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80 Cards in this Set

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the "working" parts of the urinary system:
two kidneys, two ureters, one bladder, one urethra
the main function of the urinary system is the...
formation and removal of urine
the kidneys also manufacture substances that result in changes in other parts of the body. As an example, the kidneys release renal erythropoietin that has an influence on the production of...
red blood cells
We can survive with one functioning kidney, but we are more efficient if we have 2. The kidneys are...
bean-shaped organs which lie against the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall, just above the waistline
root word meaning kidney
root word meaning "pelvis" of the kidney
root word meaning "pertaining to the kidney"
basin or collection area within the kidney
renal pelvis
tube that transports urine from the kidney to the bladder (The term literally means "to make water")
place where the ureter leaves the renal pelvis
ureteropelvic junction
space that holds urine; "chalice or cup"
outside part of the kidney
center of the kidney
structural and functioning unit of the kidney (These structures are so small i is impossible to see them without a microscope)
basin in the kidney that collects urine from the calyx and drains it into the ureter
renal pelvis
the functioning unit of kidney
inside each nephron is...
a glomerulus and a collecting tubule that carries urine to the kidney
there are how many nephrons in each kidney...
one million. Just think of these nephrons as tiny, very sophisticated manufacturing plants.
collection of capillaries in the nephron that resembles a small ball of yarn
small tubes that make up the system by which urine flows through the nephron
section of tubes closest to the glomerulus
proximal convoluted tubules
loop that connects the proximal tubule with the distal tubule
Loop of Henle
tube that collects and carries urine from the tubules to the calyx of the kidney
collecting duct
process in which the glomerulus acts as a filter to begin the process of removing the by-products of body metabolism from the blood
glomerular filtration
process in the system of tubules by which certain products are eliminated and certain products are reabsorbed (This is the area where the water content and concentration of by-products occurs.)
tubular reabsorption and secretion
there are how many ureters?
2; one attaches to each kidney. they attach at the base of the renal pelvis
the renal pelvis has the _____ shape of a _____
triangular shape of a funnel. This funnel allows urine to drain into the connecting tube or ureter.
the ureters take urine to the big receptacle we call the...
the ureters attach to the ____ at the ______
to the bladder at the trigone
after the urine leaves the bladder, it flows through another tube called the....
urine starts its formation in the...
kidney as it progresses through the nephrons.
the nephrons of a normal, healthy person have the ability to filter out and...
reabsorb the amount of water and other blood elements needed to meet an individual's body requirements
the urinary bladder is an organ resembling a ____
bag. It's function is to store urine.
If urine is formed in the kidneys and there are no obstructions to its passage, it flows into the...
bladder. When the bladder becomes full enough to be stretched, we have the sensation to empty our bladders or to void.
without our bladder, we would constantly dribble urine. Another function of the bladder is as a protection to the...
kidneys to outside bacteria
our bladders are controlled by the...
parasympathetic nervous system. The center of activity is the spinal cord.
sac or organ that is the receptacle for fluid-urine
root word meaning "bladder"
triangular internal surface of the posterior wall of the bladder
small opening or mouth of the urethra as it leaves the bladder
urethral orifice
pertaining to the bladder
the tube or "pipe" that carries the urine to the outside of the body
in females, the urethra carries only urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The urethra is ...
very short in the female and lies anterior to the vaginal opening
the male urethra has two separate functions:
it conveys urine to the outside of the body, and at a different time serves as a passageway for semen
system involving the reproductive and urinary organs
opening of the urethra to the outside of the body
urethral meatus
the action of the urinary bladder is under the influence of...
the voluntary and involuntary nervous systems
condition in which there is an increased amount of urine carried through to the bladder
to pass urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
to "make water" as in urination
to empty the bladder
absence of urine
inflammation of the urinary bladder
involuntary passing of urine
this is a condition in which there is permanent disease of the kidney
ESRD - end stage renal disease
inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys
condition in which there is "sugar" or glucose in the urine
condition in which there is blood in the urine
condition in which the person is unable to "hold" his urine
presence of stones in the kidney
condition in which there is decreased functioning of the bladder caused by an injury to the nerves controlling urination
neurogenic bladder
frequent urination during the night
involuntary urination that occurs at night
nocturnal enuresis
production of a scant or small amount of urine
inflammation of the kidney pelvis
condition in which a person has frequent and excessive episodes of thirst (This is usually accompanied by polyuria - urinating many times). It is also called frequency
kidney stones which is also known as nephrolithiasis
renal calculi
kidney stops filtering or forming urine
renal failure
waste products normally found in urine, are not filtered through the kidney and remain in the blood
removal of the bladder
measurement of the efficiency and capacity of the urinary bladder
passing of a viewing device into the bladder for visualization of the inside of the bladder
drug used to cause an increased flow of urine
procedure in which blood from an individual is shunted through a special device in which waste products are separated out and removed from the blood (The cleaned blood continues through the device and is sent back to the individual.)
method of separating out waste products by special procedures utilizing the peritoneal cavity and membrane (There is a constant flow of solution into and out of the peritoneal cavity.)
peritoneal dialysis
x-ray of the kidney pelvis following injection into a vein of a radiopaque substance. (This test may be eliminated in the not too distant future because of advances in digital imaging technology)
intravenous pyelogram
act of taking a kidney from a donor and surgically implanting it into a recipient
kidney transplant
removal of the kidney
cutting into the kidney to remove stones
substance potentially damaging to the kidney