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35 Cards in this Set

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definition of microcytosis

MCV under 80 fL

the 4 main causes of microcytic anemia



sideroblastic anemia

anemia of chronic disease

root cause of iron deficiency anemia

blood loss over time

it can be incredibly small amounts of blood loss to lead to IDA also.

what causes anemia of chronic disease?

etiology is not totally understood but basicalyl any kind of chronic infection, inflammation or cancer leads to iron uptake and storage in macrophages

the macs trap and store the iron as ferritin.

Hgb synthesis fails to occur

What other disease can lead to anemia of chronic disease?

renal failure where you do not produce any EPO

what is sideroblastic anemia?

basically anything that suppresses the marrow's production of RBCs

can also show macrocytosis if it's associated with a preleukemic syndrome or something along those lines

the most common cause of sideroblastic anemia is

alcoholism and its marrow suppression

other less common causes are LEAD POISONING (ringed sideroblasts), isoniazid and Vitamin B6 deficiency

also there are the

thalassemias as well, which tend to run in families

target cells

with GI bleeding you would suspect


with cancer or chronic infection




alcoholic with microcytic anemia



thalassemia trait

again, peripheral smear is not useful because

all causes of microcytic anemia look the same on smear

except that target cells are just most common with thalassemia

so what is the best next step in workup of microcytic anemia?

iron studies

if you see low ferritin then

you assume iron deficiency

however keep in mind that about 1/3 of IDA patients will actuall have a normal to high ferritin because it's an acute phase reactant also

if you see high serum iron

sideroblastic anemia

if you see normal iron studies


low serum iron

low ferritin

high TIBC

iron deficiency

low serum iron

high ferritin

low TIBC


high serum iron

sideroblastic anemia

normal serum iron

normal ferritin

normal TIBC


the other unique lab feature for IDA is

that the RDW is increased

the newer cells are smaller and even more iron deficient than older cells (120 days)

and technically the most accurate test for iron deficiency is...

a bone marrow biopsy for decreased stainable iron but is obviously like never done

most accurate test for sideroblastic anemia

Prussian blue staining for ringed sideroblasts

What does basophilic stippling indicate>

just means that you a have suppressive sideroblastic anemia causing microcytosis

the most accurte test to dx thalassemia

Hgb electrophoresis

tx of IDA

replace with oral iron

if this is insufficient do IM injections

chronic disease mgmt

correct the underlying disease

give EPO in CKD

sideroblastic anemia

try to identify and correct the cause (lead, cesstion of alcohol)

if these don't work you can try B6 replacement

mgmt of thalassemia trait

nothing really

Beta thal major mgmt

chronic lifelong transfusion

what do we do for the iron overload>

give chelation therapy

examples of iron chelators

