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84 Cards in this Set

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What state has the highest per capita income?
Whata state has the lowest per capita income?
What is our largest state in terms of population?
What is our smallest ates in terms of population?
What is our largest state in terms of area?
What is our smallest state in terms of area?
Rhode Island
What is the name of the state with the lowest population density?
Names of four U.S. Territories
American Samoa
Uerto Rico
U.S. Virgin Islands
When did agriculture replace hunting and gathering as the primary method of food production?
3000 years ago
Our largest U.S. state in population
U.S. state with highest high school graduation rate
Mountain range west of the coastal plain
Appalachian Higlands or Mountains
How old are the Applalachian Mountains?
more than 400 million years old
How many of the world's laragest lakes are found in North America?
This spurred the development of road building in the early 20th century
development of the automobile
What are the boundaries of the U.S. and Canada?
U.S. boundaries are Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, Canada,Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. Canada's boundaries are the U.S., Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and The Artic Ocean
Temperatures in this part of U.S. can top 130 degrees.
Mojave Desert
These mountains extend 3000 miles from Alaska South to New Mexico
Rockie Mountain chain
This opened in 1825 and went across upstate New York and made the first navigable water link between the Atlantic and the Great Lakes
Erie Canal
This is the line of highest points in the Rockies that marks the separation between rivers flowing eastward and westward
Continental Divide
The name of the islands that extend in an arc off the coast of Alaska
Aleutian Islands
What type of climate do the north central and northeastern U.S. and Canada have?
humid continental climate
Besides being rich in natural resources, what 3 things is the U.S. fortunate to have?
moderate climate
A government that divides power among federal, state, and local governing bodies
a federal republic
From where and when did the first inhabitants to North America come?
nomads from Asia at least 13,000 years ago
From where did the most of the 14 million immigrants come from 1960-1900?
How was the U.S. unique among other major nations of the world after World War II?
escaped physical damage and had a healthy economy
Six things that originated in the "New World" and were traded in the Old World
pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, vanilla, corn, beans, pinapple
Of the three branches of government, what enacts the laws? carries out laws? Reviews decisions of lower courts and interprets laws?
Carries out laws-JUDICIAL
Review decisions of
lower courts-interprets laws-SUPREME COURT
Where the people rule through elected representatives
Representative democracy
Name at least 6 things that originated in the Old World and were brought to the "New World"
Grapes, citrus fruits, sugar cane, honey bees, coffee beans, peaches and pears, livestock, diseases
What is the movement of people within the U.S. also known as?
What percentage of North America does the U.S. occupy?
2/5 or 40%
What was the movement of plants, animals, and diseases between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres known as?
Columbian Exchange (because Columbus discovered the Americas, so exchange started)
What was the name of the first permanent English colony?
Jamestown, Virginia
When were Africans brought to America? What type of work did they do?
1617 to work as slave labor on cotton and tobacco plantations
Where does the U.S. rank in the world in terms of land area and population?
7% of the world's land area
5% of the world's population
World War II ended
First transcontinental railroad completed
Europeans began to explore the "New World"
15th Century
The nation saw much social unrest during this period
1960s and 1970s
The Civil War was fought for 4 bloody years
Mapping human genetic material (DNA) is a breakthrough in biotechnology
Large numbers of American were migrating to suburbs
last half of 20th century
The American colonists fought the American Revolution
The first mass television audience watches baseball's World Series
The first inhabitants of North America were believed to be nomads who came from Asia
thousands of years ago
The U.S. nearly doubled in size when the government purchased the vast plains region
Women discovered which wild plants could be used as food for the family.
3000 years ago
Jamestown became a permanent settlement
U.S. was involved in a war in Vietnam
Use of an assembly line in Ford auto plants streamlines manufacturing
What was the average American worker in 1790 employed as?
self-employed farmer
Laborers in factories worked how many hours a week and for what wage?
60 hours a week for $12
The U.S. has about __ of the world's land area and about __ percent of the world's population.
7% and 5%
What three factors contributed to the overall success of the American economy?
available natural resources
skilled labor force
stable political system
What is a free enterprise system?
an economic system where private individuals own most of the resources, technology, and businesses for profit with little government control
American farms and raches supply ___ %of the world's production of corn, ___ % of its ___
40% of corn
20% of cotton
10% of wheat, cattle and hogs
The Midwest and South specialize in ___ with livestock, ranching concentrated in the ____
specialize in agriculture (farming) with ranching in Texas and Arkansas
Detroit (automobiles), Seattle (???)
Silicon Valley (???)
Silicon Valley, CA-computers
THe majority of Americans (??) trace their ancestry to Europe.
Hispanic Americans (mainly from Central and South America) make up ?? %
African Americans (???)
Asian Americans (???)
Native Americans (???)
What percent of Americans live in cities and surrounding suburbs?
What percentage of Americans live in poverty?
Name four subregions of the U.S.
Northeast, Midwest, South, West
The Northeast covers what percent of the nation's land area, but about ___ percent of the population?
5% of the land, but 20% of the population.
What are the six northern states of the subregions sometimes called?
Maine Massachusetts
Vermont Rhode Island
New Hampshire Connecticut
The Northeast region is sometimes referred to as the ___ to American for millions of immigrants from all over the world.
America's Gateway
What three natural resources fueled the industrialization of the region?
Coal, iron, ore
What is a region in which several large cities and surrounding areas grow together
What cities are included in the "BosWash" megalopolis?
Boston, New York City and Washington D.C.
What is the country's cultural and financial center?
New York City
What is located near the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan and is the cultural, financial and transportation hub of the Midwest?
What is the financial, trade and transportation center of the hub of the New South?
Atlanta, Georgia
What region stretches from the Great Plains to the Pacific Ocean and includes Alaska to the North and Hawaii in the Pacific?
The West
What is the most rapidly growing region in the U.S.?
The West
The Appalachian Mountains extend from Newfoundland to what U.S. State?
From where did the immigrants come in the last half of the 20th century?
Latin American and Asia
St. Augustine was founded in Florida
What is a service industry?
economic activity that produces a service rather than a product
What percentage of Americans now work in service related jobs?