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56 Cards in this Set

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Definition: a passageway separating seating areas in a theatre, church, airplane..

Synonym: corridor, hallway.

Sentence: the bride walks the church's (missing word) with her father.


Definition: a person who travels regularly between a residence and a place of employment.

Synonym: daily traveler.

Sentence: the train was full of (missing word).


Definition: a publication which is issued regularly (every week or every month) and which contains articles, stories, photographs.

Synonym: journal, publication, supplement.

Sentence: I read that (missing word) for years.

Water cooler

Definition: a machine that dispenses drinking water especially in an office.

Synonym: vending machines, water fountain,bubbler.

Sentence: in coffee break we meet at the (missing word).

To breach

Definition: make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defense).

Synonym: break, smash, violate.

Sentence: the river (missing word) its bank.

Balance sheet

Definition: a written statement summarising the financial status of an individual or a business by showing assets, liabilities, etc. at a given date.

Synonym: financial statement, annual report.

Sentence: the company has improved its (missing word) during the past few years


Definition: shares in the ownership of a company, or investments on which a fixed amount of interest will be paid.

Synonym: shares, property, capital, asset.

Sentence: the (missing word) was valued in the market at $460 million.


Definition: a person who owns shares in a company.

Synonym: stockholder, shareowner, investor.

Sentence: the company said it will declare a distribution of $7.50 a share to its (missing word).


Definition: close-fitting rubber suit which an underwater swimmer wears in order to keep their body warm.

Synonym: diving suit.

Sentence: to dive in the icy waters, you must wear a (missing word).


Definition: a small area in a river or the sea where the water is moving quickly round and round, so that objects floating near it are pulled into its centre.

Synonym: vortex, swirl.

Sentence: the canoe was sucked into the (missing word).


Definition: a sea creature that has a clear soft body and can sting you.

Synonym: medusa.

Sentence: the sting of a (missing word) is very painful.


Definition: a large building for keeping things prior to their distribution for sale (raw materials, goods, data..).

Synonym: Storeroom, storehouse, repository.

Sentence: the thieves robbed the (missing word).


Definition: property or money that you receive from someone when they die.

Synonym: devise, bequest.

Sentence: an old rich uncle of America has placed you in his will for a great (missing word).


Definition: a short film in tv, an article in radio or an arrangement of words and pictures put in a pubblic place, newspaper or internet that is intended ti persuade people to buy something.

Synonym: ad, advert, banner.

Sentence: for the launch of the new product, the company has spent a lot of money on (missed word).


Definition: an arrangement in which you regularly pay a company an amount of money so that they will give you money if something you own is damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you die or are ill or injured.

Synonym: assurance.

Sentence: car (missing word) for civil liability is mandatory in Italy.


Definition: someone who is paid regularly to work for a person or an organization.

Synonym: worker, member of the workforce, workman.

Sentence: the firm supports (missing word) who show ambition.


Definition: the nation that has Brasilia as its capital.

Synonym: Brasil.

Sentence: the currency unit of (missing word) is the Real and the official language is Portoguese.


Definition: electronic machine used for doing calculations.

Synonym: adding machine.

Sentence: I need to use a (missing word) to add up the bill.


Definition: a brown and sweet food made from roasted and ground cacao seeds.

Synonym: cocoa paste.

Sentence: he shared his (missing word) bar with his friend.


Definition: a spoken or written account that gives information about a particular subject, situation or event.

Synonym: summary, summing-up.

Sentence: we have to write a short (report) on the conference.


Definition: a company controlled by a holding company.

Synonym: subordinate company, wholly owned company.

Sentence: when the firm was purchased, it became a (missing word) subsidiary of a large U.S. corporation.


Informal word for defining insect.


An illness that is usually not serious and is caused by virus.


Animal that lives in a hole in the ground and comes out at night to feed


To annoy someone by repeatedly asking questions or telling the person to do something.


A line of bushes or small trees planted very close togheter, especially along the edge of a garden or road.


A synonym of pig


A small brown animal with a covering of sharp spines on its back


A fine type of earth that often can be molded when wet and is dried and baked to make bricks and ceramics


An illness usually caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria


Pattern of lines on the skin of the fingers that is different in every person.


Succeed in dealing with a problem, challenge, difficulty.

Parent meeting

Short meeting between the parents and teachers of students to discuss a child's progress at school

Ruin (verb)

To destroy or severely damage something

Ruin (noun)

The parts of a building that remain after It has been severely damaged


An old story about famous people and event in the past.


Something that people wrongly believe to be true

Give up

To stop doing something

Gut feeling

A feeling that you are certain is right, although you can give no good reason why.

Have the guts

The quality of being brave and determined


To consider someone's advice or warning/taking in strong consideration




To remove someone from a position of power


A place where a surface has been pushed or knocked inwards

British Summer Time (BST)

A period of time from the end of March until the end of October when people in the UK put their clocks one our ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), so that the can have more light in the evenings.

Up to

Is a phrasal verb that implies climbing up or progressing and asks what point you have reached (es. chapter of a book, episode of a TV series, level of a videogame..)


To talk in an informal way


A small ship, generally for specialized use, like fishing.


A large vessel, especially one that travels on the ocean


To chase or search for wild animalsfor the purpose of catching or killing


A two-toed, swift-footed bird that cannot fly, originally of Africa and SW Asia. [False friend]


A sea animal that may be eaten, having two shells that enclose it.


Money imposed as a penalty for an offense


The young of any member of the horse family that is still nursing

Run up debts

Get into debt and allow the amount to increase

Flip side

Reverse, other side