cause:
- Sedation
- Hypotension
- Constipation
- Respiratory Depression
Do narcotic analgesics affect blood sugar levels?
narcotic analgesics have no affect on the blood sugar level
what kind of drug is Naloxone (Narcan)?
what kind of drug is Naloxone (Narcan)?

-Narcotic Antagonist
what do we use naloxone for?
what do we use naloxone for?

Naloxone (narcan) is an opioid antagonist.
- overdose
- also with addicts, use with extreme caution because they can cause withdrawal (reversal of opiod adverse effects)
-postoperative acute resp deppression.
(FYI: Antagonists have been developed to reverse the resp. depression associated w opioid.)
pt was admitted with Tylenol (acetaminophen) poisoning, what is the antidote?
pt was admitted with Tylenol (acetaminophen) poisoning, what is the antidote?

- acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
how do you know the Mucomyst has been effective?
- liver function is stable

- make sure to monitor liver function Liver Test: AST/ALT
When giving morphine to a pt what assessment is very important for you to monitor?
- respiratory rate
GI upset from any kind of drug, what is your nursing intervention to relieve problem?
Make pt sit-up and drink full glass of water
What is the antidote for Tylenol poisoning?
- Mucomyst (acetylcysteine) to prevent liver damage
How do you know the Mucomyst has been effective?
- liver function is stable
- make sure to monitor liver functions tests: AST/ALT
When giving morphine to a pt what assessment is very important for you to monitor?
- respiratory rate
What class of drug is Actonel (risedronate)?
- bisphosphonates, use to build bones and prevent further bone loss
what class of drug is cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)?
- muscle relaxants, use to reduce muscle spasms
What is the most common adverse effect of taking a gold compound?
- Metallic taste, should not stop taking but do notify physician
What is the difference between adverse-effect and side-effect?
-Adverse-effect is harmful
-Side effect can imply that the effects can be beneficial
what is the most common side-effect of muscle relaxants?
- drowsiness
How much water should the pt drink when taking any kind of acute gout medication?
- at least 2 liters of water a day until condition has subsided
What is the drug given for acute gout?
pt has been taking 650mg of aspirin 4x’s a day, what are the side-effects?
- tinnitus, can cause deafness, stop medication

-GI bleeding, instruct pt to look at stool abnormal colors black, dark stool, bright red report (black stool is referred to as "Melena"; Stools - black or tarry
What would be a contraindication for giving NSAIDS?
- peptic ulcers
- GI disorders
Aspirin is anti-inflammatory, given to people with arthritis
Aspirin is anti-inflammatory, given to people with arthritis
aspirin decrease platelets aggregation (clumping)
aspirin decrease platelets aggregation (clumping)
Why don’t we give aspirin to children?
- Reye’s syndrome
- instead use Tylenol
What type of opioid is in the form of a transdermal patch?
Fentanyl is avail in Transdermal patch
How is Humira administered?
- subQ
(FYI: Humira is given by subcutaneous (under the skin) self-injection once every two weeks.)
What is Humira given for?
humira is given subQ for rheumatoid arthritis
When should Prednisolone be given to prevent GI upset?
Prednisone is a corticosteroid and it should be given with meals to prevent GI
What type of drug is Prednisone?
Prednisone is a corticosteroid used to treat arthritis pain and inflammation
Allopurinol is given for gout, pt should…
- take the medication with food
- increase fluid intake
- call the doctor if a rash develops
-no alcohol
What is soma given for?
carisoprodol (soma) is a muscle relaxant
- used treat muscle spasms
what kind of drug is Dilaudid?
- narcotic opioid analgesic
what assessment should you use to see if medication is being effective, before and after giving drug?
- Pain scale
what is the common Opioid to suppress the cough syndrome
- codeine
when do we give colchicine?
when do we give colchicine
- for acute gout
What do u tell the pt to do when pt is experience, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain?
- stop the medication and go see the doctor
what is sumatriptan (Imitrex)?
- migraine headaches
what is the contraindication for Imitrex?
- coronary artery disease (CAD)
Which of the following meds could cause impressiveness?

