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91 Cards in this Set

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What studies the internal structure of words and rules governing word formation?


The term Morphology was first applied in what subject?


Morphology in Linguistics refers to what?

The shape of words

The sequence of rules used in Morphology that account for the changes in the shape of words are postulated by who?


Phonetics is to Phonology what Morphology is to _________?


Phonetics studies all the sounds that can be produced by the human vocal organs. Phonology picks certain sounds in relation to the language.

Same goes for Morphology where rules of word formation is formulated and contributes to the English lexicon; syntax selects few of these words in relevance to the well formed sentences.

A minimal distinctive unit of grammar that has meaning is a what?


Morphemes are grammatical petient that cannot be broken down at the level of words but can be processed at which level?

A phonological level

_______________ is the smallest meaningful unit of an utterance that may not appear in isolation.


Morphemes cannot be further broken down without destroying the meaning or altering the word beyond recognition along the ____________ dimension.

Meaning dimension

What is the building block of words?


_____________ is the central concern of Morphology or basic unit of Morphology.


Monomorphic words are referred to as?

Free morphemes

One entity (lexeme) can both be a word and a morpheme. True or false.


These words are known as monomorphic because they have no bound morpheme attached.

Words that have an attachment or subparts are recognised as?

Bound morphemes

The combination of bound and free morphemes is known as?

Complex word or polymorphemic word

In a morphologically complex word (polymorphemic), a central morpheme (free) contributes to the basic meaning but the bound morpheme does what?

The bound morphemes modify the meaning of the central morpheme in the form of affixes

Morphemes, especially polymorphemic words are in the frontline of what kind of articulation?

Double articulation

The plural morpheme -s is manifested in these three words:

Cats: /kætz/

Dogs: /dogs/

Horses: /ho:zIz/

These phonetic variants of the same morpheme is known as?


A morph is the ___________ realisation of the abstract morpheme.

Surface realisation

A word or segment of a word that represents a particular morpheme is a what?


A physical form representing some morphemes (abstract entities) in a language is a ___________.

A morph

/r/ in the word children and /en/ in the word oxen can be identified as plural morphemes and can be categorised as?


A set of morphemes that perform the same function is a __________________.


______________ are the different forms (phonetic sounds) a particular morpheme (-s) can take depending on the context in where they occur.


[d] found in words like walked, studied and agreed result to the sounds [t], [Id] and [d] respectively. Can they be regarded as allomorphs of the morpheme [d]?


Physical realisation of a lexeme or morph is achieved in ________ or _________.

Speaking, writing

_______________ are also defines as units conventionally listed in a dictionary as separate entries.


The bold words are lexemes.

By implication, a lexeme is an abstract word underlies the meaning shared by members shared of the same lexis. True or false.


WALK is a lexeme. Word forms of the lexeme WALK include walked, walking, walks.

[d] found in words like walked, studied and agreed result to the sounds [t], [Id] and [d] respectively. Can they be regarded as allomorphs of the morpheme [d]?


Lexemes are to word forms what morphemes are to _____________.


______________ are abstract units underlying grammatical vacant.


Lexemes are abstract because the words aren't visible until they become word forms.

The action of the lexeme can be seen but the real words cannot.

The word eating is not seen but the action is.

Morphs are ____________or ____________ realisations of particular morphemes.

Phonetic, physical

When an affix is attached to a root, making it independent, like in the word teacher such part of a word is known as a what?

The base

teach is a root.

teach-er is a stem because the word teacher is tagged with an affix and is independent.

Which part of a word is already in existence before any inflectional affix is added?

The stem

Teacher is a noun. Adding a plural morpheme -s doesn't change the category. -s is a inflectional affix.

The process of adding an affix to any linguistic unit is referred to as?


A process whereby words are formed are known as?

Word formation

Affixes can be classified based on _______________ or ____________.

* The position they occupy

* Their function

Which part of a word is irreducible and to which other word building elements are attached?

The root

teach is a root. To this root, unteachable can be formed.

_______________ is a morphological process that involves adding linguistic information to a root or stem.


___________ is an irreducible part of a word.


Words are split into how many parts:


The root

The base

The stem

The following characteristics belong to which of the morphemes based on functionality:

* Doesn't change word class to the root they are attached.

* Doesn't result to creation of new words but rather produces variants. Like marry, married, marrying

* Marks grammatical categories like numbers, tenses, person, aspects, comparative and superlative, case and mood.

* Appears only as a suffix.

* Appears once in a word.

Inflectional affix

When lexical information is gotten, the domain of operation is _________________ while when grammatical information is gotten, the domain of operation is _________________.

Derivation, inflection

The examples below belong to which affix:

link (v) ------ linkage (n)

unite (v) ---- reunite (v)

Derivational affix.

Functionally, affixes are split into two, namely:

Inflectional affix

Derivational affix

Derivational affixes can be sub-classified into two. What are they?

Category changing

Category preserving

Which affix has the following characteristics?

* Changes part of speech of host or retains the part of speech.

* Creates new words through the addition of a prefix or suffix.

* Can be either prefix or suffix.

* Can appear more than once in a word. e.g. unfriendly

Derivational affix

Based on their position, affixes could be classified as?




Circumfix: u-sónó-min (common in Esan language)

Interfix: anu-m-anu

Suprafix (tone marks): àkwà, ákwà, ákwá, àkwá etc.

A situation where an affix is added to a word but doesn't change the meaning of the word and word class is said to be an __________________.

Inflectional affix

Category changing switches words from one word class to another but which one allows a word retain its lexical category or word class?

Category preserving

Most common word formation process is _______________.


