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36 Cards in this Set

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flexion of finger MCP
lumbricals and interossei
flexion of finger PIPs
flexor dig superficialis
flexion of finger DIP
flexor dig. profundus
extensor of finger MCP
extensor dig communis
extensor of finger PIP
lumbricals and interossei (central slip)
extensor of finger DIP
lumbricals and interossei (terminal slip)
abduction of finger MCP
dorsal interossei
adduction of finger MCP
palmar interossei
flexion of thumb MCP
flexor pollicus brevis
flexion of thumb IP
flexor pollicus longus
extensor of thumb MCP
extensor pollicus brevis
extensor of thumb IP
extensor pollicus longus
abduction of thumb CMC
abductor pollicus longus
abduction of thumb MCP
abductor pollicus brevis
adduction of thumb MCP
adductur pollicus
opposition of thumb CMC
opponens pollicus
contents of carpal tunnel
4 tendons of flexor dig superficialis
4 tendons of flexor dig profundus
1 tendon of flexor pollicus longus
1 nerve (median)
volvar plate injury- what is the finger deformity?
swan-neck deformity: hyperextention at PIP, flexion at DIP
define the Boutonniere deformity
injury/dz disrupts insertion of central slip- PIP hyperflexion, DIP hyperextention
what will traumatic hyperflexion at DIP joint cause?
mallet finger (baseball) deformity - rupture of extensor aponeurosis
trigger finger
nodule/swelling on superficial flexor tendon (proximal to bifurcation)

repeatedly grabbing objects/ partially lacerated tendon
3 insertions on the extensor hood
long extensor, lumbrical, interosseus
innervation of thenar group
recurrent branch of Median
(except deep head of flexor pollicus brevis- thats ulnar)
innervation of central group
deep ulnar nerve
(except for first 2 lumbricals- thats motor branch of dig. nerve)
innervation of hypothenar group
deep ulnar nerve
what muscles does the deep radial nerve innervate in the hand
extrinsic extensors of thumb:
extensor pollicus longus (IP)
extensor pollicus brevis (MCP)
abductor pollicus longus (CMC)
Extensor indicus
ext dig communis
ext digiti minimi
innervation of the flexor muscles of the thumb
recurrent median (except deep head of flexor pollicus brevis- Ulnar)
innervation for adduction of the thumb
ulnar nerve- aductor pollicus
lumbricals and interossei action and innervation
Flex MCP
extend PIP, DIP

innervated by ulnar nerve (mostly) except 2 lumbricals are innervated by the median
extrinsic muscles of the fingers + innervation
flexor dig superficialis (PIP)- median
flexor dig profundus (DIP)- median + ulnar
muscles/groups under ulnar nerve innervation in hand
hypothenar muscles
all of the central group except for 2 lumbricals (median)
deep head of flexor pollicus brevis
muscles/groups under recurrent median innervation in hand
abductors and flexors of the thumb: thenar muscles (except deep head of pollicus brevis), first 2 lumbricals
thenar muscle group
abductor pollicus brevis
flexor pollicus brebis
opponens pollicus

innervation: medial w/on head ulnar
boundaries of "snuff box"
med: extensor pollicus longus
lat: extensor pollicus brevis
abductor pollicus longus
prox:styloid process
unique feature of blood supply to scaffoid
arrives distally: in event of fracture, the proximal bone will lose blood supply and avascularly necross
muscles innervated by the anterior interossius
flex dig profundus (also ulnar)
flex pollicis longus
flex dig superficialis

deep part of wrist