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107 Cards in this Set

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What type of bone tissue is found in the central portion of the femur?

What type of bone is found in the outer portion of the femur?
Central --> trabecular bone
Outer --> compact cortical bone
Why can a fracture of the femur be especially dangerous?
High risk of thromboembolis that may move to the lung
(Pulmonary embolus)
Which bone is the largest sesamoid bone in the body?
All quadriceps muscles insert on which bony feature?
Tibial tuberosity
Which leg bone articulates with the femur?
The adductor magnus muscle inserts on which bony feature?
Adductor tubercle
(on Medial epicondyle of femur)
Which hip ligament is Y-shaped?
Iliofemoral L
Which ligament reinforces the hip anteriorly?
Iliofemoral L
Which ligament reinforces the hip superiorly?
Ischiofemoral L
Which ligament reinforces the hip inferiorly?
Pubofemoral L
List the 3 ligaments of the hip.
1. Iliofemoral Lig
2. Ischiofemoral Lig
3. Pubofemoral Lig
Which ligament prevents anterior displacement of the hip?
Iliofemoral Lig
Name a bursa in the hip.

Which two ligaments is the bursa situated between?
Iliopectineal bursa

Between Iliofemoral and Pubofemoral ligaments
What are the attachments of the Iliofemoral ligament?
1. Anterior inferior iliac spine
2. Greater trochanter and intertrochanteric line
What are the attachments of the Pubofemoral ligament?
1. Obturator crest of pubic bone
2. Greater trochanter
Which 3 nerves of the lumbar plexus stay on the anterior/medial aspect of the thigh?
1. Lateral femoral cutaneous N
2. Femoral N
3. Obturator N
Which surface of the thigh and leg are the nerves from the sacral plexus located?
Posterior surface
(extending from gluteal region --> leg)
Name 5 cutaneous nerves of the buttocks.
1. Superior clunial NN
2. Medial clunial NN
3. Inferior clunial NN
4. Lateral cutaneous branch of Iliohypogastric N
5. Lateral cutaneous N of the thigh
Name 6 cutaneous nerves of the thigh and what regions they innervate.
1. Lateral cutaneous branch of Subcostal N (upper lateral hip)
2. Genitofemoral N (inguinal region)
3. Cutaneous branch of obturator (upper medial thigh)
4. Lateral cutaneous
5. Anterior cutaneous
6. Posterior cutaneous
At which point does the external iliac artery become the femoral artery?
Once it passes under the inguinal ligament
Name the branches of the Deep femoral artery.
1. Lateral circumflex femoral A
2. Medial circumflex femoral A
3. Perforating AA
Name the 3 branches of the Lateral circumflex femoral artery.

Which branch anastomoses around the knee?
1. Ascending branch
2. Transverse branch
3. Descending branch

*Descending branch anastomoses around knee
Which two arteries are very important to the blood supply of the head and neck of the femur?
Lateral and Medial circumflex humeral arteries

*If disrupted, avascular necrosis will occur
The round ligament of the head of the femur contains which artery?
Obturator artery
Which ligament passes over the Round ligament (Obturator A) at the acetabular notch?
Transverse acetabular ligament
What is the major superficial vein of the thigh?
Great saphenous V
Name 2 (major) deep veins of the thigh?
Femoral V
Deep femoral V
What are the main functions of the gluteal muscles?
Move the hip in all possible directions
What are the major functions of the anterior thigh muscles?
1. *Extension of knee
2. Flexion of hip (only Rectus femoris)
What is the function of the medial thigh muscles?
Adduction of femur
What are the functions of the posterior thigh muscles?
1. Extension of hip
2. Flexion of knee
Which gluteal muscle(s) performs lateral rotation and extension of the hip?
Gluteus maximus
Which gluteal muscle(s) performs medial rotation and abduction of the hip?
1. Gluteus medius
2. Gluteus minimus
When walking, which gluteal muscles stabilize the hip on the side that is not carrying the weight?
1. Gluteus medius
2. Glutues minimus
What is the main function of the deep gluteal muscles?
Lateral rotation of hip
Name the 6 deep gluteal muscles.

1. Piriformis
2. Superior gemellus
3. Obterator internus
4. Inferior gemellus
5. Obterator externus
6. Quadratus femoris

*Lateral rotators of hip
Name the thickened deep fascia of the lateral portion of the thigh.
Iliotibial tract
Which nerve is found in the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Femoral N
Which nerve is found in the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Sciatic N
Which nerve is found in the medial compartment of the thigh?
Obturator N
Which septum separates the anterior and medial compartments of the thigh?

