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29 Cards in this Set

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The set of forces that initiate behavior and determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration.
2 key voluntary choices
1. choice to participate
2. choice to produce
need theory
singular needs and need classification systems
job redesign
job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment
expectancy theory
the porter lawler model
approaches to motivation
need theory
job redesign
expectancy theory
goal setting
conditioning theory
need theory 4 relational needs
need for affiliation
need for social approval
need for power
need for equity
need theory 4 growth needs
need for achievement
need for autonomy
need for self actualization
need for activity
equity theory
theoretical base for job satisfaction and stand alone explanation for motivation
expectancy theory
role of cognitive expectations on effort/motivation
goal setting
a cognitive explanation for goal directed, voluntary behavior
equity theory
distributive justice
the focal person compares his output/input ratio with the output/input ratio of the referent person or comparison person
expectancy theory
an explanation for voluntary behavior that uses the values of outcomes and the expectation that valued outcomes will result from voluntary behaviors to predict motivation
strategies of conditioning (5)
-reward conditioning
-extinction conditioning
-avoidance conditioning
-punishment conditioning
-escape conditioning
General guidelines for using conditioning strategies
always use reward conditioning to shape or manage behavior before you employ any of the other 4 strategies
Always praise the ________, with one exception __________
behavior, low self esteem
never _______, _________, or _______ the person, always " " the __________
criticize, discipline, punish, behavior
whenever possible
always praise publicly
and punish privately
avoidance conditioning
bank fee
intrinsic rewards
the intangible psychological results
extrinsic rewards
material, social


praise and recognition
continuous conditioning
outcome follows every correct or incorrect response
non-continuous or intermittent conditioning
outcome follows a pattern with regard to the distribution of the outcome
(outcomes dispensed on the basis of time or number of responses)
fixed interval
outcome is allocated after a fixed time interval (weekly pay check)
variable interval
outcome is allocated after variable time period around an average
fixed ratio
outcome is allocated after a fixed number of responses (sales commission)
continuous schedules
promote faster conditioning; consequently, they are best for conditioning behaviors that are new
variable schedules
result in slower conditioning or learning; however, once the behavior is learned, extinction occurs more slowly if the reward is not forthcoming at a steady rate
hierarchy of needs (5)
1. self actualization
2. self-esteem
3. social
4. safety
5. physiological