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78 Cards in this Set

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Muscle tissue

A tissue characterized by the presence of cells capable of contraction; includes skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle tissues

Muscle fibers

Has several hundred nuclei just inside plasma membrane; individual muscle cells of skeletal muscle tissue

Skeletal muscle tissue

Cells are long, cylindrical, striated, and multinucleate.

Cardiac muscle tissue

Cells are short, branched, and striated, usually with a single nucleus; cells are interconnected by intercalated discs

Smooth Muscle tissue

Cells are short, spindle-shaped, and nonstriated, with a single, celtral nucleus

Myosatellite cells

Stem cells that persist in adult skeletal muscle tissue. Helps skeletal muscle tissue at least partially repair itself after injury because skeletal muscle fibers are incapable of dividing

Striated voluntary muscle

Skeletal muscle, doesn't usually contract unless stimulated by nerves, and the nervous system provides voluntary control over their activities


Typical cardiac muscle cell.

Intercalated discs

Cardiac muscle tissue consists of a branching network of interconnected cardiac muscle cells. This is the specialized reason where these cells are connected.

Striated involuntary muscle

Cardiac muscle tissue; the nervous system can alter the rate of pacemaker cell activity, but it does not provide voluntary control over individual cardiac muscle cells

Pacemaker cells

Specialized cardiac muscle cells that set a regular rate of contraction

Nonstriated involuntary muscle

Smooth Muscle tissue, because of its appearance and the fact the the nervous system usually does not voluntarily control smooth muscle contractions

Skeletal muscle functions

Produce skeletal movement; maintain posture and body position; support soft tissues; guard body entrances and exits; maintain body temperature; store butrients


A dense layer of collagen fibers that surrounds the entire muscle; separates the muscle from nearby tissues and organs and is connected to deep fascia

Deep fascia

A dense connective tissue layer


Divides skeletal muscle into compartments containing a fascicle


A bundle of muscle fibers


Within a fascicle, the delicate connective tissue which surrounds the individual skeletal muscle cells, muscle fibers, and loosely interconnects adjacent muscle fibers


Site at the end of each muscle where the collagen fibers of the epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium come together to form a broad sheet


Site at the end of each muscle where the collagen fibers of the epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium come together to form a bundle.


Groups of embryonic cells. These groups fuse forming individual multinucleate skeletal muscle fibers

