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34 Cards in this Set

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-groups of movies that tell similar stories with similar characters in similar settings.
Horizon of Expectation

-the set of knowledge needed to know what is going on in a movie.
Horizon of Expectation

-tells the class of the film, mood of the story, and how it will be told.
Auteur films

-films that are conceived as art films and associated with the style of particular directors and not with mass market films
A Frame is a

-single image on a strip of film. When a series of frames are projected onto a screen in quick procession (only 24 fps), an illusion of movement is created

2.the size and shape of the image on screen when projected

3.the compositional unit of film design
Framing is the

-use of edges on the film to select and to compose what will be visible on film.
A Close Up involves

-framing in which the scale of the object shown is relatively large, most commonly a person's head seen from the neck up.
A Diegetic Sound is

-any voice, musical passage, or sound effect presented as originating from a source within the film's world.
A Non-Diegetic Sound is

-a sound represented as coming from outside the space of the narrative, such as mood music or a narrator's commentary.
Camera Angle is the

-position of the frame in relation to the subject it shows.

-A high angle is when the camera is looking down.

-A low angle is when the camera is looking up.
Deep Focus is

-the use of the camera lens and lighting to keep both the close and distant panes in deep focus.
Pan is the

-movement of the camera from left to right or vice versa on a stationary tripod.
On the screen, a Pan will

-produce a mobile framing which scans the space horizontally.

-Pan is not to be confused with tracking spot.
Tilt is a

-camera movement created by swiveling upward or downward on a stationary support.

-It produces a mobile framing that scans the space vertically.
A Shot is

-one uniterrupted image with a single static or mobile framing.
A Take is the

-the SHOT produced by one uniterrupted run of the camera.

-One shot in the final film maybe chosen from among several "takes" of the same action.
A Tracking Shot is

-a mobile framing that travels through space forward, backward, and laterally.
Shot/Reverse Shot

-two or more shots edited togehter that alternate characters, typically in a conversation situation
Eyeline Match Shot

-is where the first shot shows a person looking off in one direction and the following shot shows a nearby space containing what he or she sees.

-obeys the axis of action principle

-lighting cast onto figures from the side opposite of the camera.

-creates a thin outline of light on the figures' edge.
Key Light

-in the three-point lighting system, the key light is the brightest light in the scene.
A Fill Light

-is lighting originating from a source less bright than the key light.
Fill lighting is often used

-to soften deep shadows and illuminate areas not covered by the key light.
Three-Point Lighting is a

-common arrangement using three directions of light on a scene.

-the three modes of lighting used are the Backlight, Key Light, and Fill Light.
A Zoom Lens is a

-lens with a focal length that can be changed during the shot.
Zoom Lens continued:

-a shift towards the telefoto range enlarges the images and flattens its panes toghether. This gives the impression of moving into the scene's space.

-A shift toward wide angle gives the impression of moving away from a scene's space.
Mise en Scene is the

-arrangements of visual weights and movements within a given space.
In Movies, Mise en Scene is

- is defined by the frame that encloses the image.

-Cinematic Mise en Scene encompasses both the staging of the action and the way it is photographed.
Extreme Close Up is a

-more extreme version of Close Up. This technique focuses almost entirely on an object or important body part.
Rack Focusing/Selective Focusing involves the

-the blurring of focal planes in sequence, forcing the viewer's eye to travel with those areas of an image that remains in sharp focus.
The Purposes of the Pan camera movement is to

1. Provide an all encompassing view of the scene

2.Lead the audience to a particular person or place

3.Follow a person or vehicle across a distant scene.

4.Give the audience the visual image and perspective as seen by a character when turning his or her head.
A Dissolve Shot involves

-the slow fading of out of one shot and the gradual fading in of its succesor.

A superimpostion of images then occurs, usually at the midpoint.
CinemaScope was a

-widescreen move format used from 1953 to 1967.

They were replaced by anamorphic lenses that had a 2:66:1 aspect ratio, twice that of the CinemaScope (1:33:1).

Anamorphic Presentation of films that CinemaScope started continues to this day.
Anamorphic Presentation of films that

-CinemaScope started continues to this day.