Is this a similarity between inflectional and derivational affixes?

*Both inflectional and derivational affixes to an extent don't change word class or words.


When a language collects words from another language to form new words, this is called?


Types of borrowing

* Loan Word: A receiving language has lifted from a donor language that means the same object and practice. e.g piano is an Italian words and means the same things in English as it is in the donor language.

* Loan Blend: This is a hybrid word created by combining morphemes of different languages. It is also called hybridisation. e.g technuzu (technology), uzormotor (tarred road).

* Loan Translation: Also known as calque is a word created from the morphemes of the receiving language in order to describe or represent something in a donor language. e.g In Igbo, HIV/AIDS is known as obiri wa nyon cha meaning it will all end in the sand (death).

Word formation processes include:

* Borrowing

* Abbreviation




Back formation

* Conversion

* Coinage

* Compounding

* Reduplication

Category preserving is also called?

Extensional affixes or meaning modifying affixes.

A process of creating new words to name previously non-existent objects or phenomenon that results from cultural contact is what?


Xerox, a copying machine was named after its manufacturer.

Coinage is also called_________.


The process of creating a new word by combining two or more existing words is known as?


breakfast+lunch: brunch

motor park+hotel: motel

smoke+fog: smog

television+broadcast: telecast

____________ is the fusion of two words.


_______________ are words derived from initial letters of a series of words.


National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control (NAFDAC)

United Nations International Children Emergency Funds (UNICEF)

_____________ is the creation of new words by shortening other preexisting words.


Professor > prof.

Television > TV

Aeroplane > plane

Mathematics > maths

Telephone > phone

______________ is the reduction of morphemes from already existing words, with an aim of changing its part of speech.

Back formation

Beggar > beg

Donation > donate

Swindler > swindle

Resurrection > resurrect

Difference between clipping and back formation

* In clipping, shortened and longer form share same meaning while in back formation, both share varying meanings.

* In clipping, the shortened form shares the same class as the original form but in back formation, the part of speech category changes.

* In clipping, there is no systematic way of shortening the words but in back formation, there is a systematic way of removing affixes.

* Clipping is a normal way of forming new words while back formation is tagged an abnormal form of forming new words.

In _____________, part of speech class is changed while spelling or form doesn't change; there is no reduction or enlargement of the word.


Conversion is also known as?

Category shift, functional or zero affixation

Chair (n): She sat on that chair

Chair (v): Emeka is supposed to chair the meeting

Busy (v): I must busy myself all day

Busy (adj): John is a busy man

The affix responsible in conversion is ___________ because it appears in the form of stress.


Difference between tone and stress.

* Tone: The pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning, for example in Chinese.

* Stress: Emphasis placed on a particular point in an argument or discussion (whether spoken or written).

_______________ is a process of combining two or more independent morphemes to form a word.


The result of the process of compounding is __________.


Types of Compounding

* Primary or root or non-affixal compounding

* Synthetic or verbal or affixal compounding

______________ compounding consists of two independent morphemes.

Root compounding

Boy: simple word

Friends: complex words

Boyfriends: compound complex words (result)

____________ compounding always has a start as a verb but ends up being nominalised to become an argument (the compliment of the word).

Synthetic compounding

Driver is a de-verbal noun because the dependent argument noun is formed from the verb drive.

Why is English a non-tonal language?

English is not a tonal language because it doesn't matter if we say man with a high or mid or low tone — the meaning stays same. Instead, English makes use of stress and intonation.

___________ is concerned with those elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments but are properties of syllables and larger units of speech.


Individual phonetic segments are:



Larger units of speech are linguistic functions such as:





Prosodic features are known as?

Suprasegmental features or suprasegmentals

Prosodic features are what?

Are speech features that accompany or are added over consonants and vowels.

Prosodic morphology deals with?

It deals with the interaction between morphology and prosodic structure.

Prosodic structure is concerned with the ______________ (prosodic features) of a language.

Timing units

What is tone?

It is the use of pitch in language to distinguish between lexical or grammatical units in a language, determining the meaning of a word.

Languages that have this features are called ________or _________.

Tonals or tonal languages

The distinctive pattern of a language is sometimes referred to as _____________.


Tones only occur for vowels and syllabic nasals ONLY. Yes or no.


Only vowels are marked. No consonant is.

___________ is not a single system of contours and levels but the product of interactions of features of prosodic systems (pitch, range, tones, loudness, rhythmicality and tempo in particular)


Functions of Intonation

* Expression of attitude

* Expression of emotions* Highlighting aspects of grammar structure

emotions* Highlighting aspects of grammar structure

* Highlighting aspects of grammar structure

* Highlighting aspects of grammar structure

Difference between tone and intonation

* Tone: The tones of tonal languages are pitch patterns limited to individual syllables or words or relative pitch differences between one syllable/word and the next. (PHONOLOGICAL AND SEMANTICAL APPEARANCE)

* Intonation: Intonation, in contrast, refers to pitch patterning imposed upon an utterance in order to express something other than differentiating words. Intonation responds to emotion, levels of politeness, and so on, or addresses such syntactic functions as showing a question. These functions are so important to most speech that in some everyday contexts the consonants and vowels can be largely lost and the intonation alone can carry the whole message. (SYNTATICAL APPEARANCE)

____________ is a relative emphasis or prominence given to a certain syllable in a word or certain word in a phrase or sentence.


'IMport shows nouns while im'PORT shows verb. This kind of stress is known as?

Word or lexical stress

Stress placed occurs without words.

I LIKE his shirt or She doesn't KNOW the truth are examples of what kind of stress?

Sentence or prosodic stress

This kind of stress occurs within sentences.