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19 Cards in this Set

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It certainly shouldn’t suggest that we can simply erase an event or relationship that is disagreeable, but what we shouldn’t remain mired in it either.

Moving on

a cognitive neuroscientist researcher at Columbia University and his colleagues put out fliers in Manhattan and Ads on Social Networking Sites to recruit participants who had experienced an unwanted breakup in the last six months.

Edward Smith

Studies using _________ brain scans show activity in several specific brain areas when rejected individuals see pictures of their ex-partners or experienced a physical pain.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI)

are known to be associated with pain experience.

insula and anterior cingulate cortex

Top 10 ways to get over a breakup

1. Stay away from him/her

2. Write a list

3. Eat serotonin food

4. Mix things up

5. Meditate for 15 minutes

6. Have fun

7. Think about him/her in a negative light

8. Get rid of clothing or other physical reminders of him/her

9. Punish him/her (in your mind)

10. Take a supplement

refers specifically to the process of recovering from the death of a loved one.


is a reaction to any form of loss.


Both encompass a range of feelings from deep sadness to anger.



The different feelings, thoughts, and behaviors people express during grief can be categorized into two main styles:



involves focusing primarily on problem-solving tasks while controlling or minimizing emotional expression

Instrumental grieving

is based on a heightened emotional experience that leads to sharing feelings, exploring the lost relationship, considering mortality and identifying meaning in life.

Intuitive grieving

5 stages of grieving

- Denial

- Anger

- Bargaining

- Depression

- Acceptance

developed the five stafes of grief model to illustrate the process of grief associated with death, but she eventually adapted the model to account for any type of grief.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

focuses on how the bereaved can actively deal with what they are feeling and move towards healing.

Rando`s six processes of mourningOR6`R Tasks

Stages of grief




is when you may be unable or unwillingly to fully understand what has happened. Though you might understand that your loved one has died, a part of you can still not accept this as reality

Avoidance phase

involves dealing with your grief and finding ways to process what you are experiencing.

Confrontation phase

is all about finding meaning in life again. This doesn’t mean you wont still have feelings of sadness or longing, but you will be able to have moments of happiness again.

Accommodation phase

6 r` tasks

Recognize the loss

React to the separation



