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32 Cards in this Set

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Nonassociative Learning
Change in the behavioral response that occurs over time in response to a single type of stimulus
Learning to ignore a stimulus that lacks meaning
Learning to intensify your response to all stimuli
Associative learning
Involves the formation of associations between events
Classical conditioning
Associating a stimulus that evokes a measurable response with a second stimulus that normally does not evoke this same response
Unconditioned Stimulus
The stimulus that normally evokes a response; no training is required for it to yield a response
Conditional stimulus
The stimulus that does not normally evoke a response; requires training before it will yield a response
Conditioned response
The learned response to the conditioned stimulus
Instrumental conditioning
An individual learns to associate a response with a meaningful stimulus
Why are nervous systems of invertebrates studied?
Small nervous systems
Large neurons
Identifiable neurons
Identifiable circuits
Simple genetics
Where does habituation of the gill-withdrawal reflex occur?
At the muscle, making it less responsive to synaptic stimulation by the motor neuron
What happens to the amount of neurotransmitter released after habituation?
Fewer quanta are released per action potential
Habituation of the gill-withdrawal reflex
presynaptic modification
What happens in the presence of elevated Ca++ levels?
Adenylyl cyclase churns out more cAMP
When does learning occur?
When a presynaptic Ca++ pulse coincides with the G-protein-coupled activation of adenylyl cyclase, which stimulates the production of cAMP
When does memory occur?
When potassium channels are phosphorylated and neurotransmitter release is enhanced
Long-term depression
A long-lasting decrease in the effectiveness of synaptic transmission that follows certain types of conditioning stimuluation
Input specificity
Only the active inputs show the synaptic plasticity
The glutamate receptor that mediates excitatory transmission
AMPA receptor
Ca++ chelator
A substance that binds Ca++ to prevent it from rising
Learning in vertebrates occurs when
Rises in Ca++ and Na+ coincide with the activation of protein kinase C
Memory in vertebrates occurs when
AMPA channels are internalized and excitatory postsynaptic currents are depressed
Long-term potentiation
electrical stimulation of an excitatory pathway to the hippocampus produces long-lasting enhancement in the strength of stimulated synapses
Perforant path
The path by which entorhinal cortex sends information to the hippocampus by way of a bundle of axons
A brief burst of high-frequency stimulation
An absolute requirement for LTP
Synapses are active at the same time that the postsynaptic CA1 neuron is strongly depolarized
The idea that coactive synapses must cooperate to produce enough depolarization to cause LTP
Excitatory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus is mediated by...
NMDA receptors
The rise in Ca++ activates these two protein kinases
Protein kinase C and CAMKII
Two ways that information can be stored
Decrease in synaptic effectiveness (cerebellar LTD) or an increase in synaptic effectiveness (hippocampal LTP)
BCM theory
Synapses that are active when the postsynaptic dell is only weakly depolarized by other inputs will undergo LTD instead of LTP
This receptor plays a vital role in forming memory
NMDA receptor