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81 Cards in this Set

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what are the boundaries of the synovial cavity
articular cartilages on each bone and synovial membrane
what is the name of the ligament that connects the two bones participating in a synovial joint
capsular ligament
what type of cartilage: costal cartilages
what type of cartilage: respiratory tract
what type of cartilage: articular cartilage
what type of cartilage: epiphyseal plate
what type of cartilage: a lot of the fetal skeleton
in articular cartilage, chondrocytes are ___ in shape in the deep portion and ___ in shape in the peripheral portion
spherical deep, flattened and discoid peripherally
in articular cartilage, there is/are ___chondrocyte(s) per lacunae in the deep portion and ___ per lacunae in the peripheral portion
deep- 2+ chondrocytes,
peripheral- 1 chondrocyte
in articular cartilage, the territorial matrix surrounding each chondrocyte stains more deeply than the interterritorial matrix. Why?
increased proteoglycans in territorial matrix
what two substances are increased in older chondrocytes
lipid and glycogen
what is hyaline cartilage matrix composed of
75% water, collagenous fibrils, proteoglycans (GAGs)
what are the 3 types of cartilage found in the human body
hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage
what type of cartilage: external ear
what type of cartilage: walls of external acoustic meatus and auditory tube
what type of cartilage: arytenoid
what type of cartilage: epiglottis
what type of cartilage: intervertebral discs
what type of cartilage: symphyseal joints
what type of cartilage: tendons subject to pressure
what type of cartilage: certain ligaments
what type of cartilage: articular disk
does the amount of fibrocartilage increase or decrease with age
which cartilage: bundles of thick collagenous fibers with unicellular islands of chondrocytes arranged singly, in pairs or in rows
what is the pathologic state where superficial zones of articular cartilage become calcified
pseudogout (chondrocalcinosis articularis)
how does cartilage receive nutrition
thru diffusion from perichondral capillaries and by imbibition
what is the innervation of cartilage
practically no innervation
where can be perichondrium be found in articular cartilage
at the periphery of its free surface
in articular cartilage, which layer forms bone during growth and which forms more cartilage
the deepest part of the deep layer becomes calcified and forms bone and the superficial layer forms cartilage
when does mitosis of articular cartilage cease
when bone growth ceases (this means you can't make up for wear to joints)
what is the tidemark in articular cartilage
its the junction of calcified and uncalcified cartilage, below it is subchondral bone
T/F: the articular cartilage receives blood supply from the bone
how is the orientation of articular cartilage adapted to handle force placed upon it
the fibers are arranged in parallel until you get to the top where the fibers are bent significantly and can absorb the load by acting like a spring
where does articular cartilage gets its nutrition from
diffusion from blood vessels supplying subchondral bone and synovial fluid (note: this is why stasis is so bad for joints)
articular cartilage can be regenerated only at the ___ where ___ is and at attachments to ___
periphery where perichondrium is and attachments to synovial membrane
T/F: all articular cartilage is hyaline cartilage
false- the articular cartilage in btwn bones formed by intramembranous ossification is fibrocartilage (e.g. TMJ)
what is an articular disc
a pad of fibrocartilage btwn articular surfaces of certain synovial joints that acts as a cushion and may assist in maintaining a layer of synovial fluid around articular surfaces (e.g. knee menisci)
T/F: the synovial membrane has limited blood supply, lymphatics and nerves
what is the synovial membrane composed of
fibrous connective tissue with no epithelium (its derived from mesenchyme)
what the two types of synovial cells
type A and type B
what are some features of type A synovial cells
prominent surface ruffling, lysosomes, smooth walled vesicles, receptors for IgG Fc, rich in lysozyme
type A synovial cells resemble which other cell type in the body
type B synovial cells resemble which other cell type in the body
which synovial cell type is the source for hyaluronic acid and glycoproteins in synovial fluid
type B
what are the 3 types of synovial membranes
fibrous, areolar, adipose
where along the capsular ligament and where in the body is fibrous synovial membrane found
