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37 Cards in this Set

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List the borders of the popliteal fossa.
Medial--> Semimembranosus M + Semitendinosus M
Lateral --> Long and short heads of Biceps femoris M
Inferior --> Medial and lateral heads of Gastrocnemius M
In the popliteal fossa, the sciatic nerve branches into which two nerves?
1. Tibial N
2. Common fibular N
The medial sural cutaneous nerve is a branch from which nerve?
Tibial N

(the lateral sural cutaneous N is a branch from the Fibular N)
Which artery supplies the lateral side of the leg?
Fibular A
(branch from posterior tibial A)
Name the 4 ligaments of the knee joint.
1. Anterior cruciate ligament
2. Posterior cruciate ligament
3. Medial collateral ligament
4. Lateral collateral ligament
Which ligament has a strong attachment to the medial meniscus?
Medial collateral
(if you tear the medial collateral L, the medial meniscus will also tear)
The quadriceps tendon is also known as...?
Patellar tendon

(Patellar tendon is superior to patella, while patellar ligament is inferior to patella)
An anterior and medial displacement of the knee can injure the "terrible triad." Name the 3 components of this triad.
1. Anterior cruciate L
2. Medial collateral L
3. Medial meniscus
Name the general ligaments of the ankle.
1. Medial collateral (deltoid) L
2. Lateral collateral L
Name the nerves that can be found in the anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments of the leg.
Anterior --> Deep fibular N
Posterior --> Tibial N
Lateral --> Superficial fibular N
What tendon is shared by the Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles?
Tendo calcaneus
What kind of muscle fibers are mostly found in Gastrocnemius?
What about in Soleus?
Gastrocnemius --> fast twitch fibers (for quick contractions)

Soleus --> slow twitch (for posture)
Which tendons are found under the medial malleolus?
1. Tibialis Posterior M
2. Flexor digitorum longus M
3. Flexor hallucis longus M

"Tom, Dick, ANd Harry"

*Posterior tibial A and Tibial N are found inbetween the digitorum and hallicus muscles
Which nerve supplies the fibularis longus and brevis muscles?
Superficial branch of Fibular N
What nerves are found on the plantar portion of the foot?
Medial and Lateral Plantar nerves
Lumbrical muscles are found attached to which tendons in the foot?
Flexor digitorum longus tendons
The fibularis longus tendon runs inbetween which two ligaments?
1. Long plantar L
2. Short plantar L
The sustentaculum tali is a feature on which bone?
Calcaneus (holds up head of talus)
In the foot, the Tibial N splits into which 2 nerves?
1. Medial plantar N
2. Lateral plantar N
Which artery runs with the deep branch of the fibular N?
Anterior tibial A
Which artery runs with the tibial N?
Posterior tibial A
Onto which bony feature does the patellar ligament attach?
Tibial tuberosity
List the 7 tarsal bones.
1. Talus
2. Calcaneus
3. Navicular bone
4. Cuboid bone
5. 3 Cuneiform bones
Bone that transmits weight of body form the tibia to the foot and is the only tarsal bone w/o muscle attachments.
Bone that lies below the talus and forms the heel of the foot.
Most laterally placed tarsal bone.
Cuboid bone
Ligament that prevents forward sliding of the tibia on the femur.

What type of injury can tear this ligament?
Anterior cruciate ligament

*Torn by hyperextension
Which 2 ligaments of the knee are intracapsular? Which are extracapsular?
Intracapsular = Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments

Extracapsular = medial and lateral collateral ligaments
What type of joint is the ankle?
Hinge-type synovial joint
Which vein begins at the lateral end of the dorsal venous arch and passes upward along the lateral side ofthe foot with the sural nerve?
Small saphenous V
Which ligament of the ankle would be torn by forced eversion?
Medial (deltoid) collateral L
Name the thick fascia that invests the plantar muscles.
Plantar aponeurosis
Name the 2 ligaments that support the lateral side of the longitudinal arch of the foot?
Long and short plantar ligaments
Which ligament supports the head of the talus and the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?
Spring ligament
Which of the saphenous veins begins on the medial side of the dorsal venous arch?

Which one begins on the lateral side?
Medial = Great Saphenous V

Lateral = Small Saphenous V
Which vein ascends along with the Sural nerve?
Small saphenous V
Which nerve supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the foot?
Deep fibular nerve