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37 Cards in this Set

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Which type of sequence is more conserved? coding or noncoding?
Natural selection (increases/reduces) the overall frequency of mutations of coding sequences
Frameshift mutations are more common to coding or noncoding sequences?
How many sequence variations exist between 2 people?
3 million
What is the average heterozygosity of the human genome?
1/1250 bases
Which chromosome(s) has the lowest substitution rate?
Which chromosome(s) has the highest substitution rate?
Which nucleotide (C,T,A,G,U) is the most prone to error?
Are proteins involved in the immune system conserved or highly mutable?
highly mutable
Are proteins involved in cell function conserved or highly mutable?
Give the mechanism and frequency (per cell division) by which a whole chromosome is gained or lost.
Malsegregation, 1 in 100
Give the mechanism and frequency (per cell division) of a point mutation (list frequency per bp, gene and cell)
DNA replication mistakes or DNA damage. 10^-10 per bp, 10^-5 per gene, .5 per cell.
Name the six origins of mutations
non-disjunction, recombination, dna damage, replication errors, erroneous splicing, insertion of mobile elements
Non-disjunction is especially common during which stage of the cell cyle?
Meiosis I
Non-disjunction is influenced by which three factors:
# chiasmata per chromosome, paternal age, # mitotic divisions between conception and production of gametes
How many cell division between conception and production of a female gamete?
How many cell divisions between conception adn production of a male gamete (20 yo and 40 yo)?
150, 600
T/F Recombination and crossing over are the same event.
T/F Recombination is common in both mitosis and meiosis.
False, Recombination is common to meiosis but rare in mitosis
T/F Recombination is the exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids.
What is the average frequency of recombination?
1 event per chromosome arm
T/F All chromosomes undergo recombination.
Where do males most frequently experience crossing over? Where do females?
Telomeric regions, centromeric regions
Name the 8 hot spots for recombination
rRNA genes, satellite DNA, Alu repeats, LINES, SINES, Duplicated sequences, gene families, pseudogenes
Do the X chromosomes of a female undergo normal recombination?
Do the X and Y chromosomes of a male undergo normal recombination (just like a pair of autosomes)?
No, the undergo obligatory recombination at the tip of the p arms
T/F Sister chromatid exchange is a common event in mitosis and meiosis.
Tay Sachs arises from a deletion of which gene?
hexosaminidase A
Prader-Willi arises from a deletion on which chromsome?
Williamson arises from a deletion on which chromsome?
Langer-Giedon arises from a deletion on which chromsome?
DiGeorge arises from a deletion on which chromsome?
Which dinucleotide has the highest mutation rate?
C --> T mutations account for what percentage of all nucleotide substitutions?
C --> T mutations account for what percentage of all substitutions that lead to human disease?
What is the most common mobile element to insert itself in the human genome?
Alu repeat
The Alu insertion may account for up to what percent of all human disease?