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37 Cards in this Set

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Explain the process of identifiying training requirements for Naval personnel.
It is an ongoing process. As skill requirements become obsolete, the Navy changes, revises, or deletes courses.
State the purpose of the Navy Training System.
To ensure a systematic approach for determining what to train and how to best accomplish that training.
What is the most essential, single link in the training chain?
The Instructor.
State and discuss the three qualities of an efficient and effective instructor.
- Knowledge: Subject Matter Expert.
- Ability: leadership & Instructional.
- Personality: Gain respect of students.
Discuss the Instructor's responsibilites in terms of:

a. Responsibility to students.
Set a good example, resolve conflicts, teach effectively.
Discuss the Instructor's responsibilites in terms of:

b. Responsibility to training safety
Ensure a safe training environment for students
Discuss the Instructor's responsibilites in terms of:

c. Responsibility to security
Know all requirements in teaching, handling, and storage of classified material.
Discuss the Instructor's responsibilities in terms of:

d. Responsibility to curriculum
Maintain the curriculum, making sure it is accurate and up to date, know the difference between a change/revision
List & discuss the key principles to applying motivation theory in a training situation.
-Needs & Drives: a deficit or lack that causes a desire for satisfaction.

- Interests: worthwhile or enjoyable for its own sake.

- Values: Attitude and previous experience affect the nature and the amount that the student learns.

- Incentives: Rewards

- Attitudes: Consists of feelings for or against people, objects, or ideals.

- Achievement: A strong desire, an aim, goal, or a desired objective
Five techniques for developing motivational strategies
1. Make subject matter interesting

2. Establish Goals

3. Encourage Participation

4. Provide informative feedback

5. Show interest in students
The ultimate goal of instruction.
Cause the student to remain motivated beyond the the instructors influence and apply what they have been trained on the job.
Five different ways of learning
1. Association: Comparison of past learning to a new learning situation

2. Trial & Error: Discovery learning by doing

3. Imitation: Imitating or following the example of others

4. Transfer: Applying past learning to new but somewhat similar situations.

5. Insight: Occurs when the learner suddenly grasps the way elements of a problem situation are connected.
Five laws of learning
1. Readiness
a. Students learn best when they are physically, mentally, and emotionally ready

2. Effect
a. Based on emotional reaction of student, directly related to motivation

3. Primacy
a. Things learned first create a strong impression in the mind, difficult to erase.

4. Intensity
a. More intense the material the more it is likely to be retained

5. Exercise
a. Things that are most repeated are best remembered
Single most important factor in a student's educational advancement.
The five learning senses in their order of importance to the instructional environment.
1. Sight
a. Accounts for 75%

2. Hearing
a. Accounts for 22%

3. Touch

4. Taste

5. Smell

Touch, Taste & Smell account for the additional 3%
Six common characteristics all students possess
1. Desire to succeed.

2. Recognized for job well done

3. Ability to evaluate

4. Students make mistakes

5. Want to be treated as adults

6. Respect instructors who show a sense of fair play
Four basic learning styles
1. Concrete: Being involved in a new experience

2. Abstract: Creating theories to explain observations

3. Reflective: Watching others or developing observations about one's own experience

4. Active: Using theories to solve problems, make decisions
Percentages of information retained when one or more learning styles is involved in the instructional process
1. Abstract = 20%

2. Abstract + Reflective = 50%

3. Abstract, Reflective, & Concrete = 70%

4. All four (Concrete, Absolute, Reflective, Abstract) = 90%
Barriers to effective communication
1. Lack of common core knowledge

2. Overuse of abstractions

3. Fear

4. Environmental factors
Purpose of the 3-step communication process
1. Transmit

2. Receive

3. Feedback
Discuss why listening is one of the most important communication skills.
Active process of hearing and understanding which demands concentration and attention.
Five factors considered in planning instructional delivery
1. Grammar

2. Inflection of voice

3. Rate of speech

4. Articulation

5. Force of delivery
Importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication
Reinforces, emphasizes, & clarifies verbally expressed ideas.
Four purposes of an oral question
1. Drills student on subject matter.

2. Focuses attention

3. Arouses interest

4. Stimulates students to think
Characteristics of a good oral question
1. Level of instruction

2. Use of interrogative

3. Clarity of meaning
Types of oral questions and their purposes
1. Factual
a. Asks for specific information

2. Multiple Answer
a. More than one answer and increases student participation

3. Yes/No
a. Can serve as lead-in to other questions such as "Why do believe that to be true?"

4. Canvassing
a. Determine those who are familiar with specific area of subject matter

5. Leading
a. One suggests its own answer; such as, "The 40mm gun is larger than the 20mm gun, isn't it?"

6. Interest Arousing
a. Focuses attention

7. Thought provoking
a. Stimulates students to think
Discuss the five-step questioning technique
1. Ask question

2. Pause

3. Call on student (by name)

4. Comment on answer

5. Emphasize the correct answer
Seven instructional methods
1. Case study

2. Demonstration

3. Role-play

4. Discussion

5. Lesson

6. Lecture

7. Lecture with Audio/Visual

Code Red Level 3
Three parts of a learning objective
1. Behavior

2. Condition

3. Standard
Three learning domains
1. Cognitive
a. Involves knowledge and development of intellectual skills.

2. Affective
a. Manner in which we deal with things emotionally

3. Psychromotor
a. Physical movement, coordination, and use of motor skills.
Differences between


a. Reflect specific skills and knowledge required in a job.

b. Support CLO, state performance (Behavior, condition, standard)
Two methods of testing
1. Knowledge

2. Performance
Five learning levels a knowledge item may test
1. Recognition

2. Application

3. Comprehension

4. Analysis & Evaluation

5. Recall
Discuss the different types of performance tests
1. Simulated work situations

2. Evaluation of performance

3. Skill objectives to be performance tested

4. Final product test
Primary materials used in presenting instruction.
1. Lesson plan (front matter, lesson topics)

2. Instructional sheets (JOPAID)

3. Instructional Media Material (IMM)
Purpose of using IMM
1. Increase student understanding

2. Increase interest & motivation

3. Increase retention

4. Increase uniformity of training
Two types of instructor evaluations.
1. Classroom
a. Introduction
b. Presentation
c. Instructor to student interaction.
d. Summary

2. Laboratory
a. Instructor Performance
b. Student Performance
c. Facilities