Which septum separates the anterior and posterior compartments of the thigh?
Medial intermuscular septum --> anterior/medial

Lateral intermuscular septum --> Anterior/ posterior
Which artery can be found half way in between the ASIS and the pubic tubercle?
Femoral A
What are the borders of the femoral triangle?
1. Inguinal Lig
2. Sartorius M
3. Adductor longus M
Which 3 muscles form the floor of the femoral triangle?
1. Iliacus M
2. Psoas M
3. Pectineus M
Name the 3 major contents of the femoral triangle.
1. Femoral N (divides into terminal branches)
2. Femoral A (w/ proximal branches)
3. Femoral V (w/ External pudendal branch and Great Saphenous V)
Name the contents of the femoral sheath.
1. Femoral A
2. Femoral V
3. Lymphatics

(*Femoral N is NOT located in the femoral sheath--it lies outside subserous fascia)
If inguinal lymph nodes are swollen, where should you check for an infection?
Check the toes

(Lymphatics from the lower extremity drain into femoral and inguinal nodes)
Within what fascia do inguinal lymph nodes reside?
Cribriform fascia
(over the saphenous opening)
Name the muscles of the anterior thigh.
1. Sartorius
2. Rectus femoris
3. Vastus medialis
4. Vastus intermedialis
5. Vastus lateralis
Name the 4 Quadriceps femoris muscles.
1. Rectus femoris
2. Vastus medialis
3. Vastus intermedialis
4. Vastus lateralis
Name the muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh.
1. Pectineus M
2. Adductor Longus M
3. Adductor brevis M
4. Adductor magnus M
5. Gracilis M
Which muscle divides the obturator N and A into anterior and posterior divisions?
Adductor brevis M
Which structures travel through the adductor canal?
1. Femoral A
2. Femoral V
3. Saphenous N
4. Descending genicular A
5. Nerve to Vastus Medialis

(However, only the Femoral A, V run through the adductor hiatus to travel posteriorly)
Through which opening does the femoral A travel to become the Popliteal A?
Adductor hiatus
The tendon of which muscle forms the adductor hiatus?
Adductor magnus
The adductor canal runs deep to which muscle?

It extends from the apex of the femoral triangle to the ...?
Deep to Sartorius M

Extends from femoral triangle --> adductor hiatus
The anterior division of the Obturator N supplies which 3 muscles?
1. Adductor longus
2. Adductor brevis
3. Gracilis
The posterior division of the Obturator N supplies which 2 muscles?
1. Adductor magnus
2. Obterator externus
Three of the four hamstring muscles arise from which bony structure?
Ischial tuberosity
Which portion of the Sciatic N supplies the 3/4 hamstring muscles?

Name these muscles that it innervates.
Tibial part of Sciatic N.

1. Long head of biceps femoris M
2. Semitendinosis M
3. Semimembranosus M
The short head of the biceps femoris is innervated by what nerve?
Peroneal part of Sciatic N

(Remember the long and short heads of the biceps femoris M are supplied by different portions of the Sciatic N. The long head is supplied by the tibial portion).
Which portion of the Sciatic N is prexaxial?

Which portion is postaxial?
Preaxial --> Tibial portion
Postaxial --> Peroneal/fibular portion
What 3 tendons form the pes ancerinus?
1. Sartorius M
2. Gracilis M
3. Semitendonosis M
Which veins of the thigh are at high risk of embolus to the lungs?
Deep veins:
1. Femoral V
2. Deep femoral V
Condition that results from the breakdown of valves within veins.
Varicose veins
Which region of the buttocks is safest for injection?
Superior lateral portion
Condition characterized by pain and tenderness at the lateral side of the knee. This injury is common in runners.
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS)

*Caused by inflammation of the iliotibial band from repetitive friction between the band and the lateral epicondyle

