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28 Cards in this Set

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What are the general considerations for mood stabilizers?
- Kindling
- Sedation at first
- Toxicity
Name 6 mood stabilizers
- Lithium
- Tegretol
- Depakote
- Neurontin
- Topamax
- Lamictal
What are the side effects of Lithium?
- Metallic taste in mouth
- GI upset
- Fine temors
- Weight gain
What is the therapeutic range for Lithium?
0.5- 1.2 mEg/L
Moderate toxicity is considered above what level for Lithium? What would you see in a patient with this?
> 1.5
- increased GI upset, confusion, ataxia, tinnitus
Severe toxicity is considered above what level for Lithium? What would you see in a patient with this?
- ataxia, seizures, coma, death
Can a patient have normal levels of Lithium and still be toxic?
What would cause an increase in Lithium levels?
- Low sodium in body
- Sweating
- Dehydration
- Alcohol intake, high
What would cause a decrease in Lithium levels?
- Increased salt, SSRIs, channel blockers
True or False
Lithium and salt have an inverse relationship.
What do you teach a patient that is on Lithium?
- Adequate hydration
- Normal salt intake
- S/S of toxicity
- Importance of getting level drawn q 2 months
How does Tegretol work?
Inhances GABA
What are the common side effects of Tegretol?
- Sedation
- GI upset
- Dizziness
What do you need a baseline of when giving Tegretol and Depakote?
Liver function test
What is the adverse effect of Tegretol?
True or False
Tegretol and Depakote are not helpful in patients with rapid cycling?
False, they are very helpful in patients with rapid cycling
What is the therapeutic range for Tegretol? What would be some s/s of toxicity?
- 4-12 ug/mL
- Ataxia and diplopia
How does Depakote work?
Slows the brain's conductivity which in turn stabilizes mood.
What is the therapeutic range for Depakote?
50- 100 ug/mL
What are common side effects for Depakote?
- GI upset
- Anorexia
- Dyspepsia
- Dizziness
- Weight gain
What are adverse reactions to Depakote?
- Hair loss
- Leukopenia
- Thrombocytopenia
What levels need to be monitored with Depakote?
Liver enyzmes q 6-12 months
Neurotin has similar side effects to?
What main side effect of Topamax differs from the other drugs?
Weight loss
Neurotin is helpful with?
Anxiety and agitation accompanying BMD
Lamictal is often used in what treatment for BMD?
What is the adverse reaction of Lamictal? What would you monitor for?
- Stevens Johnson Syndrome
- Rash
How are mood stabilizers different from antipsychotics?
- Levels are monitored with mood stabilizers