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148 Cards in this Set

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Gluteus Maximus

-Extends thigh

-Laterally rotates thigh

-Extends trunk when LE is fixed

Gluteus Medius (Anterior Fibers)

-Abducts thigh

-Medially rotates thigh

-Flexes thigh

Gluteus Medius (Middle Fibers)

-Abducts thigh

Gluteus Medius (Posterior Fibers)

-Abducts thigh

-Laterally rotates thigh

-Extends thigh

Gluteus Minimus (Anterior Fibers)

-Abducts thigh

-Medially rotates thigh

-Flexes thigh

Gluteus Minimus (Middle Fibers)

-Abducts thigh

Gluteus Minimus (Posterior Fibers)

-Abducts thigh

-Laterally rotates thigh

-Extends thigh

-Stabilized the head of the femur during different phases of gait

Tensor Fasica Lata

-Flexes thigh

-Medially rotates thigh

-Abducts thigh


-Laterally rotates thigh

-Abducts thigh when flexed

-Aids in hip stability by restraining femoral head against acetabulum

-Lateral rotation stabilizer

Obtruator Externus

-Laterally rotates thigh

Quadratus Femoris

-Laterally rotates thigh

Superior Gemellus

-Laterally rotates thigh

-Abducts thigh when flexed

Obtruator Internus

-Laterally rotates thigh

-Abducts thigh when flexed

Inferior Gemellus

-Laterally rotates thigh

-Abducts thigh when flexed

Biceps Femoris (Long Head)

- Extends thigh

- Extends trunk when LE is fixed

- Flexes leg

- Laterally rotates leg when knee is flexed

Biceps Femoris (Short Head)

- Flexes leg

- Laterally rotates leg when knee is flexed


- Extends thigh

- Flexes leg

- Extends trunk when LE is fixed

- Medially rotates leg when knee is flexed


- Extends thigh

- Flexes leg

- Extends trunk when LE is fixed

- Medially rotates leg when knee if flexed


- Flexes thigh

- Medially rotates thigh

- Adducts thigh

- Stabilizes hip joint

Psoas Major/ Iliacus

- Flexes thigh

- Laterally rotates thigh

- Flexes trunk when LE stabilized

Psoas Minor

- Flexes pelvis on the lumbar spine

Rectus Femoris

- Extends leg

- Flexes thigh

Vastus Intermedius

- Extends leg

Vastus Medialis

- Extends leg

Vastus Lateralis

- Extends leg


- Extends leg

- Flexes thigh

- Laterally rotates thigh

- Abducts thigh

- Medially rotates leg when knee is flexed

Adductor Brevis

- Adducts thigh


- Adducts thigh

- Flexes leg

- Medially rotates leg when knee flexed

Adductor Longus

- Adducts thigh

- Flexes thigh

Adductor Magnus (Hamstring Portion)

- Extends thigh

- Adducts thigh

- Laterally rotates thigh

Adductor Magnus (Adductor Portion)

- Adducts thigh

- Medially rotates thigh

- Flexes thigh

Tibialis Anterior

- Dorsiflexes ankle

- Inverts foot

Extensor Digitorum Longus

- Extends the 4 lateral toes

- Dorsiflexes ankle

- Everts foot

Extensor Hallucis Longus

- Extends great toe

- Dorsiflexes ankle

Fibularis Tertius

- Everts foot

- Dorsiflexes ankle

Extensor Digitorum Brevis

- Extend toes 2,3,4

Extensor Hallucis Brevis

- Extends great toe at MP joint


- Plantarflexes ankle

- Flexes leg

- Flexes femur on tibia when foot fixed (squat)

- Stabilize knee during gait


- Plantarflexes ankle

- Steadies leg on foot during standing


- Flexes leg

- Plantarflexes ankle


- Flexes leg

- "Unlocks" knee by laterally rotating femur on tibia during weight bearing

- Medially rotates tibia on femur when non-weight bearing (Screw home mechanism)

Flexor Digitorum Longus

- Flexes toes

- Plantarflexes ankle

- Inverts foot

Flexor Hallucis Longus

- Flexes great toe

- Plantarflexes ankle

- Inverts foot

Tibialis Posterior

- Plantarflexes ankle

- Inverts foot

- Assists with balance in WB

Fibularis Longus

- Everts foot

- Plantarflexes ankle

- Supports arch

Fibularis Brevis

- Everts foot

- Plantarflexes ankle

Abductor Hallucis

- Abduct great toe

- Flexes MTP of great toe

Flexor Digitorum Brevis

- Flexes PIP and MTP of toes 2-5

Abductor Digiti Minimi

- Abducts little toe

- Flexed MTP of little toe

Quadratus Plantae

- Straightens pull of the flexor digitorum longus tendons assisting with toe flexion


