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19 Cards in this Set

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Determinant of a 2x2 matrix


determinant= (a₁₁×a₂₂)-(a₁₂×a₂₁)

Process of finding determinant of an nxn matrix

Chose one row or one column, then take the determinant without the row/column of the value you had originally chosen, repeat until 2×2 matrices are obtained

Effect on determinant if you interchange rows or columns in a matrix

The determinant is multiplied by -1

Effect on determinant if there is a scalar in a row or column

We can factor the scalar out of the row or column

Effect on determinant if any row or column consists completely of 0

The determinant is 0

Effect on determinant if we change a row (or column) by adding another row (or, respectively, column)

The value of the determinant remains the same

Definition: The cross product (a×b)

Suppose that a= a₁i + a₂j +a₃k, and b=b₁i + b₂j +b₃k are vectors in R³. The cross product or vector product of a and b (a×b) is defined to be the vector

a×b =|{i,j,k},{a₁,a₂,a₃},{b₁,b₂,b₃}|

Properties of the cross product (4)

1. a×b = -(b×a)

2. a×(βb +γc) = β(a×b) + γ(a×c)

3. (αa + βb)×c = α(a×c) + β(b×c)

4 a×b =0 if and only if a and b are parallel or a or b is zero

What happens when you take cross product of the same vector

a×a= -a×a because of the property

so a×a=0

Cross products of unit vectors (6)







How is the vector a×b related directionally to any vector in the plane spanned by a and b

It is orthogonal to any vector in the plane spanned by a and b

Also, it is perpendicular to a and b

Length of a×b= ‖a×b‖=

=‖a‖ ‖b‖ |sinθ|

The area of the parallelogram spanned by a and b

‖a‖ ‖b‖ sinθ

Geometry of 2×2 Determinants

The absolute value of the determinant |{a₁,a₂},{b₁,b₂}| is the area of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides are the vectors a=a₁i + a₂j and b=b₁i + b₂j. The sign of the determinant is positive when the angle from a to b is less than π, rotating in the counterclockwise direction

Geometry of 3×3 Determinants

The absolute value of the determinant

D= |{a₁,a₂,a₃}, {b₁,b₂,b₃}, {c₁,c₂,c₃}| is the volume of the parallelepiped whose adjacent sides are the vectors that correlate in the matrix

Equation of a Plane in Space

The equation of the plane P through (x₀,y₀,z₀) that has a normal vector n=Ai+Bj+Ck is

A(x-x₀) +B(y-y₀) +C(z-z₀)=0

That is (x,y,z) ∈P if and only if


where D= -Ax₀-By₀-Cz₀

Determining A,B,C,D for the plane P

x,y,z can satisfy the Ax+By+Cz+D=0 equation if and only if it satisfies


for any constant λ≠0.

Also, if both A,B,C,D and A',B',C',D' determine P, then A=λA', B=λB' C=λC', D=λD' for a scalar λ.

Qualifications for two planes being called parallel

When their normal vectors are parallel

Distance from a Point (x₁,y₁,z₁) to a Plane (Ax+By+Cz+D=0)

Distance = |Ax₁+By₁+Cz₁+D|/√(A²+B²+C²)