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83 Cards in this Set

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A hormone that is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland is called!

Growth hormone

Steroid hormone does what!

It enters the nucleus and binds to DNA

The thalamus is generally known to be!

The relay station for sensory nerve impulse

The amount of blood leaving the ventral in each heart beat is called!

Stroke volume

The fallopian tube is the site of what!


The hormone that regulates the rate of red blood cell production is called!


During the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle!

Functional layer of the endometrium regenerates

The thyroid hormone does what!

Affects basal metabolic rate

Lymph capillaries start as what?

Begin as blind ended tubules

Amino acid based hormones do what!

Bind to a plasma membrane receptor

Most amino acid absorption occurs in the what!

Small intestine

Lymphatic vessels do what!

Transport fat from the digestive system

The second heart sound is due to!

Closing of the semilunar valves

The process of normal expiration involves!

Muscle relaxation and reduction in thoracic cavity volume

The hormone released from the developing follicle cells in the ovary is !


Excess glucose in the cells is stored as!


During digestion proteins are broken down into!

Amino acids

The neural control centres for breathing and heart rate are located on which brain region?

Medulla oblongata

Lacteal does what!

Absorbs fatty acids

The hormone that increases water reabsorption in the kidney is called!

Anti- diuretic (adh)

Fatty acids are stored in the liver and muscle as !


The tough outermost meningeal layer which anchors the brain is called!

Dura mater

Inspiration involves !

An increase in intrapulmonary volume

Cellular respiration has three main metabolic pathways which are!

Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transfer chain

The majority of nephron's are located in the renal !


Which of the following hormones are responsible for the balance of blood calcium!

Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone

The temporal lobes of the brain are connected with !



Provides fibre for efficient action of the large intestine

The third tunic from the inside of the alimentary canal is named the!


During the process of filtration in the nephron

Blood cells and proteins do not pass through the filtration membrane

The section of the renal tubule that connects to the collecting duct is referred to as the!

Distal convoluted tubule

Functions of the urinary system include !

Water balance

Glycolysis is a process which occurs when!

Occurs in the cytosol outside the mitochondria

Cells that have a multiple nuclei are!

The liver, urinary cells, parietal cells

How are cells held together to form tissues!

By cell junctions, tight junctions, supporting filaments .

Functions of the plasma membrane are!

Transparent barrier, protects the organelles

What is the difference between an organelle and inclusion?

Organelle is within the cytoplasm where as inclusions are lifeless chemicals such as pigments.

Protein synthesis and transport is done by which organelle!

Smooth er

Why is blood classified as a fluid tissue!

Because it contains, cells, fibers, matrix and it connects body parts with each other.

How much litres of blood does the average adult have!

5.5 litres

What makes plasma so sticky!


5 things found in plasma are!






Granulocytes are also known as!





The portion of blood that consists of packed red blood cells in the plasma.

How would the hematocrit change during pregnancy!

It would decrease in the last trimester as plasma volume would increase.

How is oxygen carried!

Through haemoglobin

Rhesus factor means !

There are no antibodies on the blood surface

Hemostasis includes 3 phases which are what!

Vascular spasm

Platelet plug formation


Positive feedback

What major body organ plays a role in producing plasma protein!


The most common plasma protein is!


Arganulocytes are what!

Lymphocytes and monocytes

Progesterone and oestrogen are produced by the !


Follicle stimulating hormone is secreted by the!

Anterior pituitary

The adrenal glands are located !

On the kidneys

What hormones use a second messenger system the first messenger is!

The hormone receptor

Antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin are released into the bloodstream by the!

Anterior pituitary gland

The hormone that causes an increase in the breakdown of bone matrix is !


The largest part of the brain is the!


Visual perception is located in the !

Occipital lobe

The thalamus and the hypothalamus are part of the!


The corpus callosum is!

A bundle of nerve fibres that connect the two hemispheres

The length of DNA that codes for a single protein product is known as a?


Nerves that contain mostly efferent fibres are called!

Motor nerves

The major calyces of the kidney converge to form an enlarge channel called the renal!


The contractile unit of muscles is a !


The coloured part of the eye is called!


The photoreceptor cells that respond to light are called!

Rods and cones

The visual cortex is located !

In the occipital lobe

If red blood cells are placed in a beaker of water what will happen to them!

Water will move into the red blood cells

The most common plasma protein is!


The blood test known as the hematocrit is the same as!

Packed cell volume

An ion with a positive charge such as Mg ++


An ionic bond is best described as!

An attraction charge atoms and the transfer of electrons between atoms

60% of the volume of semen comes from the!

Prostate gland

A lacteal is!

Is a modified lymph capillary that absorbs fatty acids .

Fatty acids are stored in the liver and muscle as !


Excess glucose in the cell is stored as!


Amino acid base hormones !

Bind to a plasma membrane receptor

Aerobic metabolism is what!

Produces ATP via Krebs cycle and electron transport chain.

A white blood cell that releases histamine !


A white blood cell that releases histamine is called !


The thalamus is generally known to be!

The relay station for sensory nerve impulses

The hormone that regulates the rate of red blood cell production is called !