A. Prednisone
B. Cyclosporine
C. methotrexaste
D. darvon
A- Prednisone yes
B- Cyclosporine yes
C- methotrexaste yes
S/S of bone marrow suppression?
- fever
Which assessment is going to be essential in order to know if pt has developed an infection?
- fever (temp)
- white blood count would be elevated
DMAR’s (disease modifying antirheumatic drugs) are given for what?
- rheumatoid arthritis
one of the side effects of DMAR’s is bleeding, what would you advice pt to do prevent bleeding?
- use soft tooth brush
- look for changes in color in stool
DMAR’s causes pancytopenia. What is Pancytopenia?
DMAR’s causes pancytopenia (a reduction of cellular components of the blood)
What is the normal RBC’s count?
normal RBC’s count is 3.5-5 million
muscle relaxants chief side-effect?
- drowsiness, do not have pt drive
what common side-effect should you monitor when giving morphine?
- respiratory depression
What are common adverse-effects from methotrexate (Rheumatrex)?
- mouth sores
What is methotrexate (Rheumatrex) commonly used for?
methotrexate (Rheumatrex) commonly used for rheumatoid arthritis
What kind of drug is probenecid (Benemid)?
- used for recurrent attacks of gout
- need to monitor uric acid levels to know if medication is being effective
Would you question an order for motrin given to a p with a history of stomach ulcers?
- mortin should NEVER be given to a pt with history of stomach ulcers
How much water should a pt taking DMAR drink?
DMAR’s needs to have at least 2-3 liters of water
gluco-cortico, which of the following are true statements:
- must taper medications not stop it abruptly
- take medication regularly don’t skip doses
- notify doctor if develop round face or feel thirsty all the time
They are all true statements
a pt taking Methotrexate developed a fever, what would you have the pt do?
- see doctor cause may be infection need to prescribe an anti-biotic
how should a narcotic be administered or ordered?
- around the clock
What drugs do you NOT mix with NSAIDS?
- with other NSAIDS like aspirin or Tylenol
pt is on a anticoagulant, aspirin needs to be avoided
pt is on a anticoagulant, aspirin needs to be avoided
pt is taking aspirins 4x’s a day for arthritis and experiences tinnitus what should pt do?
- stop taking it
what is calcitonin used for ?
- osteoporosis
How do you give fosamax?
- first thing in the morning before any other drug, with water, sit up right, wait 30 minutes before doing anything else
pt had surgery for hip fracture and was medicated 45 min ago, but still is in a lot of pain, what nursing intervention should you do?
- reposition him
give medication how long before starting any painful procedure?
give medication 30 min before starting any painful procedure
what kind of drug is parafonforte?
- corticosteroid and muscle relaxant
what kind of drug is actonel?
- biphosphonate
What do skeletal muscle relaxants do?
- stop muscle spasms
- improve tone
- improve movement/ROM
- reduce pain
allopurinol, you check uric acid levels for effectiveness
allopurinol, you check uric acid levels for effectiveness
mom comes in with 8yr old pt that is prescribed pediapred (glucosteroid), and another with the flu. what does she do?
- keep them apart and have them wear a mask? b/c drug suppresses the immune system
your pt is diagnosed with acute rheumatoid arthritis, give high doses of cortico steroids, pt says i don't think im going to take that med today, what do you tell her?
- ask her why she does, persuade them to take it, and don't let them get away with it
plaquinel for rheumatoid arthritis and has long term therapy, what side effects to monitor?
- visual problems
when should pt ask for med for pain?
onset or when it first starts
What do you do if a pt has pain (higher than a 5 on pain scale) and it has been over 30 min after med was administered?
pain med after administered should be less than a 5, if higher, notify MD and reassess
MD order 400mg, you have 200mg tablets. how many do you give?
Which patient if you are going to give them an Opioid (morphine) which is likely to develop confusion?
- older patients
-answer: 72 yr old female with broke leg
- older patients
-answer: 72 yr old female with broke leg
how does aspirin work?
when pt is on predinisone for rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, what are you going to monitor? WBC or RBC
- rbc because predinisone causes bleeding
you have an adult client with rheumatoid arthritis, which statement by the pt is true?

answer: - i should take it everyday to control my joint inflammation
- i should take it everyday to control my joint inflammation
pt has started aspirin therapy, and experiencing a lot of epigastric distress, what should you tell them?
- take drug with food and full glass of water

- take drug in the morning instead of evening

- sit upright to help avoid GI upset
pt has acute gout, they are taking Allopurinol and colchicine twice a day to prevent recurrence, what would the most common early sign of colchicine toxicity that you may see?
- diarrhea
your pt tells you they usually take ibuprofen/mortin 4x’s a day, what are the side effects of NSAIDS?
-upset stomach, nausea vomiting

-GI bleeding, need to ask pt what color are their stools
why do you need to stop taking aspirin one week before surgery (any kind of surgery)?
- it’s an anticoagulant, thins out the blood
pt. is taking colchicines for acute gout and start vomiting, what should you do?
- ask pt. to stop taking it even pt. is still having pain
S/S of long term steroid therapy?
- Moon face

