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51 Cards in this Set

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Four Quadrants of LifeFive

Physical, Mental, Social/Emotional, Spiritual

Five Love Languages

Physical Touch

Words of Affirmation


Acts of Service

Quality Time

Gold Personality

Appreciates rules and order, organization, and goal oriented

Green Personality

Inquisitive, knowledge seeking, deep thinkers

Blue Personality

Sees life through their emotions, very caring, and sensitive to others

Orange Personality

Spontaneous, charismatic, outgoing


Helps you become sleepy at night, regulates sleep cycles


Makes you feel hungry


Makes you feel full

Growth Hormone (GH)

Contributes to growth as a child, boosts muscle mass and repairs tissues and cells in adults

The happy hormone, involved in the transfer of nerve impulses
A stress hormone, a life sustaining adrenal hormone, when released in proper amounts
A neurotransmitter in the brain. increases when hugged or kissed
Immune Function
A state at which you body recognizes foreign materials and neutralizes them
Chemicals in you body that remove damaging oxidizing agents
Acronym: DECIDE

Define the problem

Examine your options

Consider the consequences

Identify your values

Decide and act

Evaluate the results

What part of you brain controls the power of your will?
The frontal lobe
How many hours of sleep does a teenager need each night?
8-9.5 hours
What kind of ions in the air provide a sense of well being, increased energy level and clarity of thought?
Negative charged ions
What color is associated with a soothing, relaxing, and calm spirit?
List some indoor air pollutants


Perfume and sprays

Cleaning products


Animal hair

At what age does your brain become fully developed?
Early 20s
How long should teenagers be exercising everyday?
60 minutes
What is the formula for how much water we should drink a day?
Half your weight in ounces
What have studies shown that reading scripture can do?
Increase your IQ
Two parts of prayer
Talking to and listening to God
Ineffable love

love that cannot be described in words

Cognitive Dissonance
When you do something that you know is contrary to your value system
The eight natural remedies (NEWSTART acronym)








Trust in God

What does the frontal lobe control?
Judgement, reasoning, planning, social etiquette, and the will.
Is not choosing a choice?

Yes, it is a choice

"Perhaps I cannot control the wind, but I can adjust my sails"

Ways to damage your frontal lobe

Eating fatty or sugary foods

Drinking alcohol

Not getting enough rest

Numbing your brain with too much time online or watching tv

Illicit drugs

Definition of choice
The ability to evaluate various courses of action and select among them
Tend to turn inwardly mentally, and are typically more energized by time alone


Tend to be more outward focused, and are typically more energized by being with groups of people
What activities can you do to strengthen your brain?

Board games




Contemplate scripture


Benefits of daily physical activity
Better overall health, increased stamina/endurance, increased concentration, decreased depression, elevated mood, clarity of though, proper control of weigh, decreased blood pressure, longer life
God shaped hole
Vacuum that is created when sin separates us from God that we try to fill with more sin
Benefits of reading your bible
Increased academic achievement, better behavior, closer relationship and understanding of God, increased discernment, decreased depression and stress
5 Bible Study Tips

1. Read with prayerful spirit

2. Start small

3. Keep notes, highlight, and underline

4. Use online resouces

5. Pray before and after studying

250 000 accidents a year are related to sleepy drivers

When is the best sleep?
Before midnight
What are some tips to solve study fatigue?
Short breaks, exercise breaks, power naps
The quality of your friendships has a bigger impact than the quantity

How do you overcome peer pressure?

Know your values

Seek positive support

Remove yourself from negative situations

Remembering that being different is ok and stop comparing yourself to others

Become a force for GOOD

The difference between a clique and a supportive friend group is...
a clique is exclusive and a supportive friend group allows for diversity

Humans gain 7% of meaning from words that are spoken, 38% from the way the words are spoken, and 55% from the facial expression and body language of the person speaking

93% of your communication is nonverbal

4 ways to improve your face-to-face communication skills

1. Learn to listen

2. Ask the right questions

3. Make consistent eye contact

4. Use facial expression

The purpose of dating is to choose the most compatible marriage partner for you.