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41 Cards in this Set

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3 Main Mood Disorders
Depression, Mania and Hypo Mania
Hypo Mania=Mania light (less severity)
Mood Episode
-A persistent mood syndrome,
not due to organic causes
not related to a psychotic episode
-Either extremely happy or sad and inappropriate/(non congruent with your life) for your circumstances

Needs to be consistency, pattern or duration
Depression: Adults: have to have symptoms everyday for 2 weeks or 1 week for 18yrs and under

Depressive episodes make up depression

People will present with depression but you need to screen for mania
Diagnosing Mood Disorders
In diagnosis of mood disorders: 5 numbers in diagnosis (no X's)
-Episodes are necessary to make diagnosis
-Some Dx require episode of symptoms and duration
-Some require patterns of episodes
With or without psychotic features
Partial or full remission
Depressive Episodes Overview
p.349/Criteria p. 346
-Last 2 weeks or more (2 +days in brief)
-Builds towards sufficient symptoms to meet depressive disorder
-Prominent mood is sad
-Within 6mo-1yr and still functioning it is bereavement only
Depressive Episodes Symptoms
-Sleep Disturbances
-Appetite Disturbances
-Loss of Libido
-Hopelessness, Worthlessness, Helplessness
Depression Criteria
-1 or more depressive episode
-Duration of the episode is critical
-Without history of manic, mixed or hypomanic symptoms
-Not grieving
- Even 1 manic episode classifies bipolar, if ever been manic can not go back to regular depression
Psycomoter Agitation
wiggling foot (Tigger)
Psychomotor Retardation:
Depression and Anxiety
Anxiety: often goes hand and hand with depression and can be the cause of the depression of vice versa

Treatment and meds are pretty much the same
(SLAP Model)
Suicide Ideation
S=suicide thinking
L=lethality of method
A=availability of agent
Coding Depression
-first three numbers are 296
-Forth Digit is:
-2 for single depressive episode
-3 if recurrent
Depression Coding 5th digit
Fifth Digit is severity
3=severe w/o psychotic features
4=severe with psychotic features
5=partial remission
6=full remission
0=no clue
No diagnosis=V7109, unless this don’t use V
-Person never without symptoms for more than 2 months at a time
-In first 2 years: if they meet criteria for major depressive disorder they move into major depressive disorder.
-Make sure there has never been a manic episode than they move to Bipolar.
-Look for substances can cause depressions: weed, zanax, liquior
-Symptoms have to cause impairment and different from their norm
-Specify if: early: onset before 21/ Late after 21
-Depression Lite (at least 2 yrs)
-Code 300.4
-Dysthmia: no thought issues, hard time concentrating. Just down in the dumps.
-2yrs/1yr kids
-Depressed mood + 2 symptoms (sad)
-No cognitive symptoms
Depression Stats
-2 weeks/1-kids
-Depressed mood + 4 symptoms
-+ vegetative symptoms
Unipolar Depression
-Late onset
-More females
-+ insomnia
- less psychosis
-Does not have mania all by itself
Bipolar Depression
-Earlier onset
- +psychosis
- -antidepressants
-Typically expansive elated, sometimes angry p. 362
-Duration 1 week, during this period need to have 3 or more of the following: see below
-Medication my lessen severity
-Must be in the moderate or sever range. Person thinks they can fix US. If president will talk to them.
-Sleep: less than 3 hours
-Feeling and probably look great
-Diarrhea of the mouth you can't get a word in
Manic Episodes
-Goal directed activity: unfinished
-Pleasurable activity: high risk, unsafe sex, many partners
-Different from their normal selves.

-Flight of ideas: all over the place

-May go buy house, shoes, don't think about it

-Not in kids
-Not caused by AOD
-AOD: Alcohol and other drugs

AOD: Alcohol and other drugs
Manic Course
-Mean age of onset=20. Some start in 50's.
-The younger they are the poorer the prognosis
-Typically episode will begin suddenly, start in the afternoon by next day full blown mania.
-Person is having a really good time, they will not seek treatment during manic phase.

-Mania: can be irritable and mean
Hypomanic Episode
-The same as mania except for: duration is 4 days not a week and only need 3 symptoms.
-It is less severe
-Pressured speech but it will be easier to talk to them
Mixed Episodes
-P. 365 mixed episodes: they meet crietia for mania, depression (cycling) in the same day for at least a week.
-Take major toll on the boy

-Rapid cycling: 4 or more episodes in a 12mo period p.427? Added to diagnosis
Types of Bipolar
-Bipolar I-cycles of manic and depressive episodes

-Bipolar II-cycles of hypomanic and depressive episodes

--Cyclothymia-cycles of subclinical depression (less than 5 sym) and hypomania
Bipolar 1:
cycles of mania (1wk, 3 or more criteria )/ depressive 2 wks 5 criteria)
Bipolar 2:
cycles of hypo mania (4 d cycle, less severe)
sub clinical depression 2yrs, kids 1yr, sub clinical depression and hypo mania (mainia lite) p. 400 not symptom free for more than 2 mos. Like dysthimia
Bipolar 1 & 2
-No matter disorder must be impairment

-Bipo 1; must be severe impairment
If severe on either pole (depressive or manic) they are in BiPo 1
-Mild =BiPo 2

-If not sure put in BiPo 2 (high moderate Bipo1/ low moderate BiPo 2

Bipo1 every manic episode has depressive episode

-BiPo2 may have more depression, hypo mania is so light it appears as a good mood.

-When diagnosing Bipolar need to know where they are now or most recent episode.
Bipolar Specifiers
-Manic or depressive episode
-Single or recurrent
Bipolar I Cycle Patterns
-Mixed: cycle between manic and depressive
-Rapid cycles: 4 or more cycles in 12 mo
-is not continuous, remits
Depressive Criteria Bipolar I
-Establish a pattern of depressive/manic episodes without deterioration over time
-Must have normal periods between moods
-Self medication is common
Characteristics of Bipolar II
-At least 1 hypomanic episode
-At least 1 depressive episode
-Must specify the current episode
-Must cause mild impairment
Hypomanic Criteria Bipolar II
Must be a change in functioning
-tend to over commit or over spend
-Pleasure seeking behavior present
-Impairment but not severe
-no legal problems or bankruptcy
Levels of Severity Bipolar
Levels and severity determine Bipo1 & Bipo 2

Cyclohtimia: made up of disythimia & hypo mania
Coding Bipolar I Fourth Digit
-Fourth digit is for current episode
-0=single manic episode
-4=currently in mania
-7=no clue
Coding Bipolar I Fifth Digit
Fifth digit is severity
-1= mild
-2= moderate
-3= severe w/o psychotic features
-4=severe with psychotic features
-5=partial remission
-6=full remission
-0=no clue
Coding Bipolar Fifth Digit
If they have a Dx of Bipolar but their current state is hypomania than the fifth digit is zero
Coding Bipolar II
-specify current hypomanic or depressed
-specify features: mild, moderate, severe (with or without psychosis), catatonic, melancholic, atypical, postpartum
+2 years of multiple periods of hypomania

= 2 years of depressive symptoms w/o major depression (subclinical or dysthymia)

-often develop depression in response to cycles

-Code: 301.13

NOS: post postpartum depression, premenstrual disphoric disorder

GMC: general medical condition; depression from thyroid disorder