- Dowager’s hump

- Edema (fluid retention)

- Immunosuppressant need to concern about infection

- Increase bleeding develop bruising under skin
S/S Vicodin?
- is narcotic analgesic

- do not drive or operate heavy machinery

- Nausea, vomiting, constipation (most common)
Side effect of narcotic analgesic (being agonist)?
- Respiratory depression

- Hypotension

- Constipation, nausea and vomiting

- has no effect on blood sugar
What is Naloxone (Narcan)?
- is opioid antagonist

- is capable of restoring respiratory function within 1-2 minutes

- short term use for ppl accidentally over dose
Drug that use for narcotic addiction or for detoxification?
- Naltrexone
What do u treat a pt. with narcotic addition and also overdose?
- treat with Narcan (Naloxone) cautiously and giving it very slowly to avoid withdrawal
What is the antidote for Tylenol poisoning?
- Mucomyst (acetylcysteine) to prevent liver damage
What blood test do you use to monitor the liver?

- aspartate aminotransferase (AST)

- alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
in giving morphine to pt., what do you need to monitor?
- Respiratory
gr = ? mg
gr = 60mg (65)
What are the side effects of colchicines?
- Severe nausea

- vomiting

- Bone marrow damage

(FYI: Colchicines is used to ward off gout because of its anti-inflammatory value)
What advice do give to pt. with GI upset when administering colchicines?
- sit pt. upright and give med. with a full glass of water

- take med. with food
What do you need to know before administer Opioid Analgesic to a child?
- Age

- High

- Weight

- Respiratory status
What kink of drug is Actonel?
- is Bisphosphonate

- use to strengthen bone

- treat or prevent bond loss (osteoporosis)
(FYI: Bisphosphonates, including Actonel, may cause upper gastrointestinal disorders such as dysphagia, esophagitis and esophageal or gastric ulcers.)
Bicarbonate ion
Common adverse effect of taking ‘gold salts’?
- is DMARDs (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs)

- use to reduce inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis

- Common adverse effect is metallic taste in mouth; notify doctor

- Common side effects: decrease appetite, nausea, hair thinning, diarrhea
Most common side effect of muscle relaxing drugs?
- Vision changes (double or blurred vision)

- Dizziness

- Light headedness

- Drowsiness

- Dry mouth
What pt. need to do when taking med. for gout to get rid of uric acid?
- taking med. with copious amount of water (2-3 litter per day)
Drugs for acute gout?
- Colchicines: for treating acute gout

- Allopurinol: prevent acute gout (decrease production of uric acid)
High dose of aspirin is taking (625mg), what is the side effect?
- GI bleeding (bright red blood in stool)

- Gastric upset

- Tinnitus
FYI: Tinnitus may lead to deafness… stop taking medication
FYI: Tinnitus may lead to deafness… stop taking medication
What should you check for with GI bleeding?
- check the color of stool (bright red blood) or dark tarry color for upper GI Bleeding
what type of drug is Toradol (ketorolac)?
- is an NSAIDs for moderate pain
What is a Contraindication of NSAIDs?
Contraindication of NSAIDs is peptic ulcer (duodenal ulcer)
Major rationale for using aspirin for RA?
- is anti-inflammatory drug

- reduce inflammation of the joint
Normal dose of aspirin should not interfere with?
- should not interfere with the liver unless over dose

- interfere with platelet aggregation

- promote bleeding
Which Opioid is available as Transdermal patch?
- Fentanyl is a Transdermal patch
How is Humira administered?
- subQ

(FYI: Humira is given by subcutaneous (under the skin) self-injection once every two weeks.)
How does Probenecid work?
- treat acute gout

- increase uric acid secretion
pt. on med. and develop rash, what can you tell the pt.?
- it is a sign of allergic reaction, call doctor
what kind of drug is soma?
- Muscle relaxer
What do you assess if given Dilaudid (pain reliever) to pt.?
- Pain level

(FYI: Dilaudid, a narcotic analgesic)
What Opioid analgesic frequently added to Antitussive for coughing?
- Codeine
pt. on colchicines and having SE of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain what would you have pt. do?
- stop med. and come in to see doctor
Contraindication of imitrex?
- Coronary artery disease (CAD)
Primary action of prednisone?
- Anti-inflammatory
Which of the following med. could cause immunosuppressiveness?

- Prednisone

- Cyclosporine

- methotrexaste

- darvon
Which of the following med. could cause immunosuppressive

- Prednisone yes

- Cyclosporine yes

- methotrexaste yes

- darvon no
S/S of bone marrow suppression?
- fever
what instruction should you give to pt. that is on methotrexate (DMARDs)?
- use soft tooth brush
What is the norm blood count range for:

- RBC = ?

