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24 Cards in this Set

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Active destructive

A way of responding to someone's positive experience that squashes the event, brings the conversation to a halt, and leaves the person feeling ashamed, embarrassed, guilty, or angry

Aggressive communication

A communication style marked by talking over the other person, out-of-control emotion, accusatory and denigrating language and body language.

Always, always, always

A thinking trap; believing that negative events are unchangeable and that you have little or no control over them

Assertive communication

An MRT skill used to communicate clearly and with respect by using the ideal model to communicate in a confident, clear and controlled manner.


An MRT skill used to identify your thoughts about an activating event and the consequences of those thoughts

Avoid thinking traps

An MRT skill used to identify and correct counterproductive patterns In thinking through the use of Critical Questions

3 Cs

Confident, clear, controlled


Wasting critical energy ruminating about the irrational worst case outcomes of a situation, which prevents you from taking purposeful action, leads to downward spirals, creates high levels of anxiety, decreases focus, and increases helpfulness

Confirmation Bias

The tendency to notice the evidence that fits our thoughts and to miss the evidence that contradicts or thoughts


An MRT competency; the capacity for strong relationships; the ability to understand others perspectives; a willingness to ask for help; a willingness to support others


The C in the ATC model; emotions and reactions that are driven by thoughts about an activating event ( thoughts drive consequences)

Critical questions

Specific questions that help get around thinking traps and broaden your awareness of important information

Deployment strengths

Strengths that helped you get through deployment, but that can become weaknesses during the reintegration process if not adapted; one example is cohesion

Detecting icebergs

An MRT skill used to identify core beliefs and core values that fuel out-of-proportion emotion and evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of these beliefs.

Elevator speech

An elevator speech is a very short explanation of a topic. It is short enough to be delivered to someone during an elevator ride, but contains just enough information to get buy in and open the door to future conversation

Energy activation

Process by which the mind and body generates energy, making it available for action; influenced greatly by our thoughts.

Energy management

An MRT skill used to regulate energy levels deliberately In order to be efficient and effective under any circumstances; requires deliberate control of rythmic breathing, thoughts, and consequences

Everything, everything, everything

A Thinking Trap; believing that you can judge ones worth/character based on a single event or believing that what caused the problem is going to negatively affect many areas of one's life

External motivation

Motivators that drive an individual to engage in an activity in order to attain some separable outcome Instead of simply for the enjoyment of the activity; this type of motivator is less determined by the person; examples include rewards, punishments, shame, and guilt.

Fight or Flight

Activation of sympathetic nervous system. A physical state that occurs in response to any stressor, real or imagined, and characterized by increased energy activation

Goal setting

An MRT skill which is a process to deliberately energize, direct, and sustain behavior to ensure progress toward a goal


A skill designed to combat mind-wandering and anxiety by helping soldiers stay focused on the present task and their immediate surroundings; also known as the 3x3 exercise

Hunt the good stuff

An MRT skill which is used to counter the negativity bias, create positive emotion, and to notice and analyze what is good


Core beliefs and core values that are usually connected to how we think the world should operate; assumptions we have about ourselves and others