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27 Cards in this Set

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What is the clear fluid that helps the cornea keep its rounded shape?
What is the area where the optic nerve leaves the retina? Each eye has this where there are no photoreceptor cells.
Blind spot
What are the tiny artieries and veins that carry the blood to the retina called?
Blood vessels
What is the muscle that control the shape of the lens for near and far vision?
Ciliary Body
What is one type of photoreceptor cells in the retina?
What is the clear, tough covering over the iris and the pupil that helps protect the eye and begins focusing the light?
Name the dimple in the retina where cones are concentrated and vision is most acute.
What is the muscle that controls the amount of light that enters the eye. It is suspended between the cornea and the lens?
What is the clear, flexible structure that adjusts the eye's focus, allowing us to see objects both near and far? It is responsible for about 20% of our focousing.
What is the bundle of nerve fibers that carry information from the retina to the brain?
Optic nerve
What is the layer of light-sensitive cells lining the inner eyeball? It detects images focused on the back of the eye by the lens and the cornea. It is connected to the brain by the optic nerve.
What is one type of photoreceptor cells in the retina that respond to dim light?
What is the thick, tough, white covering of the eyeball?
What are the fibers that connect the ciliary body to the lens?
Suspensory ligaments
What is the colorful, shiny material located behind the retina? It is found in animals that have good night vision, it reflects light back through the retina.
What is the thick, clear jelly that helps give the eyeball its shape?
Viterous humor
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Considered master control center for the endocrine system
2-Secretes releasing and inhibiting hormones that control anterior pituitary gland
3-Produces hormones that are transported to and stored in posterior pituitary gland
4-Controls autonomic nervous system
5-Regulates body temp, food, and water intake
6-Regulates emotional behavior
7-Maintains sleep/wake cycle
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Secretes melatonin (involved in sleep/wake cycles)
2-Modified activity in endocrine organs (pituitary,pancreas,parathyroid,suprarenal,and gonads)
Pineal gland
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Anterior pituitary produces the following hormones: thyroid-stimulatin (TSH),prolactin (PRL),adrenocorticotropic (ACTH),growth (GH),luteinizing (LH),melanocyte-stimulating(MSH),and follicle-stimulating (FSH)
2-Posterior pituitary stores and releases: antidiurectic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin (OT)
Pituitary gland
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Synthesizes and secretes thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine)
2-Synthesize and secrete calcitonin
If this is enlarged it is known as goiter, typically due to insufficient dietary iodine
Thyroid gland
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Exocrine:digestive enzymes (pancreatic juice) secreted by acinar cells and released into the duodenum via pancreatic ducts
2-Endocrine: (regulation of glucose metabolism): hormones (insulin,glucagon, and somatostatin) secreted by pancreatic islet cells and released into the blood
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Cortex:secretes hormones (corticosteroids and androgent)
2-Medulla: chromaffin cells secrete catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine)
Adrenal (Suprarenal) glands
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Produces sperm cells
2-Produces androgens (male sex hormones) such as testosterone
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Maturation (oogenesis) and release (ovulation) of oocytes
2-Produces the female sex hormones progesterone, estrogen, and inhibin
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Removes excess water, electrolytes, and wastes of protien metabolism from blood
2-Urine formation
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Involved in T-lymphocytes differentiation
2-Secretes thymopoietin and thymosins
What part of the endocrine system has the following functions:
1-Composed of two cell types: cheif cells (or principle cells), which sythesize Parathyroid hormone and oxyphil cells, whose function is unknown.
2-PHT is secreted in response to low blood calcium leves
3-PHT raises calcium levels which increases calcium absorption from the small intestine
Parathyroid gland