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39 Cards in this Set

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Lack of normal tone or strength. This happens in muscles that are deprived of innervation. Try not to confuse this term with atrophy (below) or atopy (which is a genetic predisposition towards hypersensitivity to common environmental antigens).
The wasting away or weakening of muscle fibers due to a lack of usage. There are many different kinds of atrophy. Look up atrophy in a medical dictionary and read or scan the terms which appear under this category.
Inflammation of a bursa.
A sac-like cavity filled with synovial fluid that is located in places where tendons or muscles pass over bony prominences.
charley horse
A bruised or torn muscle accompanied by cramps and severe pain. This particular injury most commonly affects the quadriceps muscle. (Incidentally, quadriceps is like biceps or triceps and always has the s," whether singular or plural.) Lay people refer to any muscle spasm of the legs or feet as a charley horse.
A sustained spasm or contraction of a muscle accompanied by severe, localized pain.
Sustained abnormal postures or disruptions of normal movement resulting from alterations of muscle tone.
Dupuytren's contracture
Painless thickening and contracture of the palmar fascia due to fibrous proliferation, resulting in loss of function of the fingers.
Similar to fibrillations or tremors. A repetitive, involuntary contraction of muscle. The main cause is nerve damage.
A group of rheumatic disorders characterized by achy pain, tenderness, and stiffness of muscles and tendon insertions. (Also called myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyositis.)
myofascial pain syndrome
A chronic condition affecting the fascia, or connective tissue covering muscles. It may involve a single muscle or muscle group.
The chronic inflammation of a muscle with hyperplasia (overgrowth) of connective tissue.
A thin-walled band cyst formed on a joint capsule or tendon sheath.
A benign tumor of smooth muscle tissue, e.g., the uterus.
muscular dystrophy
A genetic abnormality of muscle tissue characterized by dysfunction and ultimately deterioration.
Muscle pain.
myasthenia gravis
A chronic progressive neuromuscular weakness, usually starting with the muscles of the face and throat.
Any disease of the muscles.
myositis ossificans
A disease characterized by bony deposits or the ossification of muscle tissue.
The loss of nervous control of a muscle. This impairment is commonly thought of as related to paraplegia or quadriplegia. However, there are many different types of paralysis affecting many different muscles and organs of the body. These can be seen in a medical dictionary under paralysis.
Paralysis of the legs (lower extremities).
Paralysis of all four limbs.
plantar fasciitis
Excessive pulling or stretching of the calcaneal periosteum by the plantar fascia, resulting in pain along the inner border of the plantar fascia. This definition applies specifically to the process which affects the plantar surface of the foot. Fasciitis is inflammation of the fascia. There are other types of fasciitis, which can be seen in a medical dictionary under fasciitis.
An autoimmune disorder which causes atrophy and weakness of the muscles.
rigor mortis
Rigor means chilled, stiffness, rigidity. Rigor mortis is the muscular hardness occurring four to seven hours after death.
Inflammation of a tendon or the synovial lining of a tendon sheath due to trauma or repetitive wear. (Note the spelling. Tendonitis is an acceptable alternative spelling, but tendinitis is preferred.)
The inflammation of the tendon and the tendon sheath.
tennis elbow
A strain of the lateral forearm muscles or the tendinous attachments near their origin on the epicondyle of the humerus.
lateral and medial epicondylitis
Also referred to as tennis elbow, a condition characterized by weakness and pain in the muscles and tendons of the outside elbow.
A disease caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which produces a toxin that causes muscles to go into tetany (hyperexcitability of nerves and muscles, specifically characterized by muscular cramps and twitching). Jaw muscles are affected first. Lockjaw is the more common name.
Contraction of sternocleidomastoid muscle, causing rotation of the head.
a sudden attack of a disease, but is commonly thought of in reference to epilepsy
any of a group of syndromes that are characterized by a disturbance in brain function, which results in loss of consciousness, abnormal motor phenomena, or neurosensory disturbances. An episode resulting from an epileptic condition is called a seizure.
alternate muscular contraction and relaxation in rapid succession.
means normal tone.
tonic-clonic activity or tonicoclonic activity
during a seizure it is often the case that the muscles go through a series of rapid contractions alternating with a return to normal muscle tone.
the adjectival form of clonus;
Parkinson disease
a progressive degenerative nervous system disorder that is characterized by four features: slowness and absence of movement, muscular rigidity, resting tremor, and unstable posture.
stiffness or inflexibility.