plasma membrane of a muscle fiber, surrounds the sarcoplasm. Has a characteristic membrane potential, also called the transmembrane potential due to more negative charges on its cytoplasmic side and more positive charges on its extracellular side.
cytoplasm of the muscle fiber
Transverse tubules/T-tubules
narrow tubes whose surfaces are continuous with the sarcolemma and extend deep into the sarcoplasm. Filled with extracellular fluid and form passageways through the muscle fiber. Able to conduct electrical charges, and the signal to contract is conducted through them.
Hundreds to thousands of cylindrical structures contained in each muscle fiber. As long at the entire cell and encircled by branches of T-tubules. Active shortening leads to skeletal muscle fiber contraction.
Bundles of protein filaments within myofibrils
Thin filaments
A type of myofilament composed primarily of actin
Thick filaments
A type of myofilament composed primarily of myosin
elastic myofilament associated with the thick filaments
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Form a tubular network around each individual myofibril. Exports Ca2+ out of the cytosol
Terminal cisternae
Expanded chambers formed on either side of a T tubule and the tubules of the SR enlarging and fusing. Contain the protein calsequestrin, which reversibly binds Ca2+
Combination of a pair of terminal cisternae plus a T tubule; bound tightly together but their fluid contents are separate and distinct
myofilaments organized into repeating functional units; smallest functional units of the muscle fiber. Interactions between thick and thin filaments contained are responsible for muscle contractions.
Sarcomeres contain
thick filaments, thin filaments, proteins that stabilize the positions of the thick and thin filaments, and proteins that regulate the interactions between thick and thin filaments
A bands
Ansiotropic, Dark bands within a sarcomere
I bands
Isotropic, light bands within a sarcomere
M line
in the center of the A band; proteins within it connect with the central portion of each thick filaments to neighboring thick filaments. These dark staining proteins help stabilize the positions of the thick filaments
H band
A band; lighter region on either side of the M line, in a resting sarcomere. Contains thick filaments, but no thin filaments
zone of overlap
A band; A dark region where thin filaments are located between the thick filaments. Here three thick filaments surround each thin filament, and six thin filaments surround each thick filament.
Z lines
I band; bisect the I bands and mark the boundary between adjacent sarcomeres. Consist of proteins called actinins which interconnect with thin filaments of adjacent sarcomeres
I band, strand of elastic protein which extend from the tips of the thick filaments to attachment sites at the Z line. Helps keep thick and thin filaments in proper alignment and aids in restoring resting sarcomere length after contraction; also helps muscle fiber resist extreme stretching that would otherwise disrupt the contraction mechanism
Filamentous actin, F-actin
is a twisted strand composed of two rows of 300-400 individual globular molecules of G-actin
Long strand extends along the F-actin strand in the cleft between the rows of G-actin molecules; hold F-actin strand together
Active site
Contained within each G-actin. Where myosin can bind. Under resting conditions, however, the troponin-tropomyosin complex prevents myosin binding
Strands which cover the active sites on G-actin and prevent actin-myosin interaction. It is a double stranded protein that covers seven active sites and it is bound to one molecule of troponin midway along its length
molecule consists of three globular subunits. One subunit binds to tropomyosin, locking them together as a troponin-tropomyosin complex, and a second subunit binds to one G-actin, holding the troponin-tropomyosin complex in position. The third subunit has a receptor that binds two calcium ions.
When the myosin head interact with thin filaments during a contraction
sliding filament theory
The H bands and I bands of the sarcomeres narrow, the zones of overlap widen, the Z lines move closer together, and the width of the A band remains constant. These observation only make sense if the thin filaments are sliding toward the center of each sarcomere, alongside the thick filaments
unequal charge distribution among cells
An influx of sodium ions which makes the membrane potential less negative
Movement of potassium ions out of a cell as the membrane potential becomes more negative
A return to the resting potential
Excitable membranes
Permit rapid communication between different parts of a cell. Contain voltage-gated channels that are activated and inactivated by changes in the membrane potential
Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)
The synapse when communication is between a neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber. It is made up of an axon terminal (synaptic terminal) of a neuron, a specialized region called the motor end plate, and, in between, a narrow space called the synaptic cleft.
excitation contraction coupling
The link between the generation of an action potential in the sarcolemma and the start of a muscle contraction. This coupling occurs at the triads
The Contraction Cycle and Cross-Bridge Formation
Series of molecular events that enable muscle contraction. First, active sites are exposed and the energized myosin head bind to them forming cross bridges. Second, myosin head pivots toward M lin (powerstroke), ADP and P release. Third, link between active site and actin molecule is broken. Fourth, free myosin head splits ATP into ADP and P, myosin head is recocked.
Disease caused by infection by bacterium Clostridium tetani. Symptoms include: headache, muscle stiffness, and difficulty swallowing. Prevention is getting the immunization. However, an antitoxin can be administered to an unimmunized individual.
Factors determining how long a contraction lasts include: period of stimulation at the neuromuscular junction, presence of free Ca2+ in cytosol and availability of ATP.
Rigor Mortis
Death brings about ceasing circulation and skeletal muscles are deprived of nutrients and oxygen. Lack of ATP lead to muscles locking in contracted position.
A single stimulus-contraction-relaxation sequence in a muscle fiber. A single twitch can be divided into a Latent period, Contraction phase, and Relaxation phase.
Latent period
Period in a twitch where action potential sweeps across the sarcolemma, and the SR releases Ca2+
Contraction phase
Phase in a twitch where Tension increases, Ca2+ are binding to troponin, active sites on thin filaments are being exposed and cross-bridge interaction are occurring.
Relaxation phase
Phase in a twitch where Ca2+ levels are decreasing, active sites are being covered by tropomyosin, and the number of active cross-bridges is declining as they detach. As a result, tension decreases to resting levels.
Wave Summation
Occurs when successive stimuli arrive before the relaxation phase has been completed
Motor Unit
All the muscle fibers controlled by a single motor neuron
The smooth but steady increase in muscular tension produced by increasing the number of active motor units. Muscle contraction begins with activation of small motor units. If more tension is needed, larger muscle units are activated.
muscle tone
The resting tension in a skeletal muscle. Lack of it results in lack of movement.
Isotonic Contraction
Tension increases and the skeletal muscle's length changes. Ex: lifting an object off a desk, walking, and running
Isometric Contraction
The muscle as a whole does not change length, and the tension produced never exceeds the load. Ex: carrying a bag of groceries, holding our heads up.
Creatine Phosphate
High energy compound created from ATP and creatine. ATP + creatine --> ADP +___________
An anaerobic breakdown of glucose to pyruvate in the cytoplasm of a cell
Anaerobic process
Do not require oxygen; ex: glycolysis
Aerobic metabolism
Normally provides 95% or the ATP demands of a resting cell. In this process, mitochondria absorb oxygen, ADP, phosphate ions, and organic substrates (such as pyruvate) from the surrounding cytoplasm. Ex: citric acid cycle
Muscle fatique
When a skeletal muscle can no longer perform at the required level of activity. Has been correlated with: depletion of metabolic reserves within the muscle fibers, damage to the sarcolemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum, a decline in pH within the muscle fibers and the muscle as a whole, and a sense of weariness and a reduction in the desire to continue the activity due to the effects of low blood pH and the sensations of pain
Recovery Period
conditions in muscle fibers are returned to normal, pre-exertion levels
Oxygen Debt/Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
The amount of oxygen required to restore normal, pre-exertion conditions. The more ATP require, the more oxygen will be needed.
The enlargement of a stimulated muscle. The number of muscle fibers does not change significantly but the muscle as a whole enlarges because each muscle fiber increases in diameter.
Reduction in muscle size, tone, and power. Skeletal muscles not regularly stimulated by a motor neuron loses muscle tone and mass, they become flaccid, and the muscle fibers become smaller and weaker.