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45 Cards in this Set

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Muscles that move the thigh
Rectus Femoris
O: Anterior inferior iliac spine and ilium
I: quadriceps tendon to patella
F: flexes thigh at hip
Gluteal Group
Gluteus Maximus
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Gluteus Maximus
O: Surface of ilium posterior to gluteal line
I: Tuberosity of femur
F: Extends and rotates thigh at hip
Gluteus Medius
O: Ilium
I: Greater trochanter of femur
F: Abducts thigh at hip
Gluteus Minimus
O: Ilium
I: anterior surface of greater trochater of femur
F: abducts thigh at hip
Tensor Fasciae Latae
O: anterior iliac crest
I: lateral condyle of tibia
F: abducts and flexes thigh at hip
Adductor Group
Adductor Brevis
Adductor Longus
Adductor Magnus
Adductor Brevis
O: inferior ramus of pubis
I: linea aspera
F: adducts and flexes thigh
Adductor Longus
O: superior aspect of pubis
I: femur
F: adducts and flexes thigh
Adductor Magnus
O:inferior ramus of pubis, ishial tuberosity
I: adductor tubercle, femur
F: adducts, flexes, and extends thigh
O: inferior border of pubic body
I: proximal medial surface of tibia
F: adducts thigh at hip
Muscles That Move the head
O: Manubrium of sternum and medial portion of clavicle
I: Mastoid process of temporal bone
F: Prime mover of head
Muscles that move the lower arm
Biceps Brachii
Triceps Brachii
Biceps Brachii
O: Coracoid process
I: Radial tuberosity
F: Flexes elbow joint and supinates forearm
O: Front of distal humerus
I: Coronoid process of ulna
F: A major forearm flexor
Triceps Brachii
O: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula.
I: Common tendon into olecranon process of ulna.
F: Powerful forearm extendor.
Muscles that move the chest wall
O: Inferior border of rib cage and sternum, costal cartilage of last six ribs.
I: Central tendon
F: Prime mover of inspiration, increasing vertical dimensions of thorax
Muscles that move the foot
Tibalis Anterior
Tibialis anterior
O: Lateral condyle
I: By tendon onto inferior surfiace of cuneiform and first metatarsal.
F: Prime mover of dorsiflexion.
O: Lateral condyle of femur.
I: Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
F: Planter flexes foot.
O: From tibia, fibula, and interosseous membrane.
I: Gastrocnemius
F: Planter flexes ankle
Muscles that Move the lower leg
Quadriceps femoris: Rectus femoris, vastus latoralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius
Hamstring Group: Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
Rectus femoris
O: Anterior inferior iliac spine
I: Patella and tibial tuberosity
F: Extends knee and flexes thigh at hip.
vastus latoralis
O: Greater trochanter
I: rectus femoris
F: extends knee
vastus medialis
O: linea aspera
I: rectus femoris
F: extends knee
vastus intermedius
O: Anterior and lateral surfaces of proximal femur shaft
I: rectus femoris
F: extends knee
O: anterior superior iliac spine
I: winds down
F: flexes and laterally rotate thigh
Biceps femoris (Hamstring Group)
O: ischial tuberosity
I: lateral condyle of tibia
F: extends thigh at hip
Semitendinosus (Hamstring Group)
O: ischial tuberosity
I: upper tibial shaft
F: extends thigh at hip
Semimembranosus (Hamstring Group)
O: ischial tuberosity
I: medial condyle of tibia
F: extends thigh and flexes knee
Muscles that move the shoulder
Serratus Anterior
O: Occipital bone
I: acromoin and spine of scapula
F: stabilizes, raises, retracts, and rotates scapula
Serratus Anterior
O: Ribs 1-8
I: Anterior surface of vertebral border of scapula
F: prime mover to protract and hold scapula against chest wall
O: spinous process of C7 AND T1, T2-T5
I: Medial border of scapula
F: Act together to retract scapula
Muscles of the Face
Orbicularis Oris, Temporalis, Orbicularis Oculi, Zygomaticus, Masseter, Occipitals, Frontalis
Orbicularis Oris
O: Indirectly from maxilla and mandible.
I: Inserts into mouth
F: Closes and protrudes lips (kissing muscle)
O: Temporal fossa
I: Coronoid process of mandible
F: closes jaw, retracts mandible
Orbicularis Oculi
O: frontal and maxillary bones and ligaments around orbit.
I: tissue of eyelid.
F: protects eye from intense light and injury.
O: zygomatic bone
I: skin and muscle at corner of mouth
F: raises lateral corners of mouth upward
O: zygomatic arch
I: angle and ramus of mandible
F: prime mover of jaw closure: elevates mandible
O: occipital bone
I: galea aponeurotica
F:fixes aponeuroisis and pulls scalp posteriorly
O: galea aponeurotica
I: skin of eyebrows and nose
F: raises eyebrows (Surprise...); wrinkles forehead