it rests directly on the capsular ligament, found over intraarticular ligaments and tendons and in areas where synovium is subject to pressure
where along the capsular ligament and where in the body is areolar synovial membrane found
loosely bound to capsular ligament, found where it must move freely
where in the body is adipose synovial membrane found
covers intraarticular fat pads
what kind of synovial membrane: olecranon fossa
what kind of synovial membrane: suprapatellar pouch of the knee joint
T/F: synovial cells regularly transition into chondrocytes
T/F: the synovium is not capable of complete repair and regeneration
FALSE- it can do so rapidly since it synovial cells can transition into chondrocytes
the are the 3 regions of the extracellular matrix in cartilage
1- pericellular matrix surrounds the cell
2- territorial matrix surrounds pericellular matrix
3- interterritorial matrix
what accounts for the resiliency of cartilage
interaction of collagen fibrils with highly charged proteoglycans
what types of collagen make up articular cartilage
type II forms primary structure, and types XI, IX are support, type VI is found in pericellular matrix (2,6,9,11)
what macromolecule is responsible for attracting and pushing away water in cartilage
__ links proteoglycans together
what does the stucture of proteoglycans look like
a bottle brush- central protein core with GAGs coming out
what is the interteritorial matrix responsible for
the major mechanical properties of cartilage, consist of large diameter collagen fibrils
where do the cartilage fibers go from parallel to bent
in the transition zone between the radial and gliding zones (also after the territorial region)
which type of collagen is associated with cartilage undergoing calcification
type X
what is the defect in Stickler syndrome
defects in type II or type XI collagen, they develop early osteoarthritis
what is the largest and most abundant proteoglycan found in cartilage
what GAGs are associated with aggrecan pre and post golgi
pre: chondroitin sulfate and keratan
post: hyaluronan
what produces the swelling force of cartilage
the repulsive force from negatively charged GAGs combined with free cations and their associated water molecules
what type of collagen is only found in interterritorial matrix
type VI
what 3 things do chondrocytes make and secrete (broadly speaking)
new matrix molecules, enzymes that degrade the matrix (MMPS, cathepsin) and inhibitors of those enzymes
decreased levels of ___ are found in osteoarthritis
MMP inhibitors
why do superficial cartilage lesions not heal
cartilage lacks bld vessels--> no hemorrhage to initiate inflam, no plts to release growth factors and poor migration of chondrocytes
what kind of cartilage is the new cartilage in osteochondral repair
fibrocartilage, not hyaline (hence not as sturdy and degnerates eventually)
what are the 3 funcitons of synovial fluid
lubrication, transportation of nutrients to cartilage, removal of waste from carilage
___ is a major component of synoival fluid and lubricates the synovial membrane against other tissues
the movement of cartilage against cartilage involves ___ lubrication at low velocity movement and ___ lubrication for high velocity movement
boundary at low velocities, elastohydrodynamic at high velocities
in boundary lubrication, the formation of __ decreases friction and wetting processes. This is due __, __, __ molecules
hydrophobic layer, lubrican, phospholipids and proteolipids (like Teflon)
hydrodynamic lubrication occurs when a ___ is formed btwn 2 moving surfaces
fluid film (like your car hydroplaning)
what is the relationship btwn synovial fluid and blood plasma
its an ultrafiltrate of plasma
differences in content of synovial fluid versus blood plasma
synovial fluid has a lower protein content, higher percentage of albumin, and a lower alpha2 globulin
blood in joint fluid does not coagulate well, however if a clot does form, how is it removed
articular cartilage and synovium release plasminogen which converts to plasmin and breaks down fibrinogen thus preventing formation of a firm clot, also the synovial fluid washes out whatever clot does form
how are substances removed from the synovium
small molecules are removed via lymphatics (but higher molecular weight molecules remain forever), particulate matter is absorbed thru the synovila mem
what are the gross changes in synovial fluid that occur due to disease
increase in fluid volume, color change from clear or pale yellow to yellow or white, increase in opacity, decrease in viscosity (degree of change depends on whether there is infection or inflammation)
what connects proteglycans to collagen fibers
link proteins