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10 Cards in this Set

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to give way to superior force; yield: to succumb to despair.
to yield to disease, wounds, old age, etc.; die.
Pathology. any of a group of diseases, usually intermittent or remittent, characterized by attacks of chills, fever, and sweating: formerly supposed to be due to swamp exhalations but now known to be caused by a parasitic protozoan, which is transferred to the human bloodstream by a mosquito of the genus Anopheles and which occupies and destroys red blood cells.
Archaic. unwholesome or poisonous air.
the quality or condition of being insubordinate, or of being disobedient to authority; defiance: The employee was fired for insubordination.
an act or instance of desolating.
the state of being desolated.
devastation; ruin.
Geology. a friable earthy deposit consisting of clay and calcium carbonate, used especially as a fertilizer for soils deficient in lime.
Archaic. earth.
exhibiting great diversity of elements: a motley crowd. Synonyms: heterogenous, varied, diverse, mixed, assorted, sundry; incongruous, disparate, diversified, dissimilar, divergent. Antonyms: homogeneous, uniform, identical; similar, like.
being of different colors combined: a motley flower border. Synonyms: parti-colored, multicolored, variegated, polychromatic; pied, piebald, mottled, dappled. Antonyms: monochromatic; solid.
wearing a parti-colored garment: a motley fool.
made up of disparate or separate parts or elements; compound: a composite drawing; a composite philosophy.
Botany. belonging to the Compositae. Compare composite family.
(initial capital letter) Architecture. noting or pertaining to one of the five classical orders, popular especially since the beginning of the Renaissance but invented by the ancient Romans, in which the Roman Ionic and Corinthian orders are combined, so that four diagonally set Ionic volutes, variously ornamented, rest upon a bell of Corinthian acanthus leaves. Compare Corinthian (def 2), Doric (def 3), Ionic (def 1), Tuscan (def 2). See illus. under order.
a badge consisting of stripes meeting at an angle, worn on the sleeve by noncommissioned officers, police officers, etc., as an indication of rank, service, or the like.
endowed with or characterized by a hearty, joyous humor or a spirit of good-fellowship: a wonderfully jovial host.
a conduit or artificial channel for conducting water from a distance, usually by means of gravity.
a bridgelike structure that carries a water conduit or canal across a valley or over a river.