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82 Cards in this Set

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Motor cortex(role)
Planning and execution of complex voluntary movement
Basal ganglia(role)
motivation and selection of adaptive behavioral strategies
coordination and motor learning
Brainstem Motor Nuclei
Integrate sensory info(somatosensory, vestibular, visual, auditory).
activate and modulate spinal circuitry for innate, repetitive behavior
spinal cord & cranial nerve nuclei
directly control motor output,
mediate reflexes and rhythmic behaviors(scratching, locomotion)
provide sensory feedback
cervical enlargement of the spinal cord
innervation of upper limb
lumbar enlargement
innervation of lower limbs
axial muscle
control trunk, important for posture
proximal muscle
control upper limbs(shoulders, thighs), important for posture and locomotion, reaching
distal muscle
control hands, digits, feet; important in grasping and manipulation
synergist(aka agonist)
groups of muscles working together
joints are controlled by groups of
antagonistic synergists
straighten(extend) the joint
bend(flex) the joint
draw limbs towards the body axis
pull limb away form the body axis
rotate the limbs downward
rotate the limbs upward
cortical and brainstem neurons(upper motor neurons)
projecting to lower motor neurons in spinal cord (some directly, most via spinal interneuron)
lower motorneurons
located in ventral horn of spinal cord and in some cranial nerve nuclei of brainstem
final common pathway for translating upper motor neuron activity into movement
alpha-motorneuron's integrate inputs from multiple sources :
1. mechanosensory afferent(proprioceptors)
2. excitatory and inhibitory spinal interneurons
3. descending inputs from motor cortex and brainstem motor nuclei
4. they directly control muscle length and tension by varying firing rate
Each alpha - MN
AP elicits an AP in all muscle fibers in the motor unit
contraction elicited by single spike in a single alpha-MN
max. force developed by saturating summation at high MN firing rate
temporal summation
twitches sum as alpha-MN firing rate increases, increasing force and smoothness contraction
reflexes are
homestatic, great example of negative feedback control
stretch(myotactic) reflex
most basic sensorimotor interaction in the nervous system.
a. two - neuron arc (monosynaptic) : sensory afferents synapse directly on alpha motorneurons
b. mainly associated with anti-gravity(extensor)muscles of limbs for postural maintenance
stretching a muscle
increases firing rate in muscle spindle(proprioceptors)
spindle afferents
directly excite alpha-mn's projecting to the same muscle

make direct excitatory synaptic connections to both alpha-mn's and inhibitory spinal interneurons
inhibitory interneurons
suppress alpha-mn's of antagonistic muscles
antagonistic muscles
relax, permitting agonists to shorten and move the limb
capsule containing specialized intrafusal muscle fibers
lies in parallel with regular extrafusal muscle fibers
sensory innervation of it is by largest(group ia and ii) mechanosensory afferent fibers
spindle afferents respond primarily to
length changes in the muscle not tension
gamma motor neurons control
length of intrafusal fibers to keep them in parallel with extrafusal fibers and to control muscle tone
gamma servo loop
gamma and alpha mn's co-activated during voluntary movements to keep intrafusal and extrafusal fibers the same length.
loop maintains sensitivity of spindles to changes in muscle length across the entire range of muscle lengths
responds to muscle tension
GTO activation results in the reverse stretch reflex :
1. suppress agonists via inhibitory interneurons
2. excites antagonists via excitatory interneurons
GTO functions
stabilizes tensions for fine motor acts
prevents dangerous levels of tension if muscle overloaded
polysynaptic flexion reflex
1. action : stimulation of cutaneous and deep nocieptors elicits limb flexion
2. function : withdraws limb from noxious stimulus
3. very different from stretch reflex
cutaneous nociceptors
free nerve endings in skin
small, unmyelinated , slow-conducting afferents
flexion reflex causes
flexor contraction of entire limb via ascending and descending projections to other spinal segments
extensor relaxation(reciprocal innervation)
postural compensation(crossed - extension reflex)
involving contraction of extensors and relaxation of flexors of contralateral limb : double reciprocal innervation
Central motor patterns triggered by reflexes
1. protective reflexes(flexion-crossed-extension reflex) : avoid injury
2. postural reflexes (stretch reflex) : maintenance of body position in space
3. coughing and sneezing : elicited by noxious substances contacting throat/nose
4. swallowig
spinal control of locomotion
rhythmic, repetitive, stereotyped movements locally programmed by spinal cord or brainstem circuitry
ex : locomotion, scraching, escape behavior
motor control during stepping
1. swing phase : flexors active, lifting limb off the substrate
2. stance phase : extensors active, placing limb on the substrate, weight bearing
3. swing-stance transition : flexors and extensors co-activated
activation of CPG
1. by higher input : descending excitation activates CPG to initiate and sustain locomotion