- Flexes MTP joints 2-5

- Extends PIP and DIP of 2-5

Flexor Hallucis Brevis

- Flexes great toe at MTP joint

Adductor Hallucis

- Adducts great toe at MTP joint

- Flexes great toe at MTP joint

Flexor Digiti Minimi

- Flexes 5th toe at MTP joint

Plantar Interossei

- Adducts 3,4,5 toes

- Flexes MTP of 3,4,5

- Extends IPs of 3,4,5

Dorsal Interossei

- Abducts 2,3,4 toes

- Flexes MTP of 2,3,4

- Extends IPs of 2,3,4

Trapezius (Upper)

- Extends head/neck

- Laterally flexes head/neck

- Rotates vertebrae opposite

- Elevates scapula

- Adducts scapula

- Upwardly rotates scapula

Trapezius (Middle)

- Adducts scapula

- Extends head/neck

- Laterally flexes head/neck

- Rotates vertebrae opposite

Trapezius (Lower)

- Adducts scapula

- Extends head/neck

- Laterally flexes head/neck

- Rotates vertebrae opposite

- Depresses scapula

- Upwardly rotates scapula

Latissimus Dorsi

- Adducts arm

- Medially rotates arm

- Extends arm

When humerus is fixed

- Downward rotates scapula, Raises body towards arm

- Laterally flexes trunk

- Elevates pelvis, Extends trunk (bilateral)

- Aides in trunk rotation (unilateral) Ya it does

Rhomboid Minor

- Adducts scapula

- Downwardly rotates scapula

- Elevates scapula

Rhomboid Major

- Adducts scapula

- Downwardly rotates scapula

- Elevates scapula

Levator Scapula

- Downwardly rotates scapula
- Adducts scapula
- Elevates scapula

Deltoid (Anterior)

- Flexes arm

- Medially rotates arm

- Horizontally adducts arm

Deltoid (Middle)

- Abducts arm

Deltoid (Posterior)

- Extends arm

- Laterally rotates arm

- Horizontally abducts arm


- Abducts arm

- Laterally rotates arm (Weak)

- Stabilize shoulder joint


- Laterally rotates arm

- Stabilize shoulder joint

Teres Minor

- Laterally rotates arm

- Stabilizes shoulder joint

Teres Major

- Extends arm

- Medially rotates arm

- Adducts arm

Triceps Brachii (Long Head)

- Extends arm

- Extends forearm

- Horizontally abducts arm

Triceps Brachii (Lateral Head)

- Extends forearm

Triceps Brachii (Medial Head)

- Extends forearm

Serratus Posterior Superior

- Proprioception

- Elevates upper ribs aid with inspiration

Serratus Posterior Inferior

- Proprioception

- Depresses lower ribs

- Stabilizes lower ribs to prevent upward movement by diaphragm during inspiration.

Splenius Capitus

- Extends head/neck (bilateral)

- Laterally flexes head/neck (unilateral)

- Rotates same side (unilateral)

Splenius Cervicis

- Rotates head/neck same side (unilateral)

- Laterally flexes neck (unilateral)

- Extends neck

Erector Spinae Group (Spinalis, Longissimus, Iliocostalis)

- Extends trunk, head, neck

- Maintains posture (chief action)

- Laterally flexes trunk (unilateral)

- Rotates trunk same side (unilateral)

Transversospinalis Group (Semispinalis, Multifidus, Rotatores)

- Laterally flexes trunk ipsilateral (unilateral)

- Rotates contralateral (unilateral)

- Extends head and column (bilateral)

- Stabilizes column

Rectus Capitus Posterior Major, Rectus Capitus Posterior Minor

- Extends head at AO joint (Bilateral)

- Rotates head same side (unilateral)

Inferior Oblique of Head

- Rotates head same side by pulling on atlas

Superior Oblique of Head

- Extends and laterally flexes head.

Pectoralis Major

- Adducts humerus

- Medially rotates humerus

- Horizontally addcucts humerus

- Abducts scapula

- Flexes humerus (clavicular head)

- Extends humerus to anatomical position (sternal head)

Pectoralis Minor

- Abducts scapula

- Depresses scapula

- Accessory respiratory muscle is scapula is fixed


- Flexes humerus

- Adducts humerus

- Horizontally adducts humerus


- Medially rotates arm

- Stabilizes shoulder joint

Serratus Anterior

- Upwardly rotates scapula

- Abducts scapula

- Stabilizes scapula to prevent winging

Biceps Brachii

- Supinates forearm

- Flexes forearm

- Flexes arm


- Flexes forearm


- Flexes forearm

- Assists with pronation and supination to midposition


- Extends forearm

- Abducts ulna during pronation

- Stabilizes elbow joint

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

- Extends hand

- Radially deviates hand

- Extends forearm (weak)

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

- Extends hand

- Radially deviates hand

- Extends forearm (weak)