- WBC = ?
- RBC = 3.5 – 5 mil. cells per mL

- WBC = 8000 - 10000
most common and alarming S/E of morphine (opioid)?
- respiratory depression
adverse effects of methotrexate?
- mouth sores
pt. with back pain and history of ulcer, doctor prescribed NSAIDs, would you question the order?
- yes (contraindication of NSAIDs is ulcer)
how would you educate pt. on morphine?
- take med. around the clock

- take at very onset of pain

- take stool softener

- take med. when pain scale is 5 or above teach pt. how to use the pain scale

- get assistance when get out of bed
pt. on sulfasalazine (Sulfazine) (DMARDs - containing sulfa), what blood test do we monitor?
- creatinine blood test
How much fluid should u encourage a pt on sulfa drug drink?
for sulfa drug, we need to encourage fluid from 2 – 3 litter a day
pt. with RA is on Imuran (immunosuppressive), complain about fever, sore throat and chill, what should you do about the Imuran?
- it is a sign of infection hold the imuran and notify doctor
pt. on glucose corticoid like prednisone, how do you wean pt. off the drug?
- taper it down

- do not skip doses

- notify doctor when have moon face and thirsty
pt. on methotrexate for RA and have temperature of 100.8 F, what should you tell him to do?
- go see doctor for antibiotic due to infection

- hold the next dose
what order should you question for RA?
- vicodin PRN because we don’t order vicodin PRN unless it has the frequency (bid, tid, qid…)
cumadin should or should not be taken with aspirin? Tylenol?
cumadin should not take with aspirin (acetaminophen – Tylenol is OK)
FYI: motrin (NSAIDs)
FYI: motrin (NSAIDs)
what kind of drug calcitonin or calcimar?
- for osteoporosis

- add calcium to bones
pt. with hip Fx complain about pain after 30 of medicated, what kind of action should you take?
- reposition pt.
what should you do before changing dressing or any painful procedure on a pt.?
- medicate pt. 30 min. before the procedure
alternative for numeric pain scale?
- facial scale
nursing instruction for PCA (patient controlled analgesia) pumps?
- give pt. power of control their pain
pt. with abnormal size of swelling or echymosis, what should you ask the pt.?
- if pt. is taking aspirin
what kind of drug is parafon forte?
- is corticosteroid and muscle relaxer
pt. has flu system since started the med., what can you tell the pt.
- go see doctor
what kind of drug is actonel?
- biphosphonate
rationale for high doses of glucose corticoid (cortisone) for pt. with RA
- it is anti-inflammatory

- reduce inflammation of the joint

- prevent further muscle damage
pt. is on med. for RA and has epigastric pain, what should you ask pt.?
- what color of her stool

- if she take med. with food

- what time of a day pt. is taking the med. (morning or night)
What is the action of skeletal muscle relaxants?
- decrease muscle spasm

- increase muscle tone

- relieve pain
Why should a pt on prednisone be isolated?
ppl on prednisone should be isolated from others because they are immunosuppressed
how often should cortico steroid be given?
- on regular schedule with meal to prevent GI upset

- drink lots of fluid
what kind of drug is plaquenil?
- is use for RA

- S/E = visual problem

- To comply, pt. should have eye exam every 6 months
what kind of assessment before pt. taking DMARDs (immunosuppressive) drug?
- temperature
when should pt. take med. for pain?
- Onset of the pain
how do you know if pain medication is effective?
- ask pt. what level of the pain base on the pain scale, pain level should go down
what kind of drug is vicodin?
- narcotic
S/E of narcotic
- constipation
question to ask before given imitrex
- if pt. is pregnant
S/E of prednisone?
- Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)

- Immonusuppressive (result of infection)

- cause weight gain bc of the fluid

- edema  fluid retension
pt. most likely develop confusion after taking opioid (morphine)
- older pt. (answer: 72 yr old female with broken leg)
pt. is on prednisone (corticosteroid), what lab test do you want to monitor


- Platelets
what statement is true about ibuprofen effective?

- pt. take motrin everyday to control joint inflammation

- pt. take motrin if temperature is 100 or higher

- take motrin for muscle spasm
- pt. take Motrin everyday to control joint inflammation? - Yes. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin) are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

- pt. take Motrin if temperature is 100 or higher? - yes, but pt should contact primary care physician if fever persists for over 3 days. If therapy began with fever, pt should contact dr if fever persists over 24 hours.

- take Motrin for muscle spasm? No
Pt is perfect. No imperfections, what is her name?
ATUSA ....Ha! I bet u got this one right