2. by sensory input : can be elicited by brief stimulation of flexor reflex afferents of skin and muscle
FRA"s excite ipsilateral interneurons pool controlling flexor MN's, contralateral pool controlling extensor's MN's
Ventromedial Motor pathway
orientation and postural control
(vestibulospinal, tectospinal, pontine reticulospinal, medullary reticulospinal tracts)
vestibulospinal tract
control of head/neck for gaze control/image stabilization
facilitates extensors of lower limbs for postural control
tectospinal tract
relays multisensory info from superior colliculus to the spinal cord
spatial sensory integration for orientation and gaze control
pontine reticulospinal tract
reinforces extensor to help maintain standing posture
medullary reticulospinal tract
liberate antigravity muscles from reflex postural control
activates serotonergic and noradrenergic reinforcement of spinal neuron excitability
facilitates locomotion and other voluntary movements
Lateral motor pathway
corticospinal, corticorubural/rubrospinal,
corticospinal tract
origin : layer 5 neurons of primary motor cortex
- cortical axons are bundled at base of medulla into the pyramidal tract
- termination : premotor in ventromedial horn, which control motoneurons of proximal and axial extensors
directly to motoneurons in dorsolateral ventral horn controlling distal flexors(grasp, manipulation)
rubrospinal tract
project to red nucleus of the midbrain
red nucleus fibers decussate, descend cord as lateral rubrospinal tract
termination in dorsolateral ventral horn
damage to lateral pathway
gross movement of limbs still possible, postural control remain
loss of control of distal muscles for arms and fingers
-cs lesion alone : paralysis of distal musculature, but partial recovery of hand movement
-cs + rs lesion : abolishes recovery seen with CS lesion alone
Primary motor cortex(m1, area 4)
inputs from primary somatosensory cortex, premotor cortex(PMA;SMA), posterior parietal cortex(area 5 ; spatial info)
primary motor cortex output
corticospinal tract of lateral pathway
brainstem motor nuclei : red nucleus (rubrospinal tract of lateral pathway), midbrain and brainstem nuclei giving rise to ventromedial pathway
intrinsic space hypothesis
m1 controls muscle: low level movement dynamics by controlling parameters such as movement force
extrinsic space hypothesis
m1 controls movement : higher level more abstract kinematic aspects of movement, such as direction, range, and speed of movement
Premotor cortex(area 6)
includes premotor are(PMd, PMv), supplementary motor area(SMA)
inputs to PMA/SMA : prefrontal cortex(area4, 6) - multi sensory integration(objects, faces), spatial working memory
parietal cortex (area 5&7) : multi sensory spatial integration, motor planning
basal ganglia via thlamus
outputs of premotor cortex
primary motor cortex(precentral gyrus, area 4)
spinal cord interneurons and motorneurons
PMA receives inputs from
area 7(posterior parietal cortex, dorsal visual space/motion stream, auditory and somatosensory spatial information)
receptive field in area 7
large, multisensory, spatially selective
multisensory receptive field of PMA neurons
tends to be spatially correlated
spatial orientation of multisensory RFs
track position of limb
nearly all PMA cells
show extrinsic(movement-related) activity
Mirror neurons
fire when performing an action
fire when observing the same action by another individual
do not fir in absence of action
Cortical loop : somatotopic connection to and from BG
prefrontal, frontal , parietal cortex
limbic system
Cortical loop : somatotopic connection to and from BG
ventrolaterla nucleus of thalaus, which projects to primary motor cortex, premotor cortex, supplementary motor cortex, prefrontal cortex
subcortical loop projects to
brainstem motor nuclei involved in locomotion, feeding
cortical loop direct pathway
facilitates movement :
striatum inhibits GPi, VLo disinhibited, enhancing motor output
cortical loop indirect pathway
inhibits movements
striatum inhibits GPe
GPe inhibits STN
STN excites Gpi, inhibiting VLo
Suppresses motor output
Substantia nigra
D1 receptors are excitatory, facilitate cortical output
D2 inhibitory, suppress cortical input
degeneration of SN cells, reduced DA levels in striatum
hypokinetic disorder
symtoms : resting tremor, unstable posture, muscular rigiditiy,(hypertonia), akinesia, bradykinesia
chorea, degeneration and loss of cells in striatum
hyperkinetic disorder of inheritance
onset of meddle age
symtoms : decreased muscle tone(hypotonia), hyperkinesia
behavioral and psychological disturbances, dementia
loss of subthalamic nucleus cells
caused by widespread selective loss of GABA neurons in striatum and eventually degenerationin rest of brain
cerebellar cortex
subdivided anatomically and functionally
deep cerebellar nuclei
through which the cerebellar cortex communicates to other brain centers
Cerebellar cortex has five distinct cell types
four cell types inhibitory(GABA and glycine), one cell type(granule cells) excitatory
purkinje cells send inhibitory output to deep cerebellar nuclei
motor loop of cerebellum
layer 5 sensorimotor cortical cell projects to the pontine nuclei
pontine nuclei send massive input to cerebellar cortex
lateral cerebellum projects back to cortex via lateral nucleus of thalamus(VLc)
cerebellar disorders
ataxia(intension tremor)