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12 Cards in this Set

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Supplementary motor cortex involved in what?
Planning/ rehearsal of movements -> distal muscles

Active when mentally rehearsing action.
feedback from the peripheral sensory receptors on the positions & movements of limbs --> somatic sensory cortex
Prefrontal cortex?
Decision to make movement
Basal ganglia
Prefrontal cortex -> basal ganglia -> VLo (thalamus) -> area 6 of motor cortex

Initiates movement, puts plan into action.
Planning of complex voluntary movements
Parkinsons & Huntingtons
Pathology in basal ganglia - loss of dopaminergic neurons
Involved in fine coordination and smooth executions of movements

Involved in motor learning

Damage= loss of coordination

Sensory cortex->cerebellum->VLc (thalamus) -> Area 4 of motor cortex
2 descending pathways
Lateral pathways

Ventromedial pathways
Lateral pathways

A group of efferent pathways found in the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord
Involved in fine control of voluntary movements

Corticospinal - neurons from motor cortex project to spinal cord

Rubrospinal - Project to the red nucleus then the spinal cord
Ventramedial pathways
descending motor/efferent fibres found in the anterior funiculus

Control of axial trunk muscles involving posture and large muscle movements
Motor unit
alpha motoneuone & muscle fibres
What forms columns in the ventral horns? and are known as what?
Motoneuone pools of each muscle
strength of movement
mediated by recruitment of motoneuons