(Can be associated w/ weak hip abductors)
Type of femur fracture which goes at an angle to the axis.
Oblique fracture
Type of femur fracture that involves many relatively small fragments.
Comminuted fracture
Type of femur fracture which runs around the axis of the bone.
Spiral fracture
Type of femur fracture (also called open) which breaks the skin.
Compound fracture
Which grade of hamstring strain consists of minor tears within the muscle?
Grade 1
Which grade of hamstring strain consists of a partial tear in the muscle?
Grade 2
Which grade of hamstring strain is a severe or complete rupture of the muscle?
Grade 3
A fascia rupture in the thigh can lead to what condition?
Quadriceps hernia
An untreated muscle injury can result in calcification of muscle tissue, which is a condition called..?
Myositis Ossificans
Which individuals are at the highest risk of osteosarcoma?
(tumor usually develops during the period of rapid growth that occurs as a teenager matures into an adult)
List 3 common locations of osteosarcomas.
1. Distal femur (near knee)
2. Proximal tibia (near knee)
3. Upper arm (near shoulder)
A fracture to the neck of the femur can lead to an interruption of blood supply from which artery?
Medial femoral circumflex artery
*Can result in ischemic necrosis of the neck and head of the femur
Which part of the femur is a common site of fractures?
Neck of femur
Which muscles insert on the greater trochanter of the femur?
1. Gluteus medius
2. Gluteus minimus
3. Piriformis
4. Obterator internus (superior and inferior gemellus)
(Received tendon of Obterator externus on medial aspect of the trochanteric fossa)
Which muscle inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur?
Iliopsoas M
Rough line or ridge on the body (shaft) of the femur.
Linea aspera
Line that runs from the lesser trochanter to the medial lip of the linea aspera.
Pectineal line (of femur)

*Insertion for the pectineus M
Which artery is at risk for injury during a fracture of the distal femur?
Popliteal A
T or F.

The patella articulates with the femur but not with the tibia.
Which ligament converts the acetabular notch into a foramen for passage of nutrient vessels and nerves?
Transverse acetabular ligament
Name the fibrocartilagenous structure that surrounds/deepens the acetabular cavity
Acetabular labrum
Complete fibrocartilage rim that deepens the articular socket for the head of the femur and consequently stabilizes the hip joint.
Acetabular labrum
Do the ligaments of the hip joint resist hyperextension or hyperflexion?
Which nerve innervates the skin on the anterior and lateral aspects of the thigh?
Lateral femoral cutaneous N
Which nerve arises from the femoral nerve in the femoral triangle and innervates the skin on the medial side of the leg and foot?
Saphenous N
Which nerve innervates the skin of the buttock, thigh, and calf?
Posterior femoral cutaneous N
Which nerve is vulnerable to injury when the Great Saphenous vein surgically excised for a coronary artery bypass?
Saphenous N is vulnerable to injury in this procedure
A venous inflammation with thrombus formation that occurs in the superficial veins in the lower limb, leading to pulmonary embolism.

(*While this occurs in superficial veins, most pulmonary emboli originate in deep veins)
___________ develop in the superficial veins of the lower limb b/c of reduced elasticity and incompetent valves in the veins?
Varicose veins
What provides a pathway for:
1. Piriformis M
2. Superior/inferior gluteal vessels, nerves
3. Internal pudendal vessels, Pudendal N
4. Sciatic N
5. Posterior femoral cutaneous N
6. Nerves to the obturator internus and quadratus femoris muscles
Greater sciatic foramen
What provides a pathway for:
1. Tendon of obturator internus
2. Nerve to Obterator internus
3. Internal pudendal vessels, Pudendal N
Lesser sciatic foramen
Name 3 structures that pass through both the greater and lesser sciatic foramina.
1. Internal pudendal A, V
2. Pudendal N
3. Nerve to Obturator internus
Thick lateral portion of the fascia lata.
Iliotibilial tract
Provides insertion for the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia latae muscles
Iliotibial tract
What is a positive Trendelenburg's sign?
If the right gluteus medius and minimus muscles are paralyzed, the unsupported left side of the pelvis falls instead of rising--normally, the pelvis rises.
List the structures found in the femoral triangle from lateral to medial.
1. Femoral N
2. Femoral A
3. Femoral V
4. Lymphatics
What lies medial to the femoral vein in the femoral sheath?
(it transmits lymphatics from the lower limb and perineum to the peritoneal cavity)
Femoral canal
what is a potential weak area and a site of femoral herniation?

What type of people are more susceptible to femoral herniations?
Femoral canal
(femoral hernias pass through the femoral ring and canal)

Women are more susceptible b/c of the greater width of the superior pubic ramus of the female pelvis
What structure lies outside the femoral sheath, lateral to the femoral A?
Femoral N
The aperature in the tendon of insertion of the adductor magnus
Adductor hiatus
(allows the passage of the femoral vessels into the popliteal fossa)