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22 Cards in this Set

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The idea that managers are decision makers who allocate society’s resources to various ends.
Modern Management
Focus on workplace efficiency and productivity
Labor was in short supply – solution is to use labor more efficiently
Classical Managment
A typle of classical managment focused on lower-level managers dealing with everyday problems of the workforce
Scientific Management
A type of classical managment focused on top-level managers dealing with everyday problems of managing the entire organization
Identified management as an important element of organized society
Classical Organization Theory
Father of Scientific Management--who applied science to questions about efficiency, cooperation, and motivation
Failed to understand the psychological and sociological aspects of work
Frederick Taylor (1856-1915)
Efficiency experts
Time and motion studies
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
the idea that each employee should report to only one supervisor
Unity of Command –Henry Fayol
planning, organizing, commanding and controlling
Functions of management
Bureaucratic organizations
Made a distinction between power and authority
Max Weber (1864-1920)
Practicing managers found that the ideas of the classical approach didn’t lead to total efficiency and workplace harmony. Which led to...
Behavioral Management
Focuses on individuals working in group settings
The Human Relations Approach
of behavioral mngmnt
A study at the Western Electric Company
Illumination increases – productivity increases
Illumination decreases – productivity increases
Hawthorne Effect
first female industrial psychologist
Mary Parker Follett
To develop good human relations, managers must know not only why their workers behave as they do, but also what psychological and social factors influence them.
Integration of Behavioral Sciences
The key feature is the use of decision-making,information systems, mathematics, and statistics toaid in resolving production and operations problems
Decision Science
*Viewed Decisions as programmed & nonprogrammed
*Decision Makers satisfice rather than optimize
*Intelligence – Design – Choice
Herbert Simon (1916-2001) – politician and social scientist
A system is a collection of parts that operates independently to achieve common goals
Systems Theory
Systems consists of four components:
inputs,processing, outputs, and feedback
the elements of an organization are interconnected and linked to the environment
Open Systems
bridged behavioral and decision-making school
Chester Barnard (1886-1961)
Emphasizes the multivariate nature of organizations
and attempts to understand how organizations
operate under varying conditions and in specific
Contingency Theory