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16 Cards in this Set

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Tactile receptors - 5 types

Free nerve endings - sensitive touch, pressure

Root hair plexus -monitors distortions and movement

Merkel discs -fine touch, pressure receptors

Meissners capuscles- sensations of touch, pressure and low vibration

Pacinian corpuscles -deep pressure, fingers and genitalia

Ruffini corpuscles -pressure and distortion of skin- deep

Lateral inhibition

This is where a Neuron which is excited will reduce activity in other neighbouring neurons

Occurs in retina and skin also


A mechanical distortion (skin) causes opening of membrane and influx of ion channels- inflow of positive charged ions

The actio potential transmits a signal to the cns

Ocular muscles

Intra ocular muscles- control pupil diameter

Extra - move eyeball in socket and innervated with specific cranial nerves

Paired extra ocular muscle action- both eyes together

5 functional types of eye movements

Gaze stabilising mechanisms;

1- optokinetic reflex

2- vestibular ocular reflex

Gaze shifting mechanisms;

3- saccadic movements

4- smooth pursuit

5- vergence movement


Alternation between slow drift and rapid saccades

Can be abnormal in those with leisons

Vestibular ocular reflex

Maintaining gaze position despite head movement

Occurs from activation of the vestibular system

Stabilise image on retina during head movements by producing eye movements in the opposite direction to preserve the image on the centre of the visual field

Impaired = hard to read print

Damage can lead to vestibular nystagmus

Rotation of head= inhibitory signal to the extra ocular muscles, and excitatory on other side- compensatory movement

Driven by vestibular apparatus in the inner ear

Prepositus hypoglossi

Involved with the vestibular ocular reflex - once the head stops moving, the vestibular system also stops - this keeps the neurons firing over and over to keep the eyes in the same place


Involuntary rhythmic shaking of the eyes

Could be both unilateral or bilateral

Or horizontal, vertical or combined

Acquire or born

Superior colliculus

A map of visual space

Involved in the directing of eye movements to things in surround

It is involved in saccades, fixation, smooth pursuit, vergence,

It has inputs from cerebral cortex, inferior follicular, retina, basal ganglia and spinal cord

Connected to many sensorimotor areas and it maps actions among these- orientations head and eye movements

It turns off the onmipause neurons - releasing oculomotor system from inhibition so eye can move- saccades occur after a hill of activity is reached

The superficial levels are only bothered with visual stimuli

Deeper levels other modalities but also have motor neurons to control eye movements


Sense body position

Based on mechanoreceptors in skin, tendons, muscles and joints

Encoding for motion and posture

Defence mechanisms to avoid pain

IW his weren't working correctly and couldn't move well despite the connections still being there to move

Muscle spindles

Inside muscle

Sensitive to change in length and rate of change

When lengthening they can set off 2 reflexes - the muscle can get longer (mono synaptic reflex) which goes to spinal cord and onto lower motor neurons in the same muscle as the spindle (stretch reflex)

This can lead also to automatic shortening of the muscle (a protective reflex)- knee jerk

Golgi tendon organ

This is inside the tendon

Not for length- but is for tension

Autogenic inhibition- after so much tension it will inhibit the muscle tendon to decrease tension

Too much tension can lead to damage

Inhibitory interneuron turns off the alpha motor neurons so the muscle relaxes and the tension is reduced

Mono synaptic reflex arc

Simple reflex system

One sensory neuron and one motor neuron

Inform from sensory to motor across a single synapse in the spinal cord

Negative feedback in control of muscle length

Spinal reflex uses feedback to regulate muscle length, reliving the brain from posture monitoring

The brain sets a desired length

Alpha motor neuron is the feedback controller

Controlling the muscles and joints

Leading to an interaction in the envionwnt

A negative feedback loops round to the muscle spindles as sensors

These send information to the brain for desired length

Gamma motor neuron

Sets a reference value for feedback control and changes the sensitivity of the spindle

Can tune spindle sensitivity (bag fibres which are sensitive to static or absolute muscle length)

This can bias a spine towards being status or dynamic - regulating sensitivity during the contraction and important in regulating muscle tone