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57 Cards in this Set

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6 components of Synovial joint

1) Ligaments

2) Fibrous capsule

3) Synovial Membrane

4)articular/hyaline cartilage on articulating part of bones

5) articular disc (not present in all synovial joints, found in knee, acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, TMH)

6) Synovial fluid

7) fatty pad/Bursa (between synovial membrane and fibrous capsule)

sesamoid bone is

short bone that forms in tendon eg. patella bone

Spongy bone is

zone of thin interconnecting narrow bone trabeculae

Bone composition

70% inorganic bone salts- hydroxyapatite(calcium and phosphate)

30% osteoid

osteoid composition

Type 1 collagen fibers, ground substance (proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid) and osteocalcin

cells of bone

1) osteoblast

2) osteoclast

3) osteoprogenitor cells

4) osteocyte

function of osteoblast

secrete type 1 collagen and proteoglycans and alkaline phosphatase

function of osteocyte

is a mature osteoblast that has stopped producing osteoid

plays role in controlling extracellular conc of Ca2+ and PO4 by providing signals for bone remodeling and modeling

sense bone load


lies in Howships lacunae

microvilli forms ruffled border

multinucleated giant cell derived from fusion of precursor monocytes

Features of spongy bone

1) no independent blood supply, nutrients diffuse from ECF

2) Has trabeculae/spicules - network of ine irregular plates separated by intercommunicating spaces filled with haemapoietic cells

Features of cortical/compact bone

1) Outer circumferential lamella

2) interstitial circumferential lamella

3)inner circumferential lamella

4) haversian canals

5) osteons (haversian sytem)

6) volkman's canals

7) canaliculi

8) Sharpey's fiber

Outer circumferential lamella

Bone layers containing osteoblast of periosteum

interstitial circumferential lamella

irregular remnants of lamellae due to newly formed osteon being disposed between partly resorbed osteons formed earlier

inner circumferential lamella

bone layer lining the inside of cortical bone

haversian canal

Neurovascular channels containing blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves


consist of haversian canal + concentric lamellae around it --> canal is formed by osteoclast tunneling through compact bone and blood vessel and nerves grow into it

volkman's canal

channels piercing haversian canal at right angles, connecting the various haversian canals


minute interconnecting canals betwen adjacent lacunae, containng cytoplasmic extensions of osteocyte --> allow circulation of extracellular fluid and diffusion of metabolites between lacunae (within the lamellae) and vessels of haversian canal

osteoclast activity stimulated by? 3 factors

PTH, vitamin D, cortisol

Osteoclast inhibited by? 2 factors

estrogen and calcitonin

What enzyme does osteoblast secrete that is a good indicator of its activity

Alkaline phosphatase

Regulation of plasma Ca2+ by which 3 hormone/vitamin

1) Vitamin D ( in the form 1,25 dihydrocholecalciferol)

2) parathyroid hormone

3) calcitonin

formation of 1,25 DHCC (calcitriol)

1) Formation of cholecalciferol in skin by irradiation of dehydrocholestrol

2) conversion of cholecalciferol in liver to 25-dehydroxycholecalciferol

3) conversion of 25-cholecalciferol to 1,25 cholecalciferol by 1 alpha hydroxylase in kidneys (mediated by PTH)

Actions of 1,25 DHCC

1) On kidneys: increases calcium and phosphate reabsorption

2) on intestine: increases calcium absorption in duodenum and jejunum by increasing calbindin-D (calcium-stimulated ATPase in intestinal cells) and also increases phosphate absorption

3) on bone: stimulate osteoclast action

parathyroid hormone secreted by

chief cells of parathyroid gland

action of parathyroid hormone

1) on kidneys: decreases Ca2+ excretion by distal tubules and increases phosphate exretion and increases 1-alpha-hydroxylase action

2) on intestine via Vit D

3) on bone: increases osteoclast activity

Elaborate on PTH action on bone

1) rapid phase - activate existing osteoclast

2) slow phase by formation of new osteoclast

PTH binds to osteoblasts, which causes formation of membrane-bound RANKL on osteoblast. RANKL binds to RANK on osteoclast progenitor cells, causing them to differentiate into mature multinucleated osteoclasts which then develop a ruffled border and release proteolytic enzyme and H+

osteoblasts also produce OPG which competes with RANK for RANKL, inhibiting the differentiation into osteoclasts; PTH inhibits OPG formation

regulation of PTH

parathyroid cell membrane contains Ca2+ sensing receptors. When Ca2+ binds to receptor, phospholipase C is activated which then causes inhibition of PTH secretion.

Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia is due to

homozygous inactivation of CaSR gene

calcitonin secreted by

parafollicular cells in parathyroid gland

Calcitonin action

1) on bone: inhibits osteoclast and
decrease formation of osteoclast

2) kidney: increases renal excretion of ca and po4

3) on intestine: inhibits 1-alpha-hydroxylase hence decreasing intestinal reabsorption of ca

endochondreal ossifictaion model

1) formed from hyaline cartilage - cartilage undergoes appositional growth and forms primary ossification center and cartilage undergoes calcification

2) vascular ostegenic bud (blood capillaries and mesenchymal cells) invades poc

3) osteoblasts form spongy bone

4) epiphyseal growth plate continues to grow in between poc and soc (where osteoblast started to form spongy bone)


from one Z line to another Z line

muscle contraction causes shortening of which bands

I bands and H zone. No change in A band length.

titin filament

runs from Z discs and M line

How is ATP involved in muscle contraction

Binding of ATP to myosin allows myosin to detach from actin and ATP is hydrolysed to free myosin head for next binding

A band is the length of

1 entire myosin

I bands are the length of


when contracted, which bands overlap

I bands

By what mechanisms is peak force of skeletal muscle increased?

1) summation

2) recruitment

summation refers to

increasing the frequency of stimulation -> summation of twitches(up to a certain limit beyond which tetany sets in and maximum strength is reached regardless of further stimulation)

recruitment refers to

activating more motor units, which in turn engage
more muscle fibers,(causing greater force production) with greter stimulation

golgi tendon organ and the reflex it facilitates

has sensory nerve endings that detects tension in muscle and stimulates inhibitory interneuron in spinal cord inhibiting the activity of motor neuron innervating that muscle, relaxing it

location of golgi tendon organ

in tendons near myotendinous junction

types of muscle fibre

Type I: slow oxidative(red) - slow twitch and fatigue resistant - aerobic

Type IIa: fast oxidative (red) - fast twitch

Type IIb: fast glycolytic (pink/white) - fast twitch --anaerobic with glycogen stores

type IIb fast glycolytic fibres - why is it able to generate the highest peak muscle tension?

has the highest myosin ATPase velocity

types of contraction

1) isometric - constant length (force generated but no movement)

2) isotonic - constant tension ( concentric and eccentric) with change in mucle length

concentric isotonic contraction

muscle fibre shortens (carry load) eg. bicep curl

eccentric isotonic contraction

muscle fibre lengthens (resisting load) eg. recovery from bicep curl/putting down a load

intercalated discs in cardiac muscle

dense intercellular junctions at Z lines --> provide points of anchorage for myofibrils + allows rapid spread of contractile stimuli from one cell to another so that the heart contracts as one functional syncitium

contraction mechanism in smooth muscles

Ca2+ binds to calmodulin, which activates Myosin Light Chain Kinase, which goes on the phosphorylate myosin head and facilitate binding to actin filaments


polysaccharide consisting of repeating disaccharide units

Main types of collagen (2)

Type I - in bones, tendon, blood vessels

Type II - in articular cartilage

Type IX - in cartilage

Process of nerve recovery

1) wallerian degeneration

2) retrograde degeneration

3) transneural degenration

4) Nerve regeneration

wallerian degeneration refers to

degeneration of nerve fragment distal to site of lesion - involves fragmentation of ER, dissolution of neurofilaments and microtubules, swelling and lysis of axonal mitochondria

retrograde degeneration extends up to

first node of ranvier or first sustained collateral axon branch

nerve regeneration involves

1) Schwann cells multiplying and growing, forming a solid cord - Bands of Bungner within endoneural tube

2) Schwann cells also secrete growth-promoting factors

3) plasma membrane of Schwann cells separate from adjacent basal lamina, creating an annular compartment

4) axonal sprouts grow from all direction from proximal axon

5) Growth cone tips at the tips of axon grow into the distal annular compartment which contain multiple filopodia that adhere to the basal lamina, using it as a guide

6) all but one degenerates and fill the distal tube

7) lastly - reversal of chromatolysis (nucleus returns to the center of the cell, nucleoproteins reorganise into Nissl granules and golgi body reappear