Extensor Digitorum

- Extends digits 2-5

- Extends hand

- Extends forearm

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

- Extends hand

- Ulnarly deviates hand

- Extends forearm


- Supinates forearm

Abductor Pollicis Longus

- Abducts 1st MCP

- Radially deviates hand

- Extends 1st MCP

Extensor Pollicis Longus

- Extends all thumb joints

- Radially deviates hand

- Assists with hand extension

Extensor Pollicis Brevis

- Extends 1st MCP

- Extends 1st CMC

- Assists with radially deviation

Extensory Digiti Minimi

- Extends 5th finger

- Extends hand

- Assists with ulnar deviation

Extensor Indicis

- Extends 2nd digit at all joints

- Extends hand

Pronator Teres

- Pronates forearm

- Flexes forearm

Pronator Quadratus

- Pronates forearm

Flexor Carpi Radialis

- Flexes hand

- Flexes forearm

- Radially deviates forearm

Palmaris Longus

- Flexes hand

- Flexes forearm

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

- Flexes hand

- Ulnarly deviates hand

- Flexes forearm

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

- Flexes MCP and PIP joints of 2-5

- Flexes hand

- Assists with flexion of forearm

Flexor Digitorum Profundus

- Flexes all joints of 2-5

- Flexes hand

Flexor Pollicis Longus

- Flexes all joints of thumb

- Flexes hand

Abductor Pollicis Brevis

- Abducts thumb

- Aids in opposition

Adductor Pollicis

- Adducts thumb at CMC joint

Flexor Pollicis Brevis

- Flexes thumb at MCP

Opponens Pollicis

- Opposition of thumb

Flexor Digiti Minimi

- Flexes MCP of 5th finger

Opponens Digiti Minimi

- Opposition of 5th

Abductor Digiti Minimi

- Abducts 5th finger

- Flexes MCP of 5th

Palmaris Brevis

-Deepens hollow of palm

- Stabilizes skin of palm


- Flexes MCP of 2-5

- Extends IP's of 2-5

Palmar Interossei

- Adducts 2,4 and 5

- Flexes MCP of 2,4, and 5

- Extends IP's of 2,4 and 5

Dorsal Interossei

- Abducts 2,3 and 4

- Flexes MCP of 2,3,4

- Extends IP's of 2,3,4


- Extends neck at AO joint (bilateral)

- Flexes neck (bilateral)

- Accessory muscle in respiration

- Laterally flexes to same side (unilateral)

- Rotates head opposite (unilateral)


- Elevates hyoid, base of tongue, and floor of mouth during swallowing and talking


- Elevates and retracts hyoid elongating floor of mouth


- Elevates hyoid, base of tongue, steadies hyoid during swallowing and speaking, depresses mandible against resistance


- Elevates hyoid and draws it forward, shortening floor of oral cavity; If hyoid is stable, can retract and depress mandible


- Depress hyoid


- Depress larynx


- Depress hyoid

- Elevate thyroid cartilage if hyoid is fixed


- Depress, retract and steady hyoid


- Elevate and tilt cricoid cartilage- Tenses and elongates vocal cords

Anterior Scalene

- Flexes neck

- Laterally flexes neck

- Rotates neck opposite

- Elevates 1st rib (accessory respiratory)

Middle Scalene

- Flexes neck

- Laterally flexes neck

- Rotates neck opposite

- Elevates 1st rib (accessory respiratory)

Posterior Scalene

- Flexes neck

- Laterally flexes neck

- Rotates neck opposite

- Elevates 2nd rib (accessory respiratory)

Longus Coli

- Flexes neck

- Laterally flexes neck

- Rotates neck opposite

Longus Capitus

- Flexes head and upper cervical spine

Rectus Capitis Anterior

- Flexes head

- Stabilizes AO joint

Rectus Capitis Lateralis

- Laterally flexes head

- Stabilizes AO joint


- Elevates mandible

- Retracts mandible

- Clenches teeth

- Lateral deviation


- Elevates mandible

- Protrudes mandible

- Clenches teeth

Medial Pterygoid

- Elevates mandible

- Protrudes mandible

- Clenches teeth

- Laterally deviates

Lateral Pterygoid

- Protrudes mandible

- Pulls disc anteriorly

- Laterally deviates

- Assists with initial mouth opening

External Oblique

- Rotates trunk opposite (unilateral)

- Laterally flexes trunk (unilateral)

- Flexes trunk (bilateral)

- Compresses abdominal contents

Internal Oblique

- Rotates trunk same side (unilateral)

- Laterally flexes trunk (unilateral)

- Flexes trunk (bilateral)

- Compresses abdominal contents

Transversus Abdominis

- Compresses abdominal contents

- Active in forced respiration

Rectus Abdominis

- Flexes trunk

- Compresses abdominal contents


- Tenses linea alba

Quadratus Lumborum

- Laterally flexes trunk


- Depresses 12th rib

- Extends trunk (bilateral)

