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21 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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What happens at the spinal cord?
Output to muscles, integration of motor system components, reflex, circuitry for stereotyped motor program
What happens at brainstem nuclei?
Rudimentary motor control for posture, movement of trunk, head, and neck
What happens at the motor cortex?
Sensory information and volition is converted to a motor plan and execution

Fine motor control, conscious aspects of motor learning
What happens at the cerebellum?
Coordination and motor learning, where planned movements are compared to executed movements
What happens at the basal ganglia?

What happens if there is a lesion here?
Overall level of motor activity is set

Results in too much or too little movement
How are motor neuron pools arranged?
Ventral horn, over many spinal levels
How does the type of muscle being controlled determine the placement of the motorneuron pool in the ventral horn?
Proximal muscles = medial
Distal muscles = lateral
Extensors = ventral
Flexors = dorsal
What is a muscle unit?

What is a motor unit?
Matched extrafusal muscle fibers

muscle unit innervated by an alpha motoneuron
What do gamma motoneurons innervate?
intrafusal muscle fibers of spindles
What are intrafusal muscle fibers of spindles?
Proprioceptors that detect stretch of a muscle
What are some muscle unit properties that characterize motor unit types?

What are these properties a function of?
Contractile speed, fatigability

Function of myosin isotype, metabolic enzyme profile
What is force of a motor unit a function of?
Numbers of muscle fibers in dfferent types of motor units

Activation frequency
Type S fibers
a. Speed of contraction
b. Fatigability
c. Force
a. slow
b. resistant
c. small
Type FR

a. Speed of contraction
b. Fatigability
c. Force
a. Fast
b. Resistant
c. More force
Type FF
a. Speed of contraction
b. Fatigability
c. Force
a. Fast
b. Fatigable
c. Most force
What do small motoneurons innervate?
relatively few muscle fibers --> make up type S motor units
How does size of motorneuron determine type of motor unit?
Larger motoneuron innervates more fibers, makes up larger force-producing motor units

S < FR < FF
How does motoneuron size determine how it responds to synaptic input?
Smaller motoneurons have higher resistance --> more depolarized for a given current --> reaches threshold faster, fires first
When will a motoneuron begin to fire reptitively?
At 1.5x the synaptic current necessary for recruitment
What is motoneuron rate modulation?
Frequency spectrum of motoneuron firing varies between its twitch force and its max tetanic tension
What are 3 clinical hallmarks of lower motoneuron disease?
1. Focal atrophy and wasting of muscles
2. Fasciculations (small amplitude involuntary twitch)
3. Weakness, decreased tendon reflex