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55 Cards in this Set

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Seborrheic Dermatitis
S&S-yellowish, greasy appearing scales
Dx-Visual exam
Tx-Selenium, hydrocortisone
S&S-Thick, flakey, red patches, covered with white, silvery scales
Eti-Unknown, seems to be genetic
DX-Pt hx, visual exam
Tx-Devonex, diprolene, cortisporin, UV light
S&S-Rash with vesicular & exudative eruptions in children. Dry, leathery vesicles in adults
Dx-family hx, visual exam, skin testing
Tx-Diprolene, hydrocortisone, cortisporin
S&S-Vesicular or pustular lesions with a honey crust
Eti-Bacteria streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus
Dx-Visual exam, culture
Tx-Bacitracin, neosporin
S&S-Papules, pustules, comedones
Eti-Unknown, hormonal changes, plugs that promote bacteria
Dx-Visual exam
Tx-Retin-A, accutane
Tinea Corporis (ringworm)
S&S-Lesions that are round, ringed & scaled with vesicles
Eti-Contact with infected animals (usually cats)
Dx-Visual exam
Tx-Diprolene, mycelex
Herpes Zoster
S&S-Vesicles in a band like, unilateral pattern along peripheral nerves or dermatomes, burning or tingling pain
ETI-Herpes varicella - Zoster virus (chicken pox)
Dx-Visual exam
Tx-Zovirax, valtrax
Cellulitis (Erysipelas)
S&S-Erythema, pitting edema, warm to touch, usually lower extremities
Eti-Bacteria, streptococccus, staphylococcus aureus
Dx-Visual exam
Tx-Immobilization, elevate, warm compress, systemic ABX
Decubitus Ulcer
S&S-Early, shiny skin over bony area, advances to blister, erosion, necrosis, ulceration
Eti-Impairment or lack of blood supply to affected area
Dx-Visual exam
Tx-Early ambulation, absorbable sponges, Silvadene, debriding agents
Basal Cell Carcinoma (most prevelant)
S&S-Persistent, non-healing open lesion that bleeds, oozes, crusts remain open
Eti-UV rays
Dx-Visual exam, biopsy
Tx-Surgical removal, Retin-A
Malignant Melanoma (most serious)
S&S-Change in asymmetry, border, color, diameter, elevation (A,B,C,D,E) of a mole/nevi
Eti-Overexposure to UV rays, family hx, previous hx
Dx-Visual exam, biopsy
Tx-Surgical excision, chemo/radiation
Alopecia (hair loss)
S&S-can be temporary or permanent
Eti-Age, family hx, chemo, meds, disease
Dx-Visual exam
Tx-Rogaine, propecia
Furuncle (boil)
S&S-Red, inflamed swollen area, painful, increases in size
Eti-Bacteria, staphylococcus aureus, poor hygiene
Dx-Visual exam
Tx-Hot compress, I&D, ABX
Warts (verrucae)
S&S-Small, white or pink lump with cauliflower like surface
Eti-Virus spread by contact
Dx-Visual exam
Tx-Disappear on their own, cryosurgery
S&S-Superficial burn-damage to the dermis, reddening of the skin, no blisters skin is intact. Partial thickness-damage to the dermis & epidermis, blisters noted probable infection. Full thickness-dermis, epiderrmis & deep tissue damage, usually including nerve damage.
Eti-Trauma, heat, electricity, chemicals or radiation
Dx-Visual exam, rule of nines
Tx-Silvadene, damp, cool, sterile dressing
OSteoarthritis (OA)
S&S-Pain with exercise, stiffness after sleep, joint becomes less moveable
Eti-Unknown, seems to be associated with aging
TX-Nabumetone, Naproxen, IBU, ASA
Lyme Disease
S&S-Rash with target/bull's eye lesion, flu like symptoms
Eti-Tick carrying bacteria spirochete
Dx-Visual exam, hx
Tx-Remove tick, ABX
S&S-Severe pain & inflammation most often in the fingers & great toe
Eti-Elevated uric acid in the blood & synovial fluid of joints
Dx-Visual exam, uric acid level blood test
Tx-Colchicine (acute gout), zyloprim, allopurinal (chronic gout)
Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE)
S&S-Joint pain, butterfly rash, fever, malaise, weight loss, hair loss, more common in women age 30-40
Eti-Unknown, thought to be autoimmune
Dx-Visual exam, blood test for antibodies
Tx-ASA, prednisone, immunosuppressive medications
S&S-Usually asymptomatic, kyphosis, loss of height
Eti-Lack of estrogen in postmenopausal women, calcium & vitamin D deficiency
Dx-Spontaneous bone fracture (sileant disease), DEXA scan (bone scan)
Tx-Fosamax, calcium, vitamin D
S&S-Joint pain, misshapen, immovable, loss of function
Eti-Trauma, injury
Dx-Visual exam, x-ray
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
S&S-Inflammation & edema of the synovial membrane around joint, joint pain, malaise
Eti-Unknown, thought to be autoimmune
Dx-RA blood test, ESR, synovial fluid culture
Tx-Indomethacin, prednisone, hydroxychloroquine, ridura
Sprain / Strain
S&S-pain, inflammation, stiffness, weakness
Dx-X-ray to r/o fracture
Tx-APAP, IBU, naproxen
S&S-Pain increase with movement, swelling, tenderness, bruising, deformity, lack of function, open wound
Eti-Trauma or disease
Dx-X-ray, CT scan, MRI
Tx-Splint to restrict motion, complete immobilization, cast, traction, surgery
Types of fractures
Open or compound - Break with opening in skin
Greenstick - Most common in children
Comminuted - Bone splinter
Colles - Common fracture of the wrist
Impacted - one end is wedged in the end of adjoining bone
Severed Tendon
S&S-immediate, severe pain, inflammation & immobility of affected part
Dx-Inability to mave affected part
Tx-Surgery (tenorrhaphy), physical therapy
S&S-Chronic pain in muscles & soft tissues surrounding joints
Dx-Pain at 18 specific tender points
Tx-Carisoprodol, methocarbamol, baclofen, cyclobenzaprine, diazepam
Hallux Valgus (bunion)
S&S-Inflammation of the great toe, development of hammer toe
Eti-Great toe is positioned toward the midline of the body
Dx-Visual exam
Muscular Dystrophy
S&S-Muscular atrophy, waddling gait, spinal deformities
Eti-Absence of dystrophin
Dx-Muscle biopsy, EMG
Tx-Physical therapy
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
S&S-weakness or numbness in one or more limbs, optic neuritis, unsteady gait, vertigo, difficulity urinating, speech problems, dysphagia, loss of vision
Eti-Unknown, autoimmune
Dx-Spinal tap, MRI
Tx-Marinol, muscle relaxants, clonazepam, gabapentin
Myasthenia Gravis
S&S-Extreme muscular weakness without atrophy, progressive fatigue, drooping eyelids, difficulty talking, swallowing, chewing
Eti-Thought to be autoimmune
Dx-Tensilon test, EMG
S&S-"Pill-rolling" tremor, shuffling gait, mask like face
Eti-Unknown, possibly a deficency of dopamine
Dx-Neurological exam
Tx-Levodopa / carbidopa, amanatadine, diphenhydramine
S&S-Nuchal rigidity, positive kernig's sign, brudzinski's sign, photophobia
Eti-Bacterial or viral
Dx-Lumbar puncture, CSF culture
Tx-ABX, phenytoin, phenobarbital
CVA (stroke) / TIA (mini-stroke)
S&S-Sudden severe headache, sudden dysphagia, sudden weakness & numbnesson one side of the body, confusion
Eti-Cerebral thrombosis (clot), cerebral bleed, cerebral embolism (moving clot)
Dx-CT scan, MRI
Tx-Streptokinase, warfarin, ASA
S&S-Loss of consciousness less than 5 minutes, headache, nausea/vomiting, blurred vision, photophobia
Dx-Neurological exam, CT scan
Tx-Rest, watch for changes
S&S-Loss of consciousness greater than 5 minutes to coma, headache, hemiparesis, drowsy, combative
Eti-Trauma, blow to head
Dx-Neurological exam, CT scan
Tx-Hospital admit, watch for increased cranial pressure
S&S-Headache, nausea/vomiting, aura, photophobia, sensitivity to noise & smell
Eti-Unknown, may be hereditary, certain foods, smoking
Dx-CT scan, EEG
Tx-Naratriptan, sumatriptan, rizatriptan
S&S-Involuntary activity of muscle contractions, partial seizures (petit mal), to grand mal seizures (tonic-clonic)
Eti-Idiopathic, no apparent cause
Tx-Phenytoin, carbamazepine, depakote, phenobarbital, gabapentin, clonazepam
S&S-Heartburn, burping that expresses vomit into the mouth, burning, dysphagia
Eti-Overeating, pregnancy, weight gain, relaxed laryngo esophageal sphincter (LES)
Dx-Barium swallow, endoscopy
Tx-Rantidine, esomeprazole, omeprazole
S&S-Lump, bulge, pain
Eti-Trauma, increased abdominal pressure, surgical scar
Dx-Visual exam, palpitated
Tx-Reduction, wear a truss, if signs of strangulation surgery is required
S&S-Abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, weakness, profuse sweating, fever, in fulminating cases toxic exudates leads to septicemia shock & death from trauma
Eti-Infection in abdominal cavity usually from trauma
Dx-Elevated WBC, abnormal electrolyte levels, radiographic studies
Tx-ABX, peritoneal lavage
Cleft Lip / Palate
S&S-Hole through the hard & soft palate, nasal regurgitation at feeding
Eti-Genetic disorder
Dx-Visual exam of oral cavity
Peptic Ulcer
S&S-Heartburn, pain, nausea/vomiting
Eti-Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection, inflammation o fthe GI tract
Tx-Ranitidine, omeprazole
S&S-Pain in RLQ, nausea/vomiting, fever, diarrhea or constipation
Dx-Tenderness at Mc Burney's point
Crohn's Disease
S&S-Chronic diarrhea, pain in RLQ, weight loss, malaise, nausea/vomiting, blood in stool
Eti-Unknown, psychosomatic illness, autoimmune
Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
S&S-Weight loss, fever, malaise, diarrhea containing blood , mucus, and pus
Eti-Unknown, possibly autoimmune
Dx-Barium enema, colonoscopy
Tx-Sulfasalazine, imuran
S&S-Rectal pain, itching, protusion or bleeding
Eti-Veins in the rectal and anal area become varicose, swollen, and tender as a result of blockage
Dx-Visual exam, proctoscopy
Tx-Bisacodyl, ligation, cryosurgery
Cholelithiasis (gallstones)
S&S-Pain in URQ, nausea/vomiting, flatulence, jaundice
Eti-Age, high-calorie, high cholesterol diet, obesity
Tx-Lithotripsy, surgery
S&S-Headache, anorexia, malaise, jaundice, hepatomegaly
Dx-Blood & urine tests
S&S-Loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea/vomiting, indigestion, edema
Eti-Chronic alcholism, malnutrition, hepatitis, parasites, toxic chemicals
Dx-Physical exam, hepatomegaly
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV1) (cold sores)
S&S-Painful blisters on lips & inside mouth
Eti-Viral, exposure to sunshine and wind, or presence of other infection can reactivate the virus
Dx-Oral exam
S&S-Anorexia, abdominal cramping, loose stools, nausea/vomiting, fever, weakness
Eti-Ingestion of disease-causing bacteria or parasites from contaminated foods
Dx-Patient hx, occult blood test
Cancer Staging System
T-size of primary tumor
N-extent of regional lymph node involvement by the tumor
M-number of distant metastases
Remain encapsulated, do not infiltrate surrounding tissue
Invade the surrounding tissue, enters bloodstream or lymphatic vessels & leads to tumor growth in other areas